University Dissertation Examples

University Dissertation Examples: A Comprehensive Guide

University Dissertation Examples – Writing a university dissertation is a monumental task that requires meticulous planning, extensive research, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. For students embarking on this academic journey, having access to well-crafted dissertation examples can provide invaluable guidance and inspiration. This article delves into the significance of dissertation examples, explores various types of dissertations, and offers tips on how to craft an outstanding dissertation that stands out.

The Importance of Dissertation Examples

Dissertation examples serve as a crucial resource for students. They offer a blueprint for structuring, formatting, and presenting research findings. By examining exemplary dissertations, students can understand the expectations of academic writing, identify effective methodologies, and gain insights into the presentation of complex ideas.

Why Use Dissertation Examples?

Using dissertation examples can help students in several ways:

  1. Understanding Structure and Format: Examples provide a clear idea of how to structure different sections of a dissertation, such as the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and conclusion.
  2. Gaining Insight into Research Methods: Reviewing methodologies used in examples can help students choose the most appropriate methods for their own research.
  3. Identifying Strong Arguments: Examples highlight how to build and support strong, logical arguments.
  4. Learning Proper Citation: Proper referencing and citation are critical in academic writing. Examples illustrate how to cite sources correctly.

Types of University Dissertation Examples

University dissertations can vary significantly depending on the field of study and the specific requirements of the academic institution. Here are some common types of dissertations:

Empirical Dissertations

Empirical dissertations are based on original research conducted by the student. This type of dissertation typically involves collecting and analyzing primary data. Empirical research can be qualitative, quantitative, or a combination of both.

Examples of Empirical Dissertations:

  • A study on the impact of social media on consumer behavior.
  • An investigation into the effectiveness of a new teaching method in primary education.

Theoretical Dissertations

Theoretical dissertations focus on existing research and theories. These dissertations analyze and interpret secondary data, often leading to new theoretical insights or critiques of existing theories.

Examples of Theoretical Dissertations:

  • An analysis of feminist literary criticism in 20th-century literature.
  • A theoretical exploration of cognitive behavioral therapy in treating anxiety disorders.

Case Study Dissertations

Case study dissertations examine a specific individual, group, organization, event, or phenomenon in depth. This type of dissertation often combines both empirical and theoretical research methods.

Examples of Case Study Dissertations:

  • A case study of a successful corporate turnaround.
  • An analysis of the impact of a natural disaster on a local community.

Comparative Dissertations

Comparative dissertations compare and contrast two or more entities to draw conclusions about their similarities and differences. This approach is common in fields like political science, sociology, and international relations.

Examples of Comparative Dissertations:

  • A comparison of healthcare systems in the United States and Canada.
  • An examination of the educational outcomes of public versus private schools.

Crafting an Outstanding Dissertation

Writing a dissertation is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. Here are some key steps to help you craft an outstanding dissertation:

1. Choose a Relevant and Engaging Topic

The first step in writing a dissertation is selecting a topic that is both relevant to your field of study and engaging to you personally. Your topic should be specific enough to allow for in-depth research but broad enough to find sufficient resources.

2. Conduct a Thorough Literature Review

A comprehensive literature review is essential to understand the existing body of knowledge related to your topic. This step helps you identify gaps in the research and formulate your research questions or hypotheses.

3. Develop a Clear Research Question or Hypothesis

Your research question or hypothesis should guide your entire dissertation. It should be clear, concise, and focused, providing a roadmap for your research.

4. Design a Robust Methodology

Your methodology section should outline the research methods you will use to collect and analyze data. Whether you choose qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods, ensure your approach is well-justified and appropriate for your research question.

5. Collect and Analyze Data

Data collection and analysis are critical stages of your dissertation. Follow ethical guidelines and maintain accuracy in your data collection methods. Use appropriate statistical tools and software for data analysis, and present your findings clearly and logically.

6. Present Your Findings

Your findings section should present the results of your research in a clear and organized manner. Use tables, graphs, and charts to illustrate your data and highlight key findings.

7. Discuss Your Results

The discussion section should interpret your findings in the context of existing research. Discuss the implications of your results, acknowledge any limitations, and suggest areas for future research.

8. Conclude Your Dissertation

Your conclusion should summarize the main findings of your research and restate the significance of your study. Provide recommendations based on your findings and suggest potential applications of your research.

9. Edit and Proofread

Editing and proofreading are crucial to ensure your dissertation is free of errors and clearly written. Review your work multiple times, and consider seeking feedback from peers or advisors.

10. Follow Formatting Guidelines

Adhere to the formatting and submission guidelines provided by your academic institution. This includes proper citation, referencing, and presentation of your dissertation.

University Dissertation Examples
University Dissertation Examples


Writing a university dissertation is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. By examining dissertation examples and following a structured approach, you can produce a well-researched and compelling dissertation. Remember to choose an engaging topic, conduct thorough research, and present your findings clearly. With dedication and careful planning, you can craft a dissertation that stands out and makes a significant contribution to your field of study.

For best results, students are encouraged to utilize resources like dissertation examples available at academic libraries and online repositories. These examples can provide valuable insights and inspiration, helping you navigate the complexities of dissertation writing and achieve academic success.

Sample Economics Dissertation Topics for 2024

Sample Economics Dissertation Topics for 2024 – Selecting a topic for an economics dissertation is a critical step that can significantly influence the direction and impact of your research. A well-chosen topic not only aligns with your interests but also contributes to the existing body of economic knowledge. Here, we present an extensive list of sample economics dissertation topics designed to inspire and guide your academic journey. These topics cover a diverse range of economic issues, ensuring that you can find a subject that suits your expertise and research goals.

Global Economic Challenges and Opportunities

1. The Role of Cryptocurrency in Modern Financial Systems

Cryptocurrency has emerged as a transformative force in the financial sector. This topic examines the implications of cryptocurrencies on global financial markets, considering factors such as investment strategies, regulatory challenges, and market volatility.

2. The Economic Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation are reshaping industries worldwide. Investigating this topic involves analysing the economic benefits and potential drawbacks of AI, including its effects on productivity, employment, and sectoral growth.

3. Climate Change Economics: Costs and Mitigation Strategies

Climate change presents significant economic challenges. This dissertation could explore the economic costs associated with climate change and the effectiveness of various mitigation strategies, such as renewable energy investments, carbon pricing, and sustainable development initiatives.

Regional and National Economic Studies

4. Post-Brexit Economic Policies and Their Impact on the UK and EU

Brexit has introduced substantial economic uncertainties. This topic involves a comprehensive analysis of the economic consequences of Brexit on trade, immigration, and financial stability in both the UK and the EU.

5. Drivers of Economic Growth in Emerging Economies

Understanding the factors that drive economic growth in emerging economies is crucial. This dissertation could explore aspects such as foreign direct investment, infrastructure development, and policy reforms that contribute to sustainable economic growth in these regions.

6. Governmental Response to Economic Crises: Lessons from COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on global economies. This topic examines the effectiveness of governmental responses to the economic crisis, focusing on fiscal and monetary policies, and support measures for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Sectoral Economic Analyses

7. Evaluating the Efficiency of Healthcare Systems

Healthcare systems play a critical role in economic stability. This dissertation could compare the efficiency of different healthcare models, evaluating public versus private healthcare systems and the economic implications of healthcare reforms.

8. The Economic Impact of Tourism in Developing Countries

Tourism is a vital economic driver for many developing nations. This topic investigates the benefits and challenges of tourism, including its impact on local economies, employment rates, and infrastructure development, as well as the influence of global events on tourism trends.

9. The Automotive Industry: Economic Contributions and Challenges

The automotive industry is pivotal for economic growth and innovation. This dissertation could explore the industry’s contributions to economic development, the effects of globalisation, trade policies, and environmental regulations on automotive manufacturing and sales.

Financial Economics and Market Dynamics

10. Behavioural Economics: Understanding Consumer Decision-Making

Behavioural economics provides insights into how psychological factors influence economic decisions. This topic could analyse consumer behaviour patterns, the impact of cognitive biases on financial decisions, and strategies to enhance financial literacy.

11. The Role of Financial Institutions in Maintaining Economic Stability

Financial institutions are crucial for economic stability. This dissertation could investigate the roles of banks, investment firms, and regulatory bodies in preventing financial crises, ensuring market liquidity, and fostering sustainable economic growth.

12. Analyzing Stock Market Volatility and Its Economic Implications

Stock market volatility has significant economic repercussions. This topic could explore the causes of market fluctuations, the role of investor sentiment, and the effectiveness of various risk management strategies in mitigating volatility.

International Trade and Economic Policies

13. Trade Wars: Economic Impacts and Global Consequences

Trade wars can disrupt global economic relations. This dissertation could investigate the economic impacts of trade conflicts between major economies, focusing on tariffs, supply chain disruptions, and shifts in global trade patterns.

14. The Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Developing Economies

Trade liberalisation aims to promote economic growth by reducing trade barriers. This topic could explore the effects of trade liberalisation on developing economies, considering the opportunities for growth and the challenges posed by increased competition and market integration.

15. The Economics of International Aid and Development

International aid is critical for the development of impoverished regions. This dissertation could examine the effectiveness of aid programmes, the economic benefits of aid, and potential issues such as dependency and the misallocation of resources.

Labour Economics and Employment Trends

16. The Gig Economy: Opportunities and Challenges

The gig economy is altering traditional employment patterns. This topic could analyse the economic implications of gig work on labour markets, wage structures, job security, and worker rights, highlighting both the benefits and challenges of this employment model.

Sample Economics Dissertation Topics
Sample Economics Dissertation Topics

17. Gender Wage Gap: Economic Analysis and Policy Solutions

The gender wage gap remains a persistent issue in many economies. This dissertation could investigate the factors contributing to wage disparities, the economic impact of wage inequality, and potential policy interventions to promote gender pay equity.

18. Future Employment Trends: Automation and the Workforce

Automation is expected to have a significant impact on future employment trends. This topic could explore how automation affects job displacement, skill requirements, and labour market dynamics, offering insights into how economies can adapt to technological advancements.

Environmental and Resource Economics

19. Economic Benefits and Challenges of Renewable Energy Adoption

Renewable energy is essential for sustainable economic development. This dissertation could examine the economic benefits and challenges of transitioning to renewable energy sources, considering factors such as cost-efficiency, policy incentives, and market impacts.

20. Water Resource Management: Economic Implications

Water resources are crucial for economic activities. This topic could explore the economic impacts of water scarcity, the effectiveness of water management policies, and strategies for sustainable water use and equitable access.

21. The Economic Impact of Environmental Regulations on Industry

Environmental regulations are necessary to protect natural resources and public health. This dissertation could analyse the economic effects of these regulations on various industries, considering compliance costs, competitive advantages, and the potential for innovation in sustainable practices.

Sample Economics Dissertation Topics Relevant Posts

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Selecting a relevant and engaging economics dissertation topic is essential for producing impactful research. The topics outlined in this article span a wide array of contemporary economic issues, offering numerous opportunities for in-depth exploration and analysis. By engaging with these topics, you can contribute valuable insights to the field of economics and advance your academic and professional aspirations.

If you enjoyed reading this post on sample economics dissertation topics for 2024, I would be very grateful if you could help spread this knowledge by emailing this post to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Facebook. Thank you.

Comprehensive Guide to Quantity Surveying Dissertation Topics

Introduction to Quantity Surveying Dissertation Topics

Comprehensive Guide to Quantity Surveying Dissertation Topics – In the field of construction and civil engineering, quantity surveying is paramount. Selecting a dissertation topic that is both pertinent and innovative is crucial for students of quantity surveying. This guide offers an extensive range of dissertation topics, providing a wealth of options for academic research and ensuring relevance and originality.

The Role of Quantity Surveyors in Modern Construction

Quantity surveyors are vital in managing the financial aspects of construction projects. Their responsibilities encompass cost estimation, contract administration, and ensuring that projects stay within budget. The ever-evolving nature of construction technology and project management demands continuous adaptation from quantity surveyors. They must remain informed about new materials, techniques, and regulatory changes to provide accurate cost assessments and effective management strategies.

Emerging Trends in Quantity Surveying

Sustainable Construction Practices

With the global emphasis on sustainability, researching sustainable construction practices presents a timely and relevant dissertation topic. This involves examining the integration of green building standards, the life cycle costing of sustainable materials, and the financial implications of sustainable construction methods. Exploring the economic viability of sustainable practices and their long-term benefits can provide invaluable insights.

Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Building Information Modelling (BIM) has transformed the construction industry. A dissertation could focus on the impact of BIM on quantity surveying practices, including cost estimation accuracy, project management efficiencies, and collaboration among stakeholders. Investigating the challenges and benefits of BIM implementation can shed light on its role in modern construction projects.

Digital Transformation in Quantity Surveying

The digital age has introduced various technologies that streamline quantity surveying processes. Topics in this area could explore the use of drones for site surveys, the implementation of AI in cost estimation, and the potential of blockchain for secure and transparent contract management. Analysing the impact of these technologies on efficiency and accuracy can provide a comprehensive view of the future of quantity surveying.

Key Quantity Surveying Dissertation Topics

Cost Management and Control

  1. Effective Strategies for Cost Management in Large-Scale Construction Projects – Investigate cost control techniques and their effectiveness in managing budget overruns. This topic could delve into various methodologies and their practical applications in large-scale projects.
  2. The Impact of Inflation on Construction Costs: A Case Study Approach – Examine how inflation affects construction project budgets and strategies to mitigate its impact. This study can explore historical data and future projections to provide a thorough analysis.

Contract Management

  1. The Role of Standard Form Contracts in Reducing Disputes – Analyse how standardised contracts contribute to smoother project execution and fewer legal disputes. This topic can investigate different types of standard contracts and their practical implications.
  2. Risk Allocation in Construction Contracts: An Evaluation of Current Practices -Assess the effectiveness of current risk allocation practices and suggest improvements. A comparative analysis of different risk management strategies could be beneficial.

Project Management

  1. Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) in Quantity Surveying: Benefits and Challenges – Evaluate the adoption of IPD and its impact on project efficiency and collaboration. This research could explore case studies of successful IPD implementations.
  2. Lean Construction Techniques and Their Financial Implications – Investigate the adoption of lean construction principles and their effects on project cost savings. Analysing the correlation between lean techniques and financial outcomes can provide valuable insights.

Advanced Research Areas in Quantity Surveying

Risk Management

  1. Quantitative Risk Assessment Methods in Construction Projects – Explore various quantitative methods used for risk assessment and their application in real-world projects. This study could include a comparative analysis of different risk assessment tools and techniques.
  2. The Role of Risk Management in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Projects – Analyse how risk is managed in PPP projects and its impact on project success. This research could focus on specific case studies to highlight effective risk management strategies.

Legal and Ethical Issues

  1. Ethical Challenges in Quantity Surveying Practice – Discuss common ethical dilemmas faced by quantity surveyors and propose frameworks for ethical decision-making. This topic could explore the balance between professional responsibilities and ethical considerations.
  2. Legal Implications of Construction Delays: A Jurisdictional Comparison – Compare how different legal systems address construction delays and the repercussions for contractors and clients. This research could provide a comparative analysis of legal frameworks across various jurisdictions.
Quantity Surveying Dissertation Topics
Quantity Surveying Dissertation Topics

Methodological Approaches to Dissertation Research

Qualitative Methods

Utilising qualitative methods such as interviews and case studies can provide in-depth insights into specific aspects of quantity surveying. This approach is particularly useful for exploring new or under-researched topics and understanding the nuances of industry practices.

Quantitative Methods

Quantitative research, including surveys and statistical analysis, can offer valuable data on trends and patterns within the industry. This method is beneficial for topics that require empirical evidence and large-scale data analysis to support findings.

Mixed Methods

Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches can provide a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. This method allows for a more robust analysis and validation of findings, offering a balanced perspective on complex issues.


Selecting a dissertation topic in quantity surveying requires careful consideration of current industry trends, technological advancements, and methodological approaches. The topics and areas discussed in this guide offer a starting point for developing a relevant and impactful dissertation. By addressing these issues, you can contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of quantity surveying and support the ongoing evolution of construction practices.

Relevant Quantity Surveying Dissertation Topics

Sample Quantity Surveying Dissertations

Importance of Quantity Surveying Practice

New Rules Measurement Quantity Surveying

Did you find this quantity surveying dissertation topics post useful? We’d love to hear your thoughts and any additional topics you think should be included. Share your comments below and let’s start a conversation. Don’t forget to share this guide with fellow students who might find it helpful.

How Entrepreneurial Skills and Traits Drive Business Success


How Entrepreneurial Skills and Traits Drive Business Success – Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to organise, develop, and run a business operation, despite any uncertainties, to make a profit. It involves the process of launching, developing, and managing a new enterprise, along with the capacity to take risks. The individuals who create or manage these types of firms are known as entrepreneurs (Ferreira, Fernandes, and Kraus, 2019). These individuals have the capability to identify and act on opportunities, transforming technologies and inventions into products and services.

A venture is defined as a new business project or activity that involves risk. It is also referred to as a form of adventure undertaken by individuals with the ability to take risks, with the primary aim of earning a profit. Ventures are often established by small business owners through the invention of new products and services, aiming to fulfil the needs and desires of customers, as well as contributing to social welfare.

Entrepreneurial Traits

Due to COVID-19, many entrepreneurs have found themselves in a more competitive environment against large business enterprises with significant financial and resource advantages. To thrive and remain resilient in the post-COVID-19 era, several skills and traits are essential for a successful venture. During this crisis, the demand for online grocery and food delivery has rapidly increased in all cities as people faced critical situations due to lockdowns. This is a time when entrepreneurs must make the right decisions to emerge as successful leaders. Therefore, they need to possess certain skills and traits to thrive in the post-pandemic situation.

A skill is defined as the ability to perform an action to achieve specific results with a given amount of energy and time. It often requires certain situations and environmental stimuli to attain a level of success (Morozova, Popkova, and Litvinova, 2019). There are many skills performed by individuals, such as technical, life, and labour skills.

Self-regulation is a vital skill that involves managing emotions to respond rationally rather than emotionally. This means individuals must think before they act. Optimism is another crucial skill needed in the post-pandemic era for becoming a successful entrepreneur. Optimistic individuals do not let failures deter them and always strive to succeed. Although maintaining optimism is challenging, it is critical for success (Ahsan, 2020).

Creativity is essential for effective communication, which can be advantageous in this situation. These skills and traits are often inherent in risk-taking individuals, giving them the ability to respond to questions posed by others. Drive is another important trait. For many entrepreneurs, starting a new enterprise is not just about making a profit but also about having the passion to find solutions to fill a gap where there is a need. They must remain strong even during the pandemic. To achieve their goals, entrepreneurs must be determined and passionate about their work.

Bravery is an incredible quality inherent in entrepreneurs. They have the strength to handle challenging situations and the courage to make the right decisions. Entrepreneurs must have the skills and traits to take risks when entering new markets or establishing their businesses, showing bravery in all situations. Courage is also essential for leaders to try new things, trust their employees, and have confidence in others, which helps solve difficult problems (Boudreaux, Nikolaev, and Klein, 2019).

Respect is crucial for managers and leaders. When managers and leaders are respected by their employees, it leads to increased motivation among employees, resulting in higher productivity. Managers who create a positive identity in the eyes of their employees can enhance their image within the company.

Entrepreneurial traits are defined as the abilities, characteristics, and thought patterns that help entrepreneurs become successful. While many individuals are born with these traits, others must develop them over time. Some traits associated with entrepreneurs include:

  • Discipline: Entrepreneurs who are disciplined set an example for their employees, ensuring that tasks are completed on time. Leaders and managers with strong work ethics inspire determination and hard work to achieve business goals.
  • Tenacity: Entrepreneurs possess the ability to remain tough in difficult situations. They do not give up easily when faced with challenges. They can accept rejections and are willing to learn from their mistakes. They can adapt and modify their plans to succeed in the future.

Jeff Bezos is an American internet industrialist, entrepreneur, investor, and the well-known founder and CEO of the multinational technology company Amazon. He started in his garage and transformed it into a recognised online shopping portal. His knowledge and skills have led him to great success, earning him the title of “King of the Internet” (Brush et al., 2019). Bezos is known for his risk-taking abilities and being a demanding boss who does not tolerate complacency.

Several skills and traits have helped Jeff Bezos thrive, especially during the pandemic:

  • Hardcore Realism: Bezos embodies crucial entrepreneurial traits and skills that should inspire other entrepreneurs. He realistically considers all possibilities and probabilities. During the pandemic, Amazon supported society by offering proper facilities, including sanitising their products and services.
  • Flexibility: Bezos has worked in a flexible environment to protect his employees through regular check-ups, ensuring their safety and helping the economy recover. Amazon staff members have supported people by delivering supplies directly to their doorsteps.
  • High Competitiveness: Bezos is highly competitive. He does not seek competition but eliminates it. During the pandemic, Amazon reduced prices to meet customers’ needs and desires.
  • Persuasion and Influence: Bezos is a transformational leader with a strong set of values, principles, and beliefs for his company. He motivates his employees to follow these rules (Chowdhury, Audretsch, and Belitski, 2019). Additionally, he influences his employees by strengthening and developing their skills to improve their performance.

It is clear from the above that Jeff Bezos has created sustained growth for his organisation through his innovative and visionary leadership style. In reflection of this, several entrepreneurship theories are relevant, as discussed below:

Schumpeter’s Theory of Creative Destruction

Creative destruction refers to the dismantling of long-standing practices to make way for innovation. This theory, developed by Joseph Schumpeter in 1942, defines creative destruction as a transformation in the manufacturing process that leads to increased productivity. It is a dynamic and organic process that results in economic development and creates opportunities for profit. Schumpeter argued that socialism, capitalism, and democracy lead to the entry of new markets and products through new innovations. This theory describes the process where innovation replaces existing products, making them obsolete over time (Guzman and Stern, 2020).

Jeff Bezos exemplifies this theory through his ability to create new products and services that can capture significant market segments. The theory emphasises the importance of dynamism in the economic system. According to Schumpeter, long-standing assumptions and arrangements must be dismantled to free resources and energy for new innovations. This process of industrial alteration continuously revolutionises the structure of the economy by destroying the old and creating the new.

The concept of creative destruction assumes that existing resources and arrangements must be eliminated to deploy innovation. The process results in winners and losers, with entrepreneurs and employees working on new technologies designing disequilibrium and creating new opportunities. Leaders or managers who cling to old technologies will be left behind. Thus, economic development is seen as a natural outcome of market factors that create opportunities for profitability.

Jeff Bezos has utilised this theory by leveraging new technology, such as lowering product prices to satisfy all types of customers, especially during the pandemic. The internet is a prime example of creative destruction, providing numerous opportunities for companies to enjoy productivity and profitability. The main point of this theory is that it is an evolutionary process that rewards improvements and innovations, leading to efficient resource organisation (Henrekson and Sanandaji, 2020).

Furthermore, the theory describes changes in the economy through the creation of new methods, the destruction of old machinery or services, and the introduction of new ones. By creating new products, this theory fosters capitalist economic development. It highlights the flexible nature of the modern economic system, leading to a positive evolutionary process. However, there is criticism of this theory, as the implementation of new units can lead to the engagement of new technologies and financial systems, which may disrupt existing structures.

Entrepreneurial Skills and Traits
Entrepreneurial Skills and Traits – Jeff Bezos

Kirzner’s Theory of Alertness

Kirzner’s theory of alertness was developed by British-American economist and professor at New York University, Israel Kirzner. According to Kirzner, entrepreneurs balance demand and supply by identifying and exploiting market inefficiencies. He argues that the profits earned by entrepreneurs are a reward for their tolerance of uncertainties, as they capitalize on opportunities created by the incompetence and ignorance of established firms.

Jeff Bezos exemplifies this theory by being alert to economic opportunities that competitors have not yet identified. Opportunities often arise when other managers overlook them (Martin-Rojas et al., 2019). This alertness increases Amazon’s productivity and profitability.

Entrepreneurs who embrace this theory believe in seizing opportunities for their businesses. Market research and customer engagement can help identify these opportunities. As CEO of Amazon, Bezos demonstrates the skill of acquiring resources and innovating new products and services to take economic action. Kirzner’s theory argues that the entrepreneurial innovation process is linked to a manager’s knowledge and experience. Alertness enables individuals to make valuable discoveries that satisfy human needs.

Entrepreneurs must cultivate alertness to exploit situations where they can buy low and sell high. This theory highlights the importance of exploitation, opportunity, and exploration. Kirzner examines entrepreneurial alertness at an individual level (Horst and Murschetz, 2019). Alertness to opportunity often involves subconscious learning, which, once realized, becomes a positive force for entrepreneurs to exploit profits. By being alert, entrepreneurs can explore opportunities using all available resources, including human and financial aspects.

One obstacle in this theory is that decision-makers might miss unnoticed profit opportunities, leading to ignorance of existing prices. However, the logic of entrepreneurial discovery is compatible with strategies of intentional search and the creation of new opportunities, despite the uncertainty involved.

Entrepreneurial Conclusion

From the above analysis, it is concluded that an entrepreneur is a person who undertakes a small business venture with the motive of earning profit and contributing to the welfare of society. Entrepreneurs are individuals with skills and traits that enhance the profitability and productivity of business operations.

Key skills that contribute to the success of ventures include the ability to manage and raise money, maintain productivity, and identify strengths and weaknesses when hiring people. Additionally, entrepreneurs possess traits that boost the productivity of their ventures, such as effective leadership, learning from experience, and developing approaches that enhance the goodwill of the firm.


Books and Journals

Ahsan, M., 2020. Entrepreneurship and ethics in the sharing economy: A critical perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 161(1), pp.19-33.

Boudreaux, C.J., Nikolaev, B.N. and Klein, P., 2019. Socio-cognitive traits and entrepreneurship: The moderating role of economic institutions. Journal of Business Venturing, 34(1), pp.178-196.

Brush, C. and et. al., 2019. A gendered look at entrepreneurship ecosystems. Small Business Economics, 53(2), pp.393-408.

Chowdhury, F., Audretsch, D.B. and Belitski, M., 2019. Institutions and entrepreneurship quality. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 43(1), pp.51-81.

Ferreira, J.J., Fernandes, C.I. and Kraus, S., 2019. Entrepreneurship research: Mapping intellectual structures and research trends. Review of Managerial Science, 13(1), pp.181-205.

Guzman, J. and Stern, S., 2020. The State of American Entrepreneurship: New Estimates of the Quantity and Quality of Entrepreneurship for 32 US States, 1988–2014. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 12(4), pp.212-243.

Henrekson, M. and Sanandaji, T., 2020. Measuring entrepreneurship: Do established metrics capture Schumpeterian entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 44(4), pp.733-760.

Horst, S.O. and Murschetz, P.C., 2019. Strategic media entrepreneurship: Theory development and problematization. Journal of Media Management and Entrepreneurship (JMME), 1(1), pp.1-26.

Martin-Rojas, R. and et. al., 2019. Technological antecedents of entrepreneurship and its consequences for organizational performance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 147, pp.22-35.

Morozova, I.A., Popkova, E.G. and Litvinova, T.N., 2019. Sustainable development of global entrepreneurship: Infrastructure and perspectives. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 15(2), pp.589-597.

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Did you find any useful knowledge relating to entrepreneurial skills and traits in this post? What are the key facts that grabbed your attention? Let us know in the comments. Thank you.

Nursing Philosophy

Nursing Philosophy University Students – A nursing philosophy promotes the development of nursing knowledge and theories as well as its application. In my perspective, I believe that philosophy is an aspect that influences our attitude towards reality and life as well as our beliefs as nurses. Thus, with this understanding, I have the freedom to use my beliefs without depending on what other people say.

This article will be based on my arguments about various nursing perspectives. For example, most scholars argue whether nursing is a science or art. I think that nursing is both a science and an art, in that nurses use art to create a trusting relationship that facilitates the achievement of optimal care; and they must also understand the utilization of the technical resources and scientific concept of the physiology and anatomy of human body (McCutcheon, & Stalter, 2017).

The utilization of developmental and family-centered care is an example of nursing practice as an art. Therefore, my personal philosophy will use a holistic approach to explore the art of conveying nursing as a science and its dignity and compassion. This paper will address the four nursing metaparadigms as a basis of my philosophy; it will also focus on the nursing theories that align with my philosophy.

My nursing philosophy conceptualizes nursing as a discipline composed of four meta-paradigms which include health, environment, person, and nursing. I believe that the primary goal and role of nursing practice is to care for all people. Delivering care involves addressing all aspects of the patients not just a single health concern or illness (Branch et al., 2016).

Nursing Philosophy and Patients

As a nurse, we focus on improving our patient’s life by looking at all the aspects of his or her life. In addition to this, despite the patient being the central focus of the nursing practices, it is also essential to evaluate their environment. This approach is valuable to nursing as the patients are part of a community that significantly influences them; thus it is necessary to be aware of the different features that may be inseparable from the patient’s life as they are interrelated.

I also view health as a dynamic state that can quickly change from wellness to illness depending on how it responds to the environmental factors. Health is the backbone of a quality life. Being a Nurse, I have encountered individuals who live a traumatic life caused by multiple acute and chronic mental and physical conditions (Branch et al., 2016).

Lastly, I believe that nursing involves playing the role of a temporary caregiver by being involved with the community or individual patients. I think that nurses are influential and patients look up unto nurses for help with their various situations. For instance, it is our duty as nurses to try to make sense of the little details provided by the patients and find out how we can leverage the information for the benefit of the patients. Additionally, nurses need to create meaningful relationships with their patients as part of the care plan.

One of the theories that are in line with my nursing philosophy is the Peplau’s theory that aims at promoting the interpersonal relationship between the patient and the nurse. According to Peplau, both the nurse and the patient play a part in developing the relationship that should unfold between them.

Both parties are viewed as humans with unique perceptions and experiences that constitute their activities, expectations, assumptions, desires, feelings, and thoughts. Therefore, the interaction between the nurse and the patient is dependent on their actions, beliefs, and thoughts and it is a primary component of the nursing process (Deane & Fain, 2016).

This theory matches my philosophy because I believe that it is vital for the nurses to deliver quality care by implementing adequate interventions that will be helpful to the health of the patient as well as his or her entire well-being. Moreover, the relationship is constrained by the hospitalization time, and thus, the nurse is limited to addressing the healthcare needs of the patient.

Nursing Philosophy University Students
Nursing Philosophy University Students

Nevertheless, nurses should show compassion for their patient to create a comfortable environment. Hence, Peplau’s theory is in line with my philosophy because I believe that as I patient I would appreciate having a working relationship with my provider. Additionally, as a nurse, it is essential to recognize that patients are also part of the treatment process and they should be involved in the decision-making process in cases that might affect their health directly.

My personal philosophy also aligns with the Virginia Henderson’s theory which states that nurses should focus on promoting the independence of the client which will be important in enhancing progressive healing even after hospitalization.

Henderson defines nursing practice as a unique function to help person sick or well, to perform activities that aid in the recovery or the health of individual even in some cases to give a peaceful death. The nurses should help the patients carry out actions that they would perform themselves if they had the necessary knowledge, will, or strength (Ahtisham & Jacoline, 2015). The Henderson’s theory indicates that a nurse can only successfully address the needs of the patients if he or she gets to know the patients better and understand their environment.

This theory matches my philosophy because I believe that nurses must attend to and interact with the patient depending on their unique needs and apply interventions that we help them cope with their post-hospitalized lifestyle. Combining the Henderson’s and Peplau’s nursing theories, it is evident that nursing practices are both an art and a science that involves the application of adequate nursing intervention, compassion, and critical thinking, to help the patients recover from the illness and move back to their personal homeostasis.

Conclusively, I believe that developing a personal philosophy in nursing can be a way of increasing an individual’s engagement in nursing practices and the development and utilization of specific nursing knowledge. Additionally, through a combination of my personal philosophy and the nursing theories, I have been able to reflect and understand the relationship between the issues currently in the nursing and the personal philosophical thought.

My personal beliefs were developed as a result of my understanding of the various aspects of nursing and how they interrelate with each other to promote optimum care for the patients. I believe that nursing incorporates the concept of social justice and metaparadigms that contributes to the enhancement of the nursing practice. From my personal philosophy, it is clear that nursing as a discipline is composed of four interrelated components which include the person, nursing, health, and the environment. Nurses should have an understanding of these four concepts as it will guide them in carrying out their daily duties. I believe that as a nurse having your personal nursing philosophy will also help you in providing quality care by exemplifying the beliefs in various situations.


Ahtisham, Y., & Jacoline, S. (2015). Integrating Nursing Theory and Process into Practice; Virginia’s Henderson Need Theory. International Journal of Caring Sciences8(2).

Branch, C., Deak, H., Hiner, C., & Holzwart, T. (2016). Four Nursing Metaparadigms. IU South Bend Undergraduate Research Journal16, 123-132.

Deane, W. H., & Fain, J. A. (2016). Incorporating Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations to Promote Holistic Communication Between Older Adults and Nursing Students. Journal of Holistic Nursing34(1), 35-41.

McCutcheon, K. A., & Stalter, A. M. (2017). Discovering my nursing philosophy. Nursing201747(5), 68-69.

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