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Category: Construction Management Dissertations
Our sample construction management dissertations will prove helpful in formulating your own dissertation topic, objectives, literature review, methodology and analyses. Our sample building studies dissertations are an ideal tool for any student struggling to start their own construction dissertation.
Construction is an internationally recognised field of study and there are numerous fields of construction study including architecture, planning, construction law and engineering. The construction industry is very important to a country’s economy and it encompasses a wide range of topics: Civil Engineering, Renewable Energy, Construction Methods, Timber Frame Construction, Tendering, Risk Management, Apartments, Energy Efficiency, Building Regulations, Surveying, EPC, Housing Market, Environment, Health and Safety.
BIM Construction Dissertation Topics – In the ever-evolving world of construction, technological advancements have reshaped the way projects are planned, designed, and executed. Among these groundbreaking innovations, Building Information Modelling (BIM) has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionising the construction industry. This blog post delves into the world of BIM, exploring its profound impact on construction processes and highlighting the benefits it brings to various stakeholders.
When undertaking a research project or writing a dissertation on Building Information Modelling (BIM), referring to existing dissertations can provide valuable insights and numerous advantages. BIM dissertation construction topics serve as valuable references that offer unique perspectives, in-depth analyses, and practical applications related to the field. Here are some advantages of using BIM dissertations for reference purposes.
BIM construction dissertations often cover a wide range of topics within the realm of BIM, including implementation strategies, project management, collaboration, technology advancements, and more. By accessing these dissertations, researchers can explore diverse aspects of BIM and gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
Defining BIM
Building Information Modelling, or BIM, refers to a collaborative process that enables the creation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of a building project. BIM integrates diverse data into a coherent 3D model, serving as a central repository for architects, engineers, contractors, and other stakeholders to collaborate, visualise, and analyse the project comprehensively.
The Power of Collaboration
BIM fosters collaboration among project stakeholders, breaking down communication gaps and disjointed processes that lead to errors and delays. By working on a single, synchronised model, stakeholders can visualise the project’s progress, identify conflicts, and resolve issues collectively. This collaborative approach streamlines decision-making, reduces rework, and enhances project efficiency.
Enhanced Design and Visualisation
BIM brings designs to life through rich visualisations and immersive experiences. Stakeholders can explore the project from various angles, gaining a deeper understanding of the design intent. Additionally, BIM enables virtual walk-throughs and simulations, helping identify potential flaws before construction begins. This level of design detail optimises space utilisation, energy efficiency, and project aesthetics.
Improved Cost and Time Management
Efficient cost and time management are crucial for construction project success. BIM provides accurate, real-time data throughout the project lifecycle. Stakeholders can extract quantities, estimate costs, and generate material schedules directly from the model, minimising errors and reducing the risk of cost overruns. BIM enables project scheduling, allowing contractors to optimise workflows, identify clashes, and streamline construction processes, resulting in improved project delivery times and enhanced cost control.
Streamlined Facility Management: BIM facilitates effective facility management by acting as a comprehensive database for building components, systems, and maintenance requirements. Facility managers can efficiently manage assets, plan maintenance activities, and optimise energy consumption. BIM’s integration with facilities management systems ensures a smooth transition from construction to operations, leading to long-term cost savings and improved building performance.
Construction Management Dissertation Topics
BIM Construction Dissertation Topics Conclusion
Building Information Modelling (BIM) has transformed the construction industry, offering a holistic and collaborative approach to building projects. By embracing BIM, stakeholders benefit from improved communication, enhanced design visualisation, streamlined cost and time management, and efficient facility management. BIM will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of building projects, bringing efficiency, sustainability, and innovation to the forefront of the construction industry.
BIM dissertations topics often highlight real-world applications and practical implications of BIM in the construction industry. These case studies and examples can provide researchers with practical insights into the challenges, benefits, and best practices of implementing BIM in various projects, serving as valuable guidance for future applications.
Using BIM dissertation construction topics as reference material offers researchers numerous advantages, including comprehensive coverage of BIM topics, exposure to different research methodologies, access to a wide range of references, practical applications, and exposure to cutting-edge knowledge. By leveraging these advantages, researchers can enhance the quality and depth of their own research in the field of Building Information Modelling.
So, whether you’re embarking on a new construction project, researching the latest industry trends, or exploring career opportunities, make sure to harness the power of BIM be sure to check out our collection BIM construction dissertation. Its potential to transform the way we build, operate, and maintain structures is immense, and by embracing it, we can pave the way for a more efficient, sustainable, and collaborative future in the construction industry.
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Sustainability Development Theory and Practice: Critical Reflections Applied to Local Situations
Sustainable Development Theory – Some projects are considered as sustainable endeavors, such as hydroelectricity production using dams, which do not, in the application, fulfill the requirements to be considered sustainable. That is the case of the infamous Bela Monte project in Brazil. For more than 27 years groups have fought against the construction, motivated by numerous demonstrations, lawsuits, and opposition by groups; especially indigenous communities, environmental advocates, and other social organizations.
The original project consisted of 6 dams with a size of 1,225 m2. However, after a strong challenge experienced during the first encounter with the indigenous nations that existed in Xingu in 1989, the project was reduced to one dam with an area of 440 m2 which makes it the 4th largest dam in world.
The cost of this dam is estimated to be about 18 billion USD, double the original estimates done 26 years ago and 80 percent is financed by national funds. The government claims these type projects are fundamental in order to spur on the Economy (Laurie, 2014). Belo Monte is projected to operate at peak capacity for a few months throughout the year, and during the low water levels season, it would generate electricity as low as 1,000 MW (Rivers, 2010, p. 2).
Climate change, during different seasons, may worsen the situation since most climate models predict that the river flows in various parts of Amazon may fall by 30% in the few decades to come. Deforestation has greatly caused the delay of onset of the rainy season to about six days every decade.
The government has refused to conduct comprehensive social and environmental studies to determine the potential negative impacts (Laurie, 2014). The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) has been responsible for the respective studies, permits, and limitations (IBAMA, 2017).
However, Belo Monte has a record of over 786 irregularities in the licensing by the Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources of Brazil (Fearnside, 2016, p. 19). More than 20,000 people have been evacuated and relocated to nearby cities like Altamira. The construction was initiated in the year 2011 and since then, the city of Altamira has seen a high influx of migrants.
Sustainable Development Theory Project
Sustainable Development Theory and Wildlife
To date, over 40,000 plant species, about 2,200 fishes, 1,294 species of birds, approximately 427 mammals, and 378 reptiles are found in the region (Albert & Reis, 2011; Silva & Cardoso, 2005). With the completion of Belo Monte, biodiversity in the extensive area around the central Amazon would be affected.
The rich flooded forests of the middle Xingu and Big Bend would be diversely affected and would no longer receive seasonal floodwaters. Other than affecting migratory fish species and the causing endemic, construction of this dam would seriously affect land fauna, aquatic life, not forgetting the endangered species such as the black-bearded Saki monkey and white-cheeked spider monkey in the forests through which the dam will run.
Furthermore, the threatened species of turtle found downstream would risk losing their breeding grounds (Rivers, 2010, p. 4). Dams in Brazil emit high amounts of methane (CH4). On the same note, dams in the humid tropic areas emit higher amounts of CH4 compared to those in different climate zones.
The reason as to why dams produce methane is because the water stratifies into layers in the reservoir, forming a warm layer (epilimnion) at the upper water layer that is in contact with the air in about 2-10 meters that contain oxygen. On the other hand, a cold layer (hypolimnion) forms in the deeper water layers where the oxygen gets quickly exhausted decomposing the organic matter which leads to the production of CH4 instead of carbon dioxide (CO2) (Fearnside, 2016, p. 17).
In conclusion, Belo Monte project has failed sustainably when gauged within the economic, social and environmental contexts. First, on the economic basis, the project is not profitable; the government has invested 18 billion USD for a project that is scheduled to only work a quarter of the year producing as low as 1,000MW during low-water levels season.
Further, socially, the project will not be providing an economic incentive or jobs to the communities whose economies were destroyed to build the dam. Due to the wide coverage of the project, human shelter and income earning activities will be affected causing a significant economic impact. Next, environmentally, the dam is an unmitigated disaster. Greenhouse gas emissions will increase, fauna and flora will be destroyed and other more potentially harmful impacts are unknown. Besides, a large piece of land will be uncovered to establish the dam site by uprooting trees and soil covers which affect the environment.
Works Cited
Albert, James S., and Roberto E. Reis. Historical Biogeography of Geotropically Freshwater Fishes. The University of California. California: press, 2011.
Fearnside, Philip M. Environmental and Social Impacts of Hydroelectric Dams in Brazilian Amazonia: Implications for the Aluminum Industry. Manaus, Brazil: Crossmark, 2016.
IISD, International institute for sustainable development. “International Institution for Sustainable Development” 1987.
Rivers, International. “International Rivers” March 2010. Belo Monte.
Silva, Da, and Jose Maria Cardoso. “The Fate of the Amazonian Areas of Endemism“. Conservation Biology.” 2005.
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Project control is vital since it ensures that resources, budgets, and time are used effectively. In addition, the project control is significant as it enables the project manager to evaluate the progress of the project and adjust on the shortcomings and risks that are encountered during the completion of the project as discussed below.
Earned Value Management Techniques
As a project manager of a 5000m2 retail development construction project, the project control measures are very vital in the quest to achieve the goals. Control of this project can be conducted using the Earned Value Management, EVM. The EVM evaluates the progress of the project embracing the objective approach (APM, 2013: 7). This technique is very significant as it enhances the control work which can be conducted at any period, hence, determining the current status of the project. The EVM embraces the use of a baseline project plan to control the desired outcome. In this method, the cost management as well as the schedule of the project evaluations are conducted in an integrated manner (APM, 2013: 9).
Some of the goals of the 5000m2 retail development construction project include maintaining budget and minimizing costs. This necessitated the allocation of specific amount of the resources including the human capital. In this regard, project control enables the project manager to have a control of how the project progresses considering the time taken for each activity undertaken (APM, 2013: 9). More so, the cost of the project is controlled using EVM is necessary to evade the misuse of the resources and finance allocated for the project which could jeopardize the outcome. Apart from that, EVM project control is vital since there is absolute need to deliver positive results which are useful in answering the business case (APM, 2013: 7).
Project Control Measures
Using measures such as the evaluation of the performance reports can be of great importance in ensuring that project scope including project plan, schedule among others are helping the project manager deliver the goals of the project as stipulated before the project commenced (Fleming and Koppelman, 2010: 54-55). As the project work progresses, the project manager should be informed about the achievements made as well as the cost that has been used by the time performance reporting was been conducted. EVM also enables the manager to have an estimation of the final cost of the project together with time that is likely to be consumed (APM, 2013: 9). The EVM gives a clear overview of the progress and the status of the project which is essential for the project management since the resources as well as activities are arranged in logical sequence. This ensures that the activities are at as planed in the baseline project (APM, 2013: 9).
Project Control – Roland Wanner
Project Control Risk Planning Initiative
As a manager, it is necessary to initiate the risk planning so that the risks that are encountered in the project can be handled (APM, 2013: 60). The progressive evaluation of the status of the project vividly indicates the risks that the project faces. In addition there is a clear forecast of the future risks that the project might encounter. Therefore, planning for the risk is inevitable in a construction project. The previous projects can be used to evaluate the project risks.
In addition, benchmarking on similar projects can be a useful technique under the EVM control of risks. Moreover, the risk management software can be incorporated to deduce both the cost risk analysis as well as the schedule risk analysis (APM, 2013: 68). This is because the construction project’s completion time is usually scheduled and there is a need to manage the time so that the project does not run behind the schedule. Moreover, the finances and other resources are allocated in a sequential and logical manner. Hence, conducting schedule risk analysis ensures that the project status is as outlined in the baseline project (APM, 2013: 69).
More so, any discrepancies are managed using the appropriate methods that does not cause cost variance. This is because the allocation of finances is done when the project plan is made. Furthermore, the change control management is vital so that the risks mitigation processes can achieve the desired goals of the project (Fleming and Koppelman, 2010: 206).
Controlling the Project Plan and Schedule
As project manager, it is necessary to ensure that the baseline project and project plan are achievable and useful in supporting the business case. In this regard, the project plan can be changed if the project manger determines that there are shortcomings to its effectiveness and validity. In addition, if there are some external and unplanned forces such as the political instability, the project plan can hence be altered (APM, 2013: 73).
One of the possible ways is the EVM Compass Maturity Model (APM, 2013: 73). This model is necessary as it ensures that capability project control is improved. This is done through rating the progress of the project on a scale of 5 with 5 as the highest score. Therefore, project manager and stakeholders evaluates the EVM attributes such as cost, time, resources, and finances, among others and rate their performance relying on the realistic and evidence based approach (APM, 2013: 73-74). On the other hand, the baseline review is another method that can be used to control the project plan and schedule. The baseline reviews can be conducted by an independent firm hence giving reliable information about the status of the project, the project manager can thereafter act accordingly.
Data trace assessment is another technique embraced under the EVM since all the data carried out in the project is evaluated and a detailed and valid status of the project (Fleming and Koppelman, 2010: 211). In addition, tracing the resources will help in project control as the will safeguard the time schedule of the project. Tracing resources is another technique which shows the progress of the project as it evaluates the distribution of resource within the different areas of the project. This is necessary in ensuring that time is effectively managed as well as ensuring that the resource use is matching their viability (APM, 2013: 75).
Reviewing Collected Data and Acting
Acting on the collected data is vital as the possible and necessary changes for the project are enhanced. Reviewing the schedule performance index determines how far behind or ahead the project is running which enables time management. Moreover, the cost performance index which represents the cost of the earned value to the total costs of the project helps in budgeting trace which controls the finance management (APM, 2013: 80). Comparing the current performance of the project is a suitable way to forecast and plan for the future.
Evaluating EV Reports
The test of project reasonableness can be conducted through evaluating the Earned Value reports. These reports can be produced progressively as the project work advances. The EV reports are vital as they enable the project manager to improve on the management techniques so that the project goals as outlines in the plan are realized (APM, 2013: 90). More so, evaluating these reports ensures the current risks are encountered as well as laying down concrete plans for the forecasted risks.
In addition, setting the cost and variance a threshold ensures the parameters such as cost and schedule of the projects are analyzed effectively (APM, 2013: 105). If the variance or the cost is above the threshold at any given time then there should be drastic changes. The project manager controls the project to ensure that reasonableness is always maintained (Fleming and Koppelman, 2010).
Association of Project Management HandBook (2013) Earned Value Management ISBN 13: 978-1-903494-47-9
W Fleming and Joel M Koppelman (2010) Earned Value”, Project Management, Fourth Edition – ISBN – 978-1-935589-08-2
Roland Wanner (2014) “Earned Value Management”, The most important methods and tools for an effective Project Control by Roland Wanner 2014 – ISBN – 978-1500850234
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This paper aims at discussing the existing limitations in the sustainable refurbishment. By definition, sustainable refurbishment can be defined as the process of improving existing buildings purposely to improve their environmental performance (Pombo, Rivela and Neila, 2016, p. 88). According to architectures, this process entails a maximization of sustainable methods and materials. In these recent times, the most common sustainable refurbishment performed on buildings include the installation of renewable energy sources and improvement on ventilation. Also, recycling material during the refurbishment is regarded as a sustainable refurbishment process because it is environmentally friendly.
In this paper, various suggestions for sustainable refurbishment shall include that are aimed at improving the environment shall be outlined in detail. In this research, a methodology that comprises multiple dimension in the field of architecture and art shall be used. The methodology would put into consideration some of the essential aspects of architecture. This way, a deeper understanding of sustainable refurbishment and the limitations encountered shall be achieved. The multiple dimensions to be used shall relate to a variety of approaches. Among these approaches include building occupancy, environmental, and techno-economic approach (Pombo, Rivela and Neila, 2016, p. 91).
development involves some processes that
are to benefit various parties in the construction sector. As a result,
architects have resolved to measures that reduce energy consumption by
refurbishing buildings and fitting them with new facilities. However, in the
course of refurbishing buildings for sustainable development, architects encounter
lots of limitations. To curb such limitations, new approaches that did not
exist in the past have been developed. Also,
friendly building evaluation methods and systems have been developed to help in
sustainable development. For instance, the methods need to enhance the
effectiveness of water among other reasons (Lou, Lee and Welfle, 2017, p. 311).
This helps improve the quality of life by
a great stride.
Literature Review
Due to the increase in the cost of materials and resources used in the refurbishment of buildings, architectures have opted to maximize on the available resources. This has led to economic investments in Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIPs). In most cases, the VIPs are configured with supplementary insulation. For example, the refurbishment of wall cross-sections of already existing buildings. This strategy of utilizing energy consumption is mostly implemented in the United Kingdom. Architectures have gone an extra mile to identify several aspects that will overcome the limitations existing in the field of architecture.
According to scholars, sustainable methods that are used are in line with the continuous increasing levels of renewable energy (Lou, Lee and Welfle, 2017, p. 317). In the United Kingdom (UK), approximately 500, 000 apartments have undergone renovation. These renovations seek at transforming the buildings into current energy efficiency requirements that meet the modern standard. Currently, new buildings in the UK are energy efficient as possible. In refurbishing buildings, there are some factors to consider. These factors include societal targets for moisture and good indoor setting. In consideration of such factors, a ‘healthy building’ that is environmentally friendly is achieved.
Among the
numerous limitations that contributed to inefficiency
within the building sector are motivational factors. Most of the buildings
constructed in the last decades in the UK are not energy efficient. According
to scholars, such houses contribute to high greenhouse emissions. Such houses
also result in a waste of energy. Nowadays, both building owners and building occupants opt
for minimal energy expenses. This is
among the numerous measures of restoration that are building owners are seeking
in sustainable development. There is a need
to venture into measures that enable sustainable development due to the
advantages that result. For instance, it helps improve the environment.
Despite the numerous advantages of refurbishing buildings, there exist challenges that architectures encounter. First, an assessment needs to be performed of the existing condition. In most cases, refurbishment projects require architects to perform both aesthetic and technical assessments before designing measures that are to be used (Lund, Haddadi, Lohne and Bjørberg, 2016, p. 427). From research findings, some architects regard refurbishment of buildings to be challenging as compared to starting a project from ground zero.
As for an already existing project, there is a need for a refurbishment framework that will comply with the existing frame of the project to be refurbished. As a result, more time and effort is required to make refurbishment of buildings a success. In the context of effort, architects need to perform a feasibility study. During the study, the architects are supposed to find out on the advantages of taking part in the refurbishment programs for sustainability development.
limitation of refurbishing buildings is that it is mandatory for architects to
comply or adhere to the structural components of the building (Lund, Haddadi,
Lohne and Bjørberg, 2016, p. 427). This
hinders further developments as the proposed constructions need to comply with the
technical components of the original building. Also, the cost of refurbishing a
building is more expensive than that of constructing a new structure. This is because the actual construction of
refurbishing a building comprises of expenses of both the new and old.
To effectively
refurbish a building, it is important to take financial risks due to the
unforeseen deterioration that may occur during the process. As such, the
financial risk is a challenge among
architects. This is because most
architects concentrate on refurbishing buildings on small budgets. Despite the
environmental advantages of refurbishing buildings, more attention needs to be put on sustaining buildings. This way, the
potential of reducing greenhouse gas emissions through building refurbishment
is achieved (Lund, Haddadi, Lohne and Bjørberg, 2016, p. 429).
human-caused and natural disasters affect
buildings. It is, therefore, the mandate of architectures to design buildings
and other infrastructural structures that can
withstand such phenomena. In this context, there are some questions architectures pose before embarking on the process
of refurbishing buildings for sustainable development. Examples of such
questions include:
What are the economic
benefits of refurbishing a building?
What are that target
areas within the building that are to be
refurbished? Is it only the thermal insulation or there exists other
refurbishment needs?
In case of a
demolition, what are the adaptive reuse of this building?
What is the impact of
the renovation, demolition or refurbishment to the society?
In answering
these questions, the refurbishment of buildings is
performed in a manner that is in accordance to sustainable development. Also,
such questions act as a pivot in enabling preliminary decisions that are
essential in the construction sector. A comparison between a historical
landmark and a residential building on the basis
of a criterion for limitations
prove that historical landmarks possess more (Oregi, Hernandez, and Hernandez, 2017, p. 12). According to
scholars, the refurbishment of buildings is
mainly performed by sustainable
agendas. However, some architectures base their refurbishment programs on
economic agendas.
Refurbishing Buildings
are involved in refurbishing buildings for various reasons. Despite
refurbishing buildings enabling building restoration, it also enables heritage
restoration. For instance, in the UK, reconstruction of historical buildings is
a common measure of restoring the country’s heritage restoration. However, this
differs in other countries. For example, in the United States, the
reconstruction of historic buildings is
not necessarily (Oregi, Hernandez, and
Hernandez, 2017, p. 14). By doing this, the United States saves finances.
Architectures are striving to overcome the limitations of refurbishing buildings because of the environmental aspects that result from the process of sustainable development. For example, the construction of new high-performance buildings positively contributes to the initiatives set for the global green agenda. However, there are sustainability requirements that contractors need to meet to construct energy efficient and environmentally friendly buildings. According to scholars, architectures need to base their choices on environmental and economic evaluations (Noori, Saruwono, Adnan and Rahmat, 2016, p. 253). Failure to which the refurbishment of buildings would not be in accordance to the set sustainable refurbishment development.
Sustainable Refurbishment Dissertation
According to scholars, building sustainability assessments is exceptional. The exception is in the sense of result objectivity (Noori, Saruwono, Adnan and Rahmat, 2016, p. 256). Factors that contribute to this exception include the usage precision of the resources used during refurbishment and elimination of inaccuracies of methods previously used for sustainable refurbishment development. Despite the pre-study architects take, there is a need for an evaluation of the chosen approach by use of certain criteria to find out the efficiency of the approach to be implemented. For instance, in the UK, the BREEAM method is used during the assessment of qualitative indicators. However, the BREEAM approach depends on factors as the qualification of the experts to be involved in the refurbishing of buildings for sustainable development (Noori, Saruwono, Adnan and Rahmat, 2016, p. 257).
buildings have been presented in various assessment criteria. These include:
Sustainability of
management: This enables close
supervision of the sustainability practices to be
performed. For example, the sustainability of work planning.
Appropriateness of
materials: This entails all the elements necessary for construction. For
example, the insulating items to be used during refurbishing buildings.
Health and welfare: In
this context, there are a number of
factors that need to be considered to enable efficient
sustainable development. Examples include indoor air quality and insulating
items such as sound insulating items.
Energy: To conserve energy, buildings are refurbished with devices such as emitting
Pollution: The process
of refurbishing buildings need to be environment-friendly.
This means that the process should not
contribute to pollution but instead initiate measures that will help curb
further pollution.
Water availability:
Designs aimed at enabling water conservation are
considered during the refurbishment
of buildings. Technology has enabled architects to install water leakage
detectors in houses to help in conserving water. Another measure of conserving
water is the possibility of water recycling.
Innovations: Architects
install devices that are aimed at making
life easier. Examples of innovations that have improved the quality of life
include integration options.
Therefore, refurbishing a building for sustainable refurbishment development is bound to a number of principles. Putting into consideration these principles helps overcome the limitation of sustainable development. For instance, the use of life cycle framework and the recognition of the complexity of the sustainability concept (Turner et al., 2016, p. 199). Also, putting into considerations such frameworks allows the architects to easily relate to the crucial aspects of the decision-making process such as the social and economic aspects.
Possible Problems and Potential Solutions
The problems encountered in the construction sector can be solved in
various ways. Nowadays, the advancement of
technology has eased problems of a minimum
magnitude that architects could not get rid of in the past. For instance, site
selection was a major problem in the past years. By use of modern technology,
architects can locate better sites for
refurbishing. Also, the advancement of technology has made it possible for
manufacturing companies to manufacture facilities that are energy efficient and
environmentally friendly. Yearly, new
designs are designed to replace the existing facilities.
In this context,
there exist drawbacks during refurbishing
that need to be well omitted for efficient, sustainable development. For
example, the omission of economic-financial criteria group is mostly viewed as a drawback in the context
of sustainability. An important aspect in the refurbishing process is the appropriate
use of multi-criteria assessment approaches that have a positive impact to the
environment. Different scholars explain multi-criteria assessment approaches in
their different ways. This is because of
the difference in situations and circumstances. Multi-criteria can either be
maximizing or minimizing. It only depends on the levels of receiving objective
results. Therefore before embarking on refurbishing buildings for sustainable
development, one needs to figure out the levels of the receiving objective
Another problem
that results from sustainable development
is the availability of enough energy that is to be
used throughout the process. From research findings, the energy used in
refurbishing buildings for sustainable development is the influence of the
energy towards the climate (Turner et al., 2016, p. 197).
That is, it influences climate change. Before architects choose an approach to
use in refurbishing buildings for sustainable development, the merits and
demerits of the approach need to be researched.
It is from the study that the process of refurbishing buildings for
sustainability development becomes efficient.
Diverse Approaches to Sustainable Refurbishment
To avoid the
challenges that result from the refurbishment of buildings, architects need to
sustainable design strategies. An example of such an approach is to minimize
the energy consumption of structures (Pombo, Rivela, and
Neila, 2016, p. 92). However, there some factors that need to be considered before settling on a sustainable
approach. The approach needs to include the aspects of economic, social, and
ecological value. In the past times, sustainable development on buildings was based on the physical capacity. However,
due to the advancement in technology, diverse approaches have emerged. These
approaches depend on a number of factors.
For instance, the size of the building and another
local context such as the location of the building (Noori, Saruwono, Adnan and Rahmat,
2016, p. 257). Diverse
approaches to sustainable refurbishment range from various frameworks.
These frameworks range from methodological to theoretical. According to scholars,
some architects base their frameworks in
a market-available assessment tool aspect.
An example of a
methodology is the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. This kind of
methodology is useful in the process of estimating the environmental impact of
refurbishing a building. Therefore, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a
methodology that best defines the environmental assessment of buildings due to
its efficiency. An advantage of using the LCA methodology is that it allows
architects to assess the global environmental impact, right from the relevant
data. Another advantage of using the LCA methodology is that it makes it easier
for building owners to have an accurate description of the entire structure
including the costs to be incurred. To architects, the LCA methodology allows ease of shift of impacts. Normally, the impacts
are the improvements of refurbishment.
Despite the
advantages accrued from the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, there exist some limitations. For example, the
unavailability of adequate data that need to be
used during refurbishing building. Due to this unavailability of data,
the uncertainty of results is attained. Also,
too much effort is required to describe a building in an LCA methodology
various environmental assessment tools are commonly used to evaluate
sustainable buildings (Lund, Haddadi, Lohne and Bjørberg, 2016, p. 432). Various
organizations develop different environmental assessment tools that best fit
their conditions. The limitations to environmental assessment tools include
site selection and the impact the assessment tool has on the ecology. From
research findings, it is evident environmental assessment tools mitigate the ecological impact. Also, due to the difference
in the environmental assessment tools across different organizations, scholars
regard the assessment tool as an unsustainable
tool because of the difference in conditions. Another limitation that emerges
from environmental assessment tools is that it occasionally undermines certain
themes that are essential during the refurbishment of buildings.
In conclusion, refurbishment of buildings is an effective measure of enabling sustainable development. Also, the refurbishment of buildings is an effective way of addressing the challenge of climate change (Pombo, Rivela and Neila, 2016, p. 88). As discussed earlier, there exist limitations in refurbishing buildings. For instance, architects need to adhere and comply with already existing structural components of the building. Due to such adherence, the cost of refurbishing buildings is expensive as compared to constructing structures from ground zero. Another limitation encountered in the refurbishment of buildings is the potential risks that emerge.
If well handled, refurbishment of buildings can be of great importance both economically and in environmental agendas. Different approaches to sustainable development have different limitations. For instance, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology is the unavailability of data. As a result, architects are unable to find the uncertainties of the data. The environment assessment tool is limited to site selection. Therefore, by use of the environmental assessment tool, architects are unable to design measures due to the factor of site selection effectively.
Lou, E.C., Lee, A. and Welfle, A., 2017. Greenhouse gases
(GHG) performance of refurbishment projects–Lessons from UK higher education
student accommodation case studies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 154,
Lund, O.B., Haddadi, A., Lohne, J. and Bjørberg, S., 2016. Sustainable Planning in Sustainable Refurbishment Projects–An Early Phase Evaluation. Energy Procedia, 96, pp.425-434.
Noori, A., Saruwono, M., Adnan, H. and Rahmat, I., 2016. Conflict, Complexity, and Uncertainty in Sustainable Refurbishment Building Projects. In InCIEC 2015 (pp. 251-258). Springer, Singapore.
Oregi, X., Hernandez, P. and Hernandez, R., 2017. Analysis of life-cycle boundaries for environmental and economic assessment of sustainable refurbishment projects. Energy and Buildings, 136, pp.12-25.
Pombo, O., Rivela, B. and Neila, J.,
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Did you find any useful knowledge relating to limitations of sustainable refurbishment in this post? What are the key facts that grabbed your attention? Let us know in the comments. Thank you.
Assessment of the Application of Project Management in the United Arab Emirates Construction Industry
Subject: Project Management in UAE Construction Industry. This dissertation aims to critically analyze the application of project management for successful project completion in the construction industry. Literature review covers extensively the development history of project management since the old ages to modern era project management techniques.
The first three objectives are covered during the desk study of reviewing different literature available. Major reasons of project failure in achieving designed project goals are identified and how the market slowdown is affecting the construction industry of United Arab Emirates. The role of project Management becomes essential when complexities such as introduction of new technologies, tasks to perform which are inter dependent, large and distant teams spread across different departments, different projects or sometimes different parts of the World and constraints of time, quality, cost are imposed.
Modern project management tools and techniques are discussed in detail and use of new technology to improve the performance of project management hence construction industry is highlighted. These findings of literature review are used further in research methodology to develop an online survey questionnaire (quantitative) to evaluate the aims and objectives set for the research, e.g. the level of awareness of PM tools and techniques and to investigate if the current industry demands are met by project management and to discuss any potential improvements/features that can lead the construction industry to achieve better results in project success.
Conclusions are drawn from the analysis of data received based on online questionnaire from professionals in the industry and the aim of dissertation is achieved by meeting all the objectives set for this dissertation. In the end, recommendations are made that can lead the construction industry to achieve better results in project success.
Dissertation Objectives
To critically analyze the available literature on project management development history; addressing the demand of the construction industry, and how it has been assisting the industry in managing projects of extensive nature
To identify the major reasons of project failure in UAE construction industry in achieving the designed project goals
To identify how the market slowdown is affecting UAE construction industry
To investigate the level of awareness of new project management tools and techniques
To investigate if the current industry demands are being met by Project management techniques, and to identify any potential improvements/features that can lead the construction industry to achieve better results in project success
UAE Construction Industry Dissertation
Dissertation Contents
1: Introduction
Research Methodology
Dissertation Structure
2: Literature Review
Project Management
Project Management History
Concept of Modern Project Management
Project Management Process Groups
Monitoring and Controlling
Major Causes of Project Failure
Facts about Projects Failure
Causes of Projects Failure
Project Management Associations, Standards and Applications
Need for Project Management in Construction
Why Project Management
Benefits of Project Management
UAE Construction industry and Market Slowdown
UAE Construction Set Back
UAE Construction SWOT Analysis
Competitive Environment during Recession in UAE
Development of Project Management Tools and Techniques
Project Management Software
Over View of Prevalent Software Products
Evolution / Merging of Primavera with Oracle
3: Research Methodology
Objectives of Research Data anthology
Research Approaches
Quantitative Methods (Deductive Approach)
Qualitative Methods (Inductive Approach)
Mixed Methods
Research Strategy
Questionnaire Design
Questionnaire Sampling
4: Survey Data Analysis and Results
General Introduction Questions
Project Management General Understanding
Performance of Construction Industry in UAE
Modern PM and UAE Construction Industry
Further Improvements
5: Conclusions and Recommendations
Conclusions of the Objectives
AIM of Dissertation
Limitations of the Research
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