Mastering the Art of Marketing Strategy Frameworks: A Postgraduate Perspective


In the ever-evolving landscape of business, robust marketing strategy frameworks are the linchpin that propels organisations towards success. As postgraduates delving into the intricacies of the corporate world, it becomes imperative to grasp the key aspects of marketing strategy that can make or break a brand. This comprehensive guide aims to explore the fundamental elements of marketing strategy, providing insights rooted in academic rigor and real-world applicability.

Marketing Dissertations

1. Understanding the Essence of Marketing Strategy Frameworks

1.1 Defining Marketing Strategy: A Holistic Approach

In the intricate tapestry of business, marketing strategy stands as the overarching framework that shapes an organization’s path to success. To truly understand the essence of marketing strategy, we must delve into its multifaceted nature and the interconnected elements that contribute to its effectiveness.

Strategic Integration Across Business Functions: Marketing strategy isn’t an isolated function; it’s an integral part of the broader business strategy. This integration ensures that marketing efforts align seamlessly with overall organizational goals. From product development to sales and customer service, every facet of a business should harmonize to deliver a unified and compelling brand experience.

Balancing Short-Term Tactics with Long-Term Vision: While tactical maneuvers are essential for immediate gains, the essence of marketing strategy lies in its ability to balance short-term objectives with a long-term vision. It’s about cultivating sustained growth and resilience against market fluctuations. This requires a delicate interplay of agility and foresight, allowing organizations to navigate the present while positioning themselves strategically for the future.

1.2 The Evolution of Marketing Strategy: Navigating Change

Historical Perspectives: Understanding the essence of marketing strategy framework necessitates a journey through its historical evolution. Traditional marketing was often synonymous with outbound techniques, where businesses broadcasted their messages to a broad audience. Over time, this paradigm shifted towards more targeted and customer-centric approaches.

Adaptations in the Digital Era: In the contemporary landscape, the digital revolution has ushered in a new era of marketing. The advent of social media, data analytics, and e-commerce has transformed how businesses connect with consumers. Marketing strategy, once confined to print and broadcast media, now embraces a dynamic, interactive, and data-driven paradigm.

1.3 The Symbiotic Relationship with Business Objectives

Alignment with Organizational Goals: The essence of marketing strategy lies in its symbiotic relationship with overarching business objectives. For a strategy to be effective, it must not only enhance brand visibility but also contribute directly to revenue generation, market share expansion, or other key performance indicators set by the organization.

Measuring Impact and Adjusting Course: An effective marketing strategy is not static; it evolves in response to market dynamics. This requires robust measurement mechanisms and a commitment to continuous improvement. Key performance indicators (KPIs) serve as compass points, allowing organizations to assess the impact of their strategies and make data-driven adjustments as needed.

Marketing strategy frameworks guides organizations through the dynamic landscape of business. It’s a holistic approach that integrates seamlessly with broader business objectives, adapts to the evolving digital landscape, and maintains a delicate balance between short-term tactics and long-term vision.

As postgraduate students aspiring to navigate the complexities of marketing, comprehending the essence of marketing strategy provides a solid foundation for the subsequent explorations into market research, segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategies. In the following sections, we will unravel the intricacies of these foundational elements, shedding light on their significance in crafting successful marketing strategy frameworks .

2. Market Research: The Foundations of Strategic Decision-Making

2.1 The Role of Market Research

Unveiling Insights for Informed Decisions – Market research stands as the bedrock of strategic decision-making, offering a systematic approach to gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information about a market, its dynamics, and its participants. At its core, market research seeks to unveil insights that empower businesses to make informed and data-driven decisions.

Types of Market Research: Quantitative Research: Involves the collection and analysis of numerical data. Surveys, questionnaires, and statistical techniques quantify market trends, preferences, and behaviors. This provides a numerical foundation for decision-making. Qualitative Research: Focuses on understanding the underlying motivations, attitudes, and perceptions of individuals. Techniques such as interviews, focus groups, and observational studies delve into the nuances that quantitative data may not capture.

Market Analysis Frameworks: SWOT Analysis: Examining Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats provides a comprehensive view of both internal and external factors that can influence strategic decisions. PESTLE Analysis: Evaluating Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors helps businesses anticipate changes in the broader environment.

2.2 Consumer Behaviour Analysis

Navigating the Psychology of Purchasing Decisions – Understanding consumer behavior is a cornerstone of effective market research. It involves delving into the psychological, social, and economic factors that influence individuals’ buying decisions. Key components include:

Motivation: What drives consumers to make a purchase? Uncovering the underlying motivations helps businesses tailor their marketing messages and offerings.

Perception: How do consumers perceive a brand or product? Perception shapes purchasing decisions, and market research helps identify and influence these perceptions.

Attitude and Beliefs: Consumer attitudes and beliefs impact brand loyalty. Through in-depth analysis, businesses can identify and leverage these factors to build stronger connections with their target audience.

2.3 Incorporating Behavioral Economics in Strategy Formulation

Nudging Consumer Behavior – The field of behavioral economics introduces the concept of nudging – subtle interventions that influence decision-making. By understanding cognitive biases, businesses can strategically design marketing interventions that guide consumers towards desired actions.

Anchoring: The first piece of information encountered often influences subsequent decisions. Pricing strategies, for example, can leverage anchoring to shape perceived value.

Loss Aversion: Consumers tend to weigh potential losses more heavily than gains. Crafting marketing messages that highlight the potential loss of not choosing a product or service can be a persuasive tactic.

Market research serves as the compass that guides strategic decision-making. It unveils the intricacies of markets, consumer behaviors, and competitive landscapes, providing businesses with the insights needed to navigate complex terrain. As postgraduate students, mastering the art of market research equips us with the foundational skills required for effective strategic planning. In the following sections, we will explore the strategies of segmentation, targeting, and positioning, examining how market research forms the basis for these crucial components of a comprehensive marketing strategy.

3. Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) Strategies

3.1 Segmentation

Segmentation involves dividing a heterogeneous market into smaller, more homogeneous groups based on specific characteristics. This allows businesses to tailor their marketing strategies to the unique needs and preferences of each segment. Key aspects include:

Demographic Segmentation: Dividing the market based on demographics such as age, gender, income, education, and family size. This provides a foundational understanding of consumer profiles.

Psychographic Segmentation: Considering lifestyle, values, attitudes, and interests helps create segments with shared psychographic traits, enabling more targeted messaging.

Behavioral Segmentation: Analyzing purchasing behavior, brand loyalty, product usage, and other behavioral factors aids in grouping consumers with similar buying patterns.

Benefits of Segmentation: Targeted Marketing: By understanding the distinct needs of each segment, businesses can create marketing campaigns that resonate specifically with those groups.

Resource Efficiency: Resources are allocated more efficiently when marketing efforts are directed towards specific segments rather than a broad, undifferentiated market.

3.2 Targeting

Precision in Audience Selection – Targeting involves selecting specific segments to focus marketing efforts on. It’s about identifying the most lucrative and receptive audience for a product or service. Key targeting strategies include:

Undifferentiated Targeting: Appealing to the entire market with a single strategy. This approach is suitable when the product has broad appeal and little variation in consumer preferences.

Differentiated Targeting: Tailoring marketing strategies for different segments. This allows businesses to capture a larger market share by addressing diverse needs.

Concentrated Targeting: Concentrating efforts on a single, well-defined segment. This strategy is beneficial for niche markets where a specialized product can meet unique needs.

3.3 Positioning

Crafting a Distinct Brand Image: Positioning is about creating a distinctive and appealing image for a product or brand in the minds of consumers. It involves shaping perceptions to highlight unique selling propositions. Key elements of positioning include:

Value Proposition: Clearly communicating the value a product or service brings to consumers. This goes beyond features to emphasize the benefits and solutions it provides.

Brand Differentiation: Identifying and promoting aspects that set the brand apart from competitors. Whether it’s quality, innovation, or customer service, differentiation builds a competitive edge.

Perceptual Mapping: Visualizing how consumers perceive brands relative to competitors helps in fine-tuning positioning strategies.

Consistency Across Touchpoints: Consistency is crucial in positioning. Whether through advertising, customer service, or product experience, the brand’s positioning should remain coherent. This builds trust and reinforces the desired image in consumers’ minds.

The Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) framework is a cornerstone of effective marketing strategy. It transforms market research insights into actionable plans, allowing businesses to connect with specific audience segments in meaningful ways. As postgraduate students delving into the nuances of marketing strategy, understanding the intricacies of STP provides a roadmap for crafting compelling and targeted campaigns. In the subsequent sections, we will explore the dynamics of digital marketing in the 21st century, elucidating how STP strategies adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of online consumer engagement.

4. Digital Marketing in the 21st Century

4.1 The Digital Transformation and Marketing Strategy Frameworks

Shifting paradigms in consumer engagement. The 21st century has witnessed a profound transformation in how businesses connect with consumers, largely driven by the rise of digital platforms. Digital marketing encompasses a spectrum of online channels, tools, and strategies that redefine the way brands communicate, engage, and build relationships with their audience. Key aspects include:

Omni-channel Presence: Consumers seamlessly move between various online platforms. Successful digital marketing requires a cohesive presence across channels such as social media, search engines, email, and websites.

Personalization: Leveraging data and analytics, digital marketing allows for highly personalized interactions. Tailoring content, recommendations, and offers based on individual preferences enhances user experience and engagement.

4.2 Content Marketing and SEO Integration

Content marketing is at the heart of digital strategies, focusing on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. This involves:

Storytelling: Crafting narratives that resonate with the target audience builds emotional connections and enhances brand loyalty.

Multimedia Content: Embracing diverse content formats such as videos, infographics, and podcasts caters to varied consumer preferences.

The Art and Science of SEO Optimization: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is instrumental in ensuring that digital content is discoverable by search engines, thereby reaching a wider audience. Key elements of SEO integration include:

Keyword Research: Identifying and incorporating relevant keywords enhances visibility in search engine results.

Quality Link Building: Building a network of high-quality backlinks improves domain authority and search rankings.

User Experience Optimization: Ensuring websites are mobile-friendly, have fast load times, and provide a seamless user experience contributes to higher search rankings.

Digital marketing in the 21st century is characterized by a dynamic interplay of technology, data, and consumer expectations. As postgraduate students exploring the nuances of marketing strategy, understanding the intricacies of digital marketing provides a lens into the evolving landscape of consumer engagement. In the upcoming sections, we will delve into the realm of social media strategies, exploring how businesses can harness the power of social platforms to amplify their brand presence, foster engagement, and navigate the intricacies of the digital age.

Marketing Dissertations

Art of Marketing Strategy Frameworks
Art of Marketing Strategy Frameworks

5. Social Media Strategies for Brand Amplification

5.1 Harnessing the Power of Social Media

Building Communities and Fostering Engagement – In the digital era, social media has emerged as a dynamic and influential platform for brand communication. Social media strategies go beyond mere presence; they aim to build communities, foster engagement, and amplify brand messages. Key components include:

Content Variety: Diversifying content types – from visually appealing images and videos to informative infographics and thought-provoking articles – ensures a well-rounded and engaging social media presence.

Consistent Brand Voice: Establishing a consistent brand voice across social platforms contributes to brand recognition and fosters a sense of authenticity.

Two-Way Communication: Social media is inherently interactive. Encouraging dialogue, responding to comments, and actively engaging with the audience build a sense of community and trust.

5.2 Influencer Marketing

Navigating the Landscape of Influencer Partnerships. Influencer marketing has become a powerful strategy within social media, leveraging individuals with significant online followings to promote products or services. Key considerations in influencer marketing include:

Relevance and Authenticity: Aligning with influencers whose values and audience align with the brand ensures authenticity and credibility.

Micro-Influencers: Partnering with influencers with smaller but highly engaged audiences often leads to more meaningful connections and conversions.

Transparency and Disclosure: Maintaining transparency about influencer partnerships builds trust with the audience and adheres to ethical standards.

5.3 Crisis Management in the Social Media Era

Proactive Measures and Damage Control – While social media offers immense opportunities for brand amplification, it also poses challenges in the form of rapid information dissemination and potential crises. Effective crisis management on social media involves:

Proactive Monitoring: Constantly monitoring social media channels enables swift identification of potential issues before they escalate.

Transparent Communication: In the event of a crisis, transparent and timely communication is crucial. Addressing concerns openly and honestly helps rebuild trust.

Learning from Incidents: Post-crisis analysis provides valuable insights for refining social media strategies and preventing similar incidents in the future.

Social media strategies are integral to brand amplification in the digital age. As postgraduate students navigating the complexities of marketing strategy, understanding the dynamics of social media allows us to harness the power of online communities, influencers, and effective crisis management. In the following sections, we will explore the critical aspects of measuring success in marketing, diving into the realm of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and data-driven decision-making.

Measuring Success: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

6.1 Defining Relevant KPIs

Aligning Metrics with Business Goals – Effectively measuring the success of marketing strategies requires the definition and tracking of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that align with overarching business objectives. KPIs serve as quantifiable benchmarks, providing insights into the performance of various marketing initiatives. Key considerations include:

Business Objectives: Identifying the primary goals of marketing strategy frameworks – whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or enhancing customer loyalty – informs the selection of relevant KPIs.

SMART Criteria: Ensuring that KPIs are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound ensures clarity and effectiveness in evaluation.

6.2 Data-Driven Decision Making

Incorporating Analytics into the Decision-Making Process – The advent of advanced analytics tools has revolutionized the way businesses approach decision-making. In the context of marketing, leveraging data analytics is pivotal for making informed and strategic choices. Key components of data-driven decision-making include:

Data Collection and Analysis: Establishing robust data collection mechanisms and employing analytical tools help transform raw data into actionable insights.

Attribution Modeling: Understanding how various touchpoints contribute to conversions allows for more accurate attribution of success to specific marketing channels.

A/B Testing: Conducting controlled experiments with A/B testing provides empirical evidence on the effectiveness of different strategies, enabling refinement for optimal results.

6.3 Adapting Strategies Based on Performance Insights

Continuous Improvement Through Iterative Analysis – Measuring success is not a one-time task; it’s an ongoing process of evaluation, adjustment, and optimization. Constantly adapting strategies based on performance insights ensures agility and relevance. Key aspects include:

Regular Reporting: Establishing a regular reporting cadence allows for timely assessment of KPIs and performance against benchmarks.

Benchmarking Against Competitors: Comparing performance metrics with industry benchmarks and competitors provides context and identifies areas for improvement.

Iterative Testing: Embracing a culture of continuous improvement involves iteratively testing new ideas, analyzing results, and incorporating learnings into future strategies.

Measuring success in marketing is not merely about tracking numbers; it’s about deriving meaningful insights that inform strategic decisions. As postgraduate students immersed in the world of marketing strategy, understanding the intricacies of KPIs and data-driven decision-making empowers us to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape. In the final sections, we will delve into contemporary challenges faced by marketing professionals and explore emerging trends that shape the future of marketing strategy Frameworks.

7. Challenges and Future Trends in Marketing Strategy Frameworks

7.1 Contemporary Challenges

Adapting to Dynamic Market Conditions – The fast-paced nature of the business landscape introduces a set of challenges that marketers must navigate. Staying ahead in the face of these challenges requires strategic foresight and adaptability. Key contemporary challenges include:

Rapid Technological Advancements: The pace of technological evolution introduces both opportunities and challenges. Marketers must continually assess and adopt emerging technologies to stay relevant.

Consumer Empowerment: Empowered by information and choices, modern consumers demand personalized experiences, ethical practices, and transparency. Meeting these expectations poses a challenge for brands.

Navigating Ethical Considerations in Marketing – As consumers become more socially conscious, ethical considerations in marketing become increasingly important. Balancing business goals with ethical practices involves:

Authenticity and Transparency: Authenticity in messaging and transparent communication build trust. Ethical marketing practices involve truthfulness in advertising and fulfillment of promises.

Social Responsibility: Embracing corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives and sustainable practices aligns with consumer values and contributes to a positive brand image.

7.2 Future Trends in Marketing Strategy Frameworks

Artificial Intelligence and Automation – The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation into marketing strategies is a defining trend. Key applications include:

Data Analysis and Personalization: AI enables advanced data analysis, allowing for more granular customer segmentation and personalized marketing strategies.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Automated customer service through chatbots and virtual assistants enhances efficiency and provides instant support to consumers.

Sustainability as a Strategic Imperative
As environmental concerns take center stage, sustainability becomes a key consideration in marketing strategy. Trends in sustainable marketing include:

Green Marketing: Emphasizing environmentally friendly practices in products, packaging, and operations to appeal to eco-conscious consumers.

Ethical Sourcing: Communicating responsible sourcing of materials and fair labor practices in marketing messages.

In the dynamic landscape of marketing strategy, challenges and trends are intertwined. As postgraduate students aspiring to master the art of marketing, understanding and addressing contemporary challenges while staying attuned to future trends is imperative. Navigating technological shifts, meeting ethical expectations, and embracing sustainability are integral aspects of crafting strategies that resonate with both current and future consumers.

The journey from defining marketing strategy and understanding market research to navigating digital marketing, social media strategies, measuring success, and addressing challenges and trends provides a comprehensive framework for postgraduate students seeking to excel in the field of marketing strategy. As we look towards the future, the ability to adapt, innovate, and integrate ethical and sustainable practices will be crucial in shaping successful marketing strategies in an ever-evolving business landscape.

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By understanding these key aspects, postgraduate students and aspiring marketers can equip themselves with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the ever-changing marketing strategy frameworks. If you enjoyed reading this post, I would be very grateful if you could help spread this knowledge by emailing this post to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Facebook. Thank you.

Gender Differences Social Media Dissertation

Cultural and Gender Differences in Information Sharing through Social Media

Dissertation Topic: Cultural and Gender Differences in Information Sharing through Social Media. The overall aim of the project is to take a closer look into the social media networking site Facebook and conduct my own research into how people generally use Facebook, the impact and implications Facebook has on a user, the thoughts on privacy with regards to Facebook and to see if a participants ethnic background has an effect on the way they use the site. I will also be analyzing both male and female participants to see if there are any significant differences with regards to their Facebook activity, what they post and what personal information they choose to share. During this study I will look closely into the attitudes of users when posting content, their own censorship and consideration for others when posting content of themselves and others.

At the end of this marketing dissertation I aim to have a clearer insight and a greater understanding into a users cultural or ethnic background and if this has any effect on the way that they use or see Facebook and if there are any outstanding correlations between variables also to see if there are any significant differences between male and female participants and how they use Facebook. Since the advancement of the Internet, Social Media has become a huge part to play in everyday life. Communication and Information sharing through different types of Social Media platforms is at its highest and more and more people are choosing to use these methods.

Cultural Gender Differences Information Sharing Social Media

This marketing dissertation aims to use a method that will help draw out concise results on how different cultures portray themselves through Social Media. This dissertation will consist of taking a close look as to how Social Media is used by individuals and the Social Media platform that has been chosen is Facebook. The dissertation will involve a number of phases; designing the specific method to collect the data required, carrying out the method, extracting the results collected from the method, finishing off with analysis and conclusiveness of the results. The outcome of this project is to be able to clearly differentiate between cultural groups and the way information is shared through Facebook.

Dissertation Aims

  • Gain an understanding between the use of Facebook among participants
  • Focus on ethnic background with regards to Facebook and the differences
  • Focus on the gender differences when using Facebook
  • Analyse and draw up valid conclusions based on Gender, Age, and Degree type and Personal preference i.e. Privacy on Facebook

Dissertation Contents

1 – Introduction
Overall aim of the project
Problem being addressed by the project
Motivations and usefulness of the project
Aims of the project

2 – Literature Review
Privacy on Facebook
Posting content to Facebook
Facebook Activity
Gender differences on Facebook
Cultures and Facebook

3 – Methodology
Research Methods
Individual Interviews
Focus Groups
Methodology Choice
Construction of questionnaire
Data capture plan
Time length
Potential Challenges

4 – Methodology Analysis
Overview of data collection
Questionnaire Responses
Data capture

5 – Facebook Results Analysis
Gender and Privacy
Levels of concern with privacy on Facebook
Concerns of posting content on Facebook
Self-Censoring on Facebook
Posting personal information to Facebook
Sharing personal preferences on Facebook
The type of information publicised on Facebook
Facebook Friends
Ethnic Groups
Purpose for using Facebook and account creation on Facebook
The laws and restrictions on Facebook in China
Publicising information to Facebook based on ethnic background
Privacy concerns based on ethnic background
How participants portray themselves on Facebook
Degree Scheme
Consideration of others
Untagging a photo on Facebook
Gender and Ethnic Background
Sharing phone numbers and email addresses on Facebook
What participants Facebook Friends can see
Selecting the audience on your Facebook account

6 – Conclusion
Highlights of the project
Data Analysis
Background research
Data collection
Lessons learned
Original Objectives
Final statement



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Liberal Media Social Political Democracy

Liberal Media – The role of Social Media in Fostering Social/Political Participation to Help Enhance Democracy

Liberal media democracy is a strong pillar for a free society. Democracy exists when citizens have the ability to practice their fundamental rights such as freedom of expression. The rise of social media has made it possible for people to express themselves more freely. Platforms such as Facebook, Skype, Twitter and Instagram have given their users the power to express themselves in a way that is cheap and easy to access. It has been immensely possible for people to convey their sentiments through these means which has greatly improved public opinion on governance. Social media unlike Liberal media allows for a two way communication means between the receiver and the sender.

Social media has influenced the political arena through opinion polls where citizens have an opportunity to present their views on politicians in a cheap easy way. Citizens also have the ability to express satisfaction or distaste towards their political leaders. This essay, therefore investigates the power of social media as a tool in supporting democracy especially through the idea of democratic deliberation, liberty and organization events.

Social Media Overview

The rapid growth of the social media in the 21st century has created a new trend on communication and information sharing which is significantly different from the traditional media known as the new media (Omede & Alebiosu, 2015. Pg. 272). Unlike the liberal media which requires expensive radio and television broadcasting systems, social media uses a different form of technology, the internet. Internet technology is relatively cheap and also subjected to less stringent regulation, and has no monopolistic ownership or control as it’s the case of the convection media (Coronel, 2003 pg. 1).Therefore, social media gives its users the liberty on the information that they can develop and share with each other. Also, it is widely accessible globally as more users are getting connected to the fast and reliable internet, hence making it a more efficient and effective approach in bringing people from different backgrounds and cultures together, when compared to liberal media. Currently, over two billion people worldwide have access to the internet (European Commission, 2011, pg. 5). Large social media sites with millions of users such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram among several blogs have also emerged which give users platforms which they interact and share information with each other through images, video and text formats.

These sites have also created an opportunity for users to participate in discussions and forums to express their views and ideas on matters related to democratic governance. In addition, people have also taken advantage of the new social media platforms to organize and facilitate political actions and events, all of which have a significant impact on democratic policies across different societies worldwide. Some social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook have advanced functions that allow users to follow and interact with politicians and other prominent figures in the society and participate in their discussions in an interactive way. This has given social media a significant advantage over the liberal media, making it ideal to foster social/ political participation which is essential in enhancing democracy.

Thesis statement: Therefore, social media has arguably a huge contribution in promoting democratic values and policies in any society. However, scholars have expressed concern that the lack of control and regulation of the social media may pose a threat to democracy. This essay, therefore, provides supporting evidence that indeed social media is a powerful tool in supporting democracy especially through the idea of democratic deliberation, liberty and organization events.

Role of Social Media in Democratic Deliberation

Deliberation plays a critical role in decision making for a deliberative democracy. Social media offers the right tools that provide advanced tools and functions for millions of users to experience the principles of democratic deliberation which include equality, active participation, and self-determination (Miswardi, 2014, pg.3). Social media has introduced new communication tools such as images, video, and text which users use to communicate and engage with each other in contentious political actions, through cheap, fast and reliable internet technology. Social media platforms have the Capability to support two-way interactive communication for a large number of people, therefore providing a limitless pool of ideas which can be adopted to promote and influence democratic governance (Omede & Alebiosu, 2015. Pg. 272).

In addition, Social media has no middlemen like the case of the liberal media who may control, influence or change the content. Hence, the millions of users in the social media have an equal opportunity to share their contributions and views on the appropriate democratic policies which aren’t skewed for the authoritarian non-democratic regimes (Kaul, 2012. Pg. 2). Also, unlike the liberal media which is controlled by a few political elites who manipulate the media to their favor, social media offers millions of users from diverse backgrounds, both rich and poor an equal opportunity to participate and deliberate on extensive and wide political issues.

Liberal Media Social Political Democracy

The liberal media only provides a one-way communication channel where the end user only receives information but has no opportunity to provide their views or feedback. Social media has revolutionized this communication channel to create a two-way interactive communication channel where the people have an opportunity to participate in deliberating appropriate democratic policies in their favor actively.Due to the emergence of large free social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram among several others, social media is relatively cheap for users to pass their feedback or contribution on current political issues when compared to passing the same information through the liberal media.

Using social media, the user does not require to undergo any form of professional journalism training is a reporter. The social media platforms provide their users with perfect tools for individual reporters which can still enable them to pass their information to other people or concerned authorities. There are several instances where people have used the social media to organize and coordinate successful revolutions to remove authoritarian regimes out of power such as during the Arab Spring in the Middle East (Unwin, 2014. Pg. 1). Therefore, in such cases, social media facilitates the communication between the citizens and respective representatives coordinating these revolutions. In addition to political revolutions, social media has also been used to put pressure and force the government authorities to act or respond to several instances affecting their citizens, bringing the power of millions of social media users to influence democratic policies.

Social media promotes self-determination to contribute to democratic governance among citizens participate in various democratic processes. Since the evolution of the social media, citizens have used social media to express their support for certain political parties or ideologies. Also, the number of people who participate in thedemocratic process has risen as more people learn the importance of participating in such processes through the social media (Unwin, 2014. Pg. 2).Also, people are more determined than before to share information promoting democratic leadership when compared to the past when they left this critical democratic role in the hands of a few elites who influence the liberal media. Therefore, such determination may not exist if only the liberal media exists in the society. The social media has also been used for survey purposes by Analysts, non-governmental organizations, social activists and other bodies to promote a democratic society (Kaul, 2012. Pg. 2). The social media is a useful tool to collect statistics on millions of users using the platform to form or influence policies that advance democratic agendas.

The Role of Social Media in Promoting Liberty

Liberty refers to the state of freedom that a citizen enjoys from the oppressing restrictions in one’s behaviors, lifestyle and political opinions. It is, therefore, one of the key components of a democratic society where citizens have the right to freedom of expression, assembly and association. As a new genre of media that allows people to socially network, share personal information and access the shared information, social media promotes liberty through some ways. First, it allows users to develop and exchange user-generated content, therefore promoting freedom of expression on matters relating to democratic governance (Omede & Alebiosu, 273 & 274). The social media enables citizens to hold enhanced dialogues and share that information across some users on the social media platform.

The social media, therefore, eliminates the barriers such as regulation or restriction of content for ordinary citizens by the liberal media (Omede & Alebiosu, 275).Also, it promotes free and open discussion among citizens which is one of the significant facilitators of democracy. Activists have also taken advantage of the social to utilize their freedom of expression, to rally ordinary citizens in demanding to effective democratic governance. Social media is a powerful tool for users to share not only information but also ideas and influence each other in the best form of democratic policies. In addition, its wide accessibility globally has given people the liberty to share and access information not only on the national and regional borders but also globally. This time and space liberty give people and advantage to learn what is going on in the world as far as the democracy is concerned and can use this information to influence better democratic governance policies in their individual countries. All this has been made possible because of the existence of an unbiased, cost-effective and unrestricted social media.

The Role of Social Media in the Election Process

 In the 21st century, the influence of social media in elections has significantly increased. First, the social media gives the electorate the power to share their voice on their preferred leaders. With social media, each voter has an opportunity to share her opinion on the election process, which was possible with the liberal media as only a few elite controlled and influenced the election process using the power of the media. In addition, using social media, the collective views of the electorate can influence certain issues in an election process to promote a free and fair election, which is a center pillar of democracy.

The mainstream media has been labeled as based and used by the few to mislead the American public during the elections in the United States. According to Hatter, (2004, pg1), the liberal media has been widely biased towards the Democrats, which is labeled a threat to the free democracy. The United States media has always supported the Democratic candidates and influences the American electorate for the Democrats. According to Hatter, the liberal media has been interweaved into the Democratic Party, and with the power and influence of the media on the society, the people are denied the opportunity to make a free judgment on the candidates participating in an election. However, the social media has the power to correct the effects of a dishonest liberal media. As more people turn to social media, the electorate has access to unbiased information. In the last general election, the republican widely used social media to counter the effect of the biased liberal media against their presidential candidate.

However, despite its huge advantage over the biased liberal media in promoting democracy through a fair election process, the social media may create potential risk from the uprisings that result from supporters of different political action groups. For instance, the social media can be held highly responsible for the increasing rift between the democrats and republicans in the United States.


 The social media is a powerful tool to improve the perception of the general population on matters relating to democracy. This is because content generated and shared through the social media is not regulated as the information passing through the liberal media, therefore eliminating the possibility of biases. Social media also has a great chance to educate the general population on the appropriate democratic policies as well as the election process, which will significantly promote a democratic society. One of the advantages of the social media is the low cost and wide accessibility especially as the number of people who are getting connected to a reliable and fast internet continues to increase. People, therefore, have the liberty to generate and share information using various trending social media platform. Therefore, social media has a significant contribution in promoting democracy.

Works cited

Coronel, Sheila. “The role of the media in deepening democracy.” NGO Media Outreach: Using the (2003).

Hatter, J. “The Media Threat to Democracy.” 2013, p. 1. Accessed 4 May 2017.

Kaul, V. (2012). Are new media democratic? Global Media Journal5(1), 1-20.

Miswardi, Gideon. “Digital-Media-A-Double-Edged-Sword-for-Representative-Democracy.” International IDEA’s 20th century anniversary essay competition, 2014.

Omede, A.J, and Emmanuel A. Alebiosu. “SOCIAL MEDIA: A TREND OR THREAT TO DEMOCRACY?” Trans campus journal, ISSN 1596-8303, 2015.

Unwin, Tim. “Social media and democracy: Critical reflections.” background paper for Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (Colombo), Vol. 20. 2014.

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Consumer Purchasing Behaviour Social Media

The Impact of Social Media in Influencing Consumer Purchasing Behaviour: A Study of Clothing Retailers

Title: Consumer Purchasing Behaviour and Social Media Influence. The impact of social media on the purchasing behaviour is an area of interest that has gained much interest and study in the 21st century. This research focuses in the ways in which social media has had an effect on the purchasing behaviour and most of the interest in the clothing and retail industry. The first part of the research will take a look at the various ways in which the social media influence has impacted on the purchasing behaviour. The different stages of purchase will be analysed in the background study, both before purchase, during purchase and after purchase behaviour and the influence of the different forms of social media on the same.

The data collection method that has been used during this research is the analytical study design. The researcher distributed questionnaires to a study sampled population, which consisted of university students at London South Bank University since they are considered to be the most consumers of social media. The results that were obtained indicted that social media has a very big influence on both the three stages of the purchase process. The recommendation, review and consumer motivation among others are the motivating factors that make the use of social media have a big influence on the purchasing behaviour of consumers.

Consumer Purchasing Behaviour Dissertation
Consumer Purchasing Behaviour Dissertation

This research will therefore have a big influence on the marketing strategy that will be used by future clothe retailers. It also gives an insight on the influence of technology and social media to be specific on the purchase behaviour of the modernised internet users. Therefore, more research should be done by clothe retailers on the best way to promote their businesses through social media.

Dissertation objectives

  • To determine the role of social media in influencing the pre-purchase phase of the consumer purchasing Behaviour lifecycle
  • To determine the role of social media in influencing the purchase phase of the consumer purchasing Behaviour lifecycle
  • To determine the role of social media in influencing the post-purchase phase of the consumer purchasing Behaviour lifecycle

Dissertation Contents

1 – Introduction
Background of the study
Statement of research
Study objectives
General objective
Specific objectives
Research questions
Significance of the study
The scope of the study
The study limitations
Research structure

2 – Literature Review
Social media
Social media marketing
Consumer purchasing behaviour
The role of social media in influencing the pre-purchase phase
The role of social media in influencing the purchase phase
The role of social media in influencing the post-purchase phase

3 – Research Methodology
Research Design
Sampling Design
Sampling Frame
Sampling Technique
Data Collection Methods
Research procedures
Data Analysis Methods
Ethical Considerations

4 – Results and Findings
Description of the sample
Response Rate
Respondents’ gender
Social Media Sites
Time Spent on Social Media Sites
The role of social media on making purchase judgements
Frequency of Influence of Social media on purchase decisions in clothing Retail Industry
Social Media Influences on the Pre- purchase Stage Analysis in Clothing Retail Industry
Problem recognition
Information search
Evaluation of alternatives
Social Media Influence on the Purchase Stage Analysis in Clothing Retail Industry
Consumer Attitude in Purchase Stage
Consumer Motivation in Purchase Stage
Product Perception in Purchase Stage
Social Media Influence on the Post-Purchase Stage Analysis in Clothing Retail Industry
Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
Product Performance

5 – Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations
The role of social media in influencing consumer purchasing behaviour
Social media Influences on the Pre-purchase Stage
Social media Influences on the Purchase Stage
Social media Influences on the Post-Purchase Stage
The role of social media in influencing consumer purchasing behaviour in the clothing and retail industry
Social media Influences on the Pre-purchase Stage
Social media Influences on the purchase Stage
Social media Influences on the Post- Purchase Stage
Recommendations for further research



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View This Dissertation Here: Consumer Purchasing Behaviour Dissertation

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Dissertation Social Media Deployment UK Construction Industry

The Impact and Effectiveness of Social Media Deployment within the UK Construction Industry

Over the past decade, social media has been at the forefront of how many individuals and organisations use the internet. This user-driven technology has provided a platform for users to publish their own content and share information through a variety of different interfaces. Often seen as industry that does not embrace change, the construction industry must ensure it understands the opportunities social media brings advertising, promotion, collaboration and communication are some of the themes considered.

Many within the industry have already adopted social media into their businesses, but there are some who have no interest. Four interviews were carried out with a variety of differing industry professionals; the findings were investigated to establish how social media was being used throughout the industry and how companies were looking to use it in the future.

The main findings showed a varying degree of social media adoption and differing views on the opportunities it presents for the industry in the future. It has been concluded that while it appears that social media has been adopted by the construction industry, it has only been bit part as most companies using the medium seem to only consider it a tool for promotion and few understand or implement it as a collaborative mechanism.

Dissertation Objectives

  • Assess the current use of social media within the construction industry
  • Compare the construction industries use of social media platforms to that of other industries
  • Investigate the reasoning construction companies choose to use or not to use social media
  • Critically appraise the effect of using social media and discover if there is a significant difference for those who have not invested in this medium
  • Consider the opportunities social media provides for a business and understand how it could affect the construction industry in the future

Social Media Construction Industry

Dissertation Contents

1 – Introduction
An introduction to social media in construction
Research rationale
Aim and objectives
Secondary data collection
Qualitative research
Dissertation structure

2 – Literature Review
What is social media?
Types social media and the main platforms
Types of social media
Social media platforms
Uses of social media in business
Social media in construction
Social media in other industries
Social media as a collaboration tool

3 – Research Methodology
Chosen approach
Questionnaire design

4 – Data collection and Analysis
Data analysis respondents
Data analysis results
Introduction and general use of social media
How social media influences the perception of the construction industry
Organisations use of social media
The future of social media in construction

5 – Discussion
Social media in the construction industry
Implementing social media into a business
The future of social media in construction

6 – Conclusion, Limitations and Recommendations
General Conclusions
Satisfying the objectives
Analysis of objectives


Interview transcripts

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