Change Management Dissertation Topics

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Change Management Dissertation Topics

Change Management Dissertation Topics – Organizational change, significance of the organizational change, different theories used by the management in implementing organization change and the benefits derived by an organization from change implementation. Change is difficult to pull off and despite individual success; most of the organizations find it difficult to implement change with 70% of the change initiatives being unsuccessful.

Most change initiatives fail since managers often rush to implement change and lose focus and become mesmerized by all the available advice on-line and imprint and fail to identify the best strategy to use in change implementation. Most managers apply Theory E and Theory O without resolving the tension between them, something that is likely to lead to failure in change implementation.

Below is a collection of change management dissertation topics that will assist you with your studies all of which are available on our website.

Change Management Within the Retail Banking Sector

Using Change Management to Improve Turnaround Time and Quality Processes in a Clinical Laboratory Environment

Is the Human Resources Function Essential in Achieving Successful Organisational Change

A Review into Project Theoretical Concepts and Models in Regards to the Management of Change and Conflict

Some of the change management dissertation topics discussed include; Leadership, a successful change management requires strong leadership from the managers. Managers should, therefore, inspire employees through the change process. Engaging the people below, most often change is unsuccessful since managers fail to involve those below them.

Change Management Dissertation Topics
Change Management Dissertation Topics

However, persuading the employees of the need and the effects of change would be vital for successful change implementation. Need for consultants to educate the employees and coach leaders to ensure everyone understands his role and involvement in the change process. Motivation, managers, should evaluate the fears of the employees and consider appropriate incentives that may motivate them.

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Many academics agree that change is inevitable in any organization. However, managers should clearly understand the need for change and the best strategy to implement the desired change. This post and the links are relevant in that it provides an in-depth analysis of how effective combination of Theory E and Theory O can lead to successful change. The article could be applied to a career as it provides insight into the change process and how to ensure effective change as a manager.

The current global market is quite competitive and as such the success of the organization will largely depend on effective change management strategy formulation. The ability of the organization to choose an appropriate generic business strategy would prove to be the point of difference between different players in the market.

The generic business and change management strategies adopted by the organization determines the direction of the organization as well as its ability to effectively compete in the market. The businesses executives have the responsibility to integrate the generic business strategy with the organization culture as well as the formal organization structure.

Successful integration of generic business strategy along with the organization culture and structure creates an enabling environment for the organization to achieve its effective change management goals. Business leaders should ensure the adoption of the appropriate culture within the organization that can support the business strategies, organizational structure as well as effective change management.

Change management refers to the processes, tools, and techniques used to manage the people side of change in an organization. It involves planning, communicating, and implementing changes in a way that minimizes resistance and maximizes the likelihood of success. Change management is essential for organizations that want to stay competitive and adapt to new circumstances.

There are several key principles to successful change management. First, it’s important to communicate openly and honestly with employees about the need for change and the rationale behind it. Second, it’s important to involve employees in the change process by seeking their input and feedback. Third, it’s essential to provide training and support to employees to help them adjust to the new way of doing things. Finally, it’s important to measure the success of the change and make adjustments as needed.

There are many resources available to help organizations with change management, including books, articles, and training programs. Here are five references that may be helpful:

  1. Kotter, J. P. (1996). Leading change. Harvard Business Press.
  2. Cummings, T. G., & Worley, C. G. (2014). Organization development and change. Cengage Learning.
  3. Beer, M., & Nohria, N. (2000). Cracking the code of change. Harvard Business Review, 78(3), 133-141.
  4. Cameron, E., & Green, M. (2015). Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers.
  5. Hayes, J. (2018). The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan.

These references provide a comprehensive overview of change management and offer practical advice for implementing successful change initiatives in organizations.

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Change Management Dissertation Topics
Article Name
Change Management Dissertation Topics
Organizational change, significance of the organizational change, different theories used by the management in implementing organization change and the benefits derived by an organization from change implementation.
Study Aids Research

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Steve Jones

My name is Steve Jones and I’m the creator and administrator of the dissertation topics blog. I’m a senior writer at and hold a BA (hons) Business degree and MBA, I live in Birmingham (just moved here from London), I’m a keen writer, always glued to a book and have an interest in economics theory.

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