An Exploratory Study Into Attitudes And Behaviour Of Males Aged 18-24 Towards Male Grooming

The author chose the subject of male grooming due to the fact that she has a keen interest in the cosmetics and grooming sector for women and was interested to investigate this market with regard to men. There has been an increase in the number of cosmetics and grooming products aimed specifically at men, for example the L’oreal Men Expert range and the Clinique for men range.

This is a clear indicator that the market for such products is in fact growing, and the author wanted to explore the reasons for this growth. Research by Boots as cited by Plowright (2007) claims the male cosmetics market has grown by a staggering 800% since 2000, making it the fastest growing sector within the cosmetics and beauty industry.

In addition, a Mintel report as cited by Mills (2007) stated that the UK male grooming market was valued at £685 million in 2004 and is predicted to rise to £821 million by 2010. As a result, the author chose to explore the attitudes and behaviour of males aged 18-24 in order to investigate reasons for this growth, and the potential implications this may have for marketers.

  • 11,000 words – 86 pages
  • Excellent user of literature
  • Good in depth analysis
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for business management and marketing students

1. Introduction
Reasons for Choice of Topic
Description of Chapters
Literature Review

2. Literature Review
The Consumer
Consumer Behaviour
Definitions of Consumer Behaviour
Consumer Decision Making Process
Problem Recognition
Information Search
Evaluation of Alternatives
Product Choice: Selecting Among Alternatives
Types of decision making
Definitions of Attitudes
The functional Theory of Attitudes
The ABC Model of Attitudes
Changing Consumer Attitudes
Reference Groups
Types of Reference Groups
The Importance of Reference Groups
The Male Grooming and Cosmetics Market
Reasons for Growth
The Metrosexual
Defining Metrosexual
Lifestyle of the Metrosexual

3. Methodology
Research Questions
Secondary Research
Advantages of Secondary Research
Limitations of Secondary Research
Primary Research
Research Philosophy
Research Design and Strategy
Primary Research Method
Advantages of Primary Research Method
Limitations of Primary Research Method
Participants (Methods of Sampling)
Ethical Considerations
Data Analysis

4. Analysis
Grooming Products Males Are Likely To Use
Reasons Why Males Use Grooming Products
Celebrities as Role Models
The New Generation
The Purchasing of Grooming Products
Female Influence
Grooming Products as Viewed by Society
When Is Male Grooming Unacceptable?
Changing Attitudes Towards Grooming

5. Concussions
The Role of Reference Groups
The Role of Women
The New Generation of Consumer
Purchasing Male Grooming Products
Limitations of the Study
Marketing Implications
Suggestions For Future Research



Appendix Section

Male Grooming Attitudes And Behaviour Dissertation
Male Grooming Attitudes and Behaviour Dissertation

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