Modern Slavery in Construction Supply Chains

Modern Slavery in Construction Supply Chains Dissertation

There is recognition that the UK construction industry is a danger sector for harbouring Modern Slavery abuses. While contractors are unlikely to be directly employing any slave labour, complex supply chain systems, can be found to be hiding a wide range of abuses. The UK government has already issued the Modern slavery act 2015 which provides a legislative means to deal with modern slavery perpetrators.

Modern Slavery Construction Supply Chains Dissertation
Modern Slavery Construction Supply Chains Dissertation

This dissertation investigates how contractors can eliminate the problem by successfully detecting (i.e. Identify, trace and eliminate) Modern slavery construction supply chains. In a critical review of the literature, the challenges of slavery to supply chain management are conceptualised, focusing on what makes construction a vulnerable industry. The paper then presents the findings from an extensive programme of interviews with UK Industry and labour welfare groups, which investigate the issues surrounding modern slavery in the UK and help obtain an understanding of the role contractors can play in the elimination of modern slavery within the supply chain. Eventually proposing a multi-stakeholder system contractors’ can implement to detect slavery.

This aim is broken down into the below dissertation objectives which guides the research:

  • Understand state of the art knowledge on MS and how it relates to the UK construction industry
  • Determine how well the industry has responded to the 2015 MS Act
  • Identify the challenges to detecting MS in multi-layered supply chains used by contractors
  • Assess the current MS detection methods used by contractors and identify which are most successful
  • Develop proposals on how contractors can improve their detection of MS in construction supply chains

Dissertation Contents

1 – Introduction
Background to the problem
Research overview and approach

2 – Literature Review
The construction industry
Supply chain management
Traditional Slavery
MS and labour exploitation
Constituents of slavery
Migrant workers
Forced labour
Human Trafficking
Bonded Labour
The problem
Employment and the slavery business model
The Informal Economy
Traceability, Transparency and Multi-layer Supply Chains
Current Solutions
Prevention and Compliance

3 – Research Methodology
What is research
Narrowing the research topic
Literature review
Research strategies (quantitative and qualitative)
Discounted Strategies
Data collection approach
Interview design
Development and Piloting
Sample Selection
Thematic Data analysis Method
Ethics and risks

4 – Data Collection
Understanding the scope of MS
Awareness of MS
Prevalence of MS in Construction
Contractor responsibility
Impact of the 2015 MS Act
Vulnerabilities in the industry
Industry characteristics contributing towards vulnerability
Future MS detection techniques
Difficulties in detecting MS
Mechanisms For Detection and Prevention

5 – Discussion
The Understanding and Awareness of Modern Slavery
Collaboration and Supply Chain Relationships
Effective detection techniques
Impact of legislation

6 – Conclusions and Recommendations
Project overview
Key findings
Recommendations to the industry (contractors)
Limitations to research
Recommendations for further research



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I do hope you enjoyed reading this post on identifying and eradicating modern slavery in construction supply chains. There are many other titles available in the construction dissertation collection that should be of interest to construction management students and building professionals. There are many dissertation titles that relate to other aspects of construction such as project management techniques, environmental management, building and construction methods to name a few. It took a lot of time to write this post and I would be grateful if you could share this post via Facebook and Twitter. Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments section. Thank you.

Innovation Management UK Construction

How Innovative is the UK Construction Industry?

Title: Innovation Management in the UK Construction Industry. The contemporary built environment increasingly calls for the incorporation of innovation in the agenda of Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) organisations. Being widely recognized for its vital contribution to achieve a competitive advantage, innovation is perceived as the backbone to secure survival in the dynamic construction market. However, a contradiction is created when the necessity for the construction industry to innovate meets the distinctive elements of the industry’s own nature characterized by a temporary, adversarial and fragmented culture.

Innovation Management

This is the point where the need to face innovation with a conscious and well-integrated approach is revealed. Therefore, the present work aims to discuss how AEC organisations adopt innovation management at the organisational level, where organisational variables and management interventions affect its integration in the business, and to further provide suggestions for its wider promotion in the construction industry. The research carries out an extensive literature review and a series of interviews for the elicitation of empirical data, involving professionals closely related to construction innovation.

Innovation Management UK Construction Industry
Innovation Management UK Construction Industry

The findings revolve around the examination of the construction-tailored concept and context of innovation and proceed to the investigation of the organizational dimension represented by strategies and techniques, as they are suggested by the literature and actually embraced by the interviewed construction firms. The synthesis of the innovation management interventions enable their suggestion to AEC companies, provided that they are critically assessed to their individual needs and capabilities. Consequently, this study can be a useful instrument for organisations that wish to contribute to promoting innovation in the construction industry.

Dissertation Aim and Objectives

The aim of this research is to discuss how AEC organisations adopt innovation management in the contemporary built environment and provide recommendation in order to promote and integrate innovation in the construction industry. In order to achieve the stated aim the following objectives are set:

  • Examine the current state of innovation in UK construction
  • Explore the role of innovation management and the organisational dimension of innovation in construction industry
  • Investigate the approaches of AEC organisations to strategically and tactically promote innovation
  • Identify effective strategies and techniques and provide suggestions for the adoption of innovation management by AEC firms

Dissertation Contents

1 – Introduction
Research Aim and Objectives
Research Methodology
Structure of the Dissertation

2 – The Concept and the Context of Innovation in Construction
Defining innovation
Innovation in construction
Influencing factors on construction innovation
The role of the client and manufacturers
The structure of production
Industry relationships
Organisational resources
Innovation performance of the construction industry

3 – Innovation Management at Organisational Level in a Construction Firm
Innovation management in construction
Organisational variables and management interventions
The role of leadership
The organisational environment
The business environment
Management approaches

4 – Research Methodology
Research Approaches
Quantitative Research Method
Qualitative Research Method
Research method selection
Methods of data collection
Literature Review
Synthesis exercise

5 – Data Analysis and Discussion
Classification of results
Background of the sample
Definition of innovation
Perception of in-house innovation
Barriers to innovation
Strategic approach to innovation
Tactical approach to innovation
Role of the construction sector
Synthesis of the findings

6 – Conclusions, Recommendations and Further Research
Aim and objectives restated
Further Research


Interview Transcripts

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If you enjoyed reading this post on Innovation within the UK Construction Industry. I would be very grateful if you could help spread this knowledge by emailing this post to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Facebook. Thank you.

UK Construction Skills Shortage

Alleviating Skills Shortage Concerns within the UK Construction Industry

Since overcoming the recession period in the mid 2000’s the construction industry has had significant levels of growth and is an in demand sector within the UK’s economy. In order for the demand to be met by the Industry it requires a significant amount of skilled workforce to cope with the current great strides in growth. This is however creating a big concern within the industry as it is believed that the supply of skilled workforce will be unable to meet the demands which are set out and the construction industry is facing a barrier to progress further. The purpose of this study is to find possible solutions on how the ever growing skills shortage can be implemented and improved by identifying what the cause is behind the skills shortage is and what initiations are in place to overcome these at present. This research provides an overview of the skills within the UK construction industry and where the possible problems lie in terms of the ever growing skills shortage.

UK Construction Skills Shortage
UK Construction Skills Shortage

The author carried out research with the aid of literature which has been reviewed and carried this research further by conducting an interview to gain a view of professionals within the industry on the current situation and possible solutions. The main findings from the research were that the respondents believed a skills shortage existed within the industry and if the current situation were to continue then a barrier for the industry to grow would be faced in the near the future. The reasons which were gained from the research was mainly that the industry was not attractive enough to potential new recruits and the lack of opportunities to be a part of the sector are limited. The main conclusion from this study is that in order to overcome the current skills shortage problem within the UK, the industry needs to invest from within in order to enhance the attractions which could possibly attract new recruits within the industry.

Dissertation Objectives

  • Review where, why and how this problem has occurred
  • Examine the demand for the need of skilled workforce with in the industry
  • Identify methods in which the skilled workforce can be increased
  • Provide recommendations on how this problem can be resolved

1 – Introduction

2 – Shortage of Skills
Construction Industry Overview
CIOB Surveys in Skills Shortage
Changes in Policies
Construction Industry Training Board

3 – Research Methods
Research Approaches
Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research
Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Literature Review

4 – Data Analysis and Discussion
Sample Size and Response Rate
Structure of Questionnaire
Review and Discussion of Questionnaire
Skills Shortage
Apprenticeships and Training
Discussion and Evaluation of Research

5 – Conclusions and Recommendations
Research Aim
Satisfying the Objectives
Research Limitations



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I do hope you enjoyed reading this post on Alleviating Skills Shortage Concerns within the UK Construction Industry. There are many other titles available in the construction dissertation collection that should be of interest to construction management students and building professionals. There are many dissertation titles that relate to other aspects of construction such as project management techniques, environmental management, building and construction methods to name a few. It took a lot of time to write this post and I would be grateful if you could share this post via Facebook and Twitter. Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments section. Thank you.

Sustainable Construction

The Impact Of Sustainable Development On The Construction Industry Faced With Economic And Legislative Challenges

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Sustainable Construction Industry Dissertation – The most pressing issue in the 21st century is climate change. The positive advances in sustainable construction indicate the dedication to lowering emissions and making sure that sustainable living is widespread throughout society. The UK Government has instilled various climate change initiatives, subsidies and targets into the industry in attempt to boost the uptake of sustainable development in the construction industry. However, the pressures for building green detriment the ability to build low cost developments.

The economic recession faced by the UK is inaugurating the conflict between sustainable development and value for money. In order to determine the consequences that the sustainable building culture has had on the construction costs a literature review was carried out on a number of resources containing Government reports, Regulations and Laws, manufacturers information, research from professional bodies and academic reports.

A survey was also conducted, gathering the opinion of people with invested interest in the construction industry. The findings of this report suggest that at present, sustainable construction is costing more to implement during the initial construction phase, which is understandable due to the increased levels of technology installed. The majority of sustainable developments are occupied by business use, which indicates that zero carbon homes are not yet affordable as domestic homes. However, market trends suggest that in the future, once all homes are sustainably built, the prices will level off with the eradication of the prestige value.

Sustainable Construction Industry Dissertation
Sustainable Construction Industry Dissertation

The hypothesis of this research dissertation is that with more and more pressures and new legislation applied to sustainable construction this may be forcing contract costs to rise. With the client in mind, rising capital costs may hinder their objectives. It will be considered that there may be methods of lowering cost while still achieving an element of sustainable construction. The main aim of this research dissertation is to ascertain the relationship between sustainable construction and the costs associated with building green.

Sustainable Construction Dissertation Objectives

  • Review current legislation and framework in place to endorse sustainable construction
  • Examine the relationship between the initial cost of sustainable construction and the whole life cost of completed projects
  • Outline the trend in construction costs in relation to advances in sustainable construction
  • Explore the reactions and opinions of construction professionals on costs of building green
  • Determine recommendations to be used in order to best develop the sustainable construction industry while achieving the clients objectives

I do hope you enjoyed reading this post on sustainable development on the UK construction industry. There are many other titles available in the construction dissertation collection that should be of interest to construction management students and building professional.

There are many sample construction dissertation topics that relate to other aspects of construction such as project management techniques, environmental management, building and construction methods to name a few. It took a lot of time to write this post and I would be grateful if you could share this post via Facebook and Twitter. Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments section. Thank you.