Effective Business Communication

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Effective Business Communication

Real effectiveness in business can only be achieved when there is an efficient form of communication between employers, workers, clients and associates. Communication in business is used for swapping information, increasing efficiency, coordination and communication, decision making, formulating and executing plans and improving relationships with external parties. Hence, organizations where there is a seamless and unobstructed exchange of goals, objectives, and ideas in internal and external communication are the ones which prosper the most.

This exchange of information, however, is a form of art and requires a great amount of deliberation. Deficient communication within the company and with the outside world lead to poor performance. In the corporate world it is best to communicate ideas in a way in which they cannot be held against you. The exchange of information should be clear and fathomable, but should all so be somewhat evasive providing an opportunity of leeway.

When it comes to the professional world, it is better to speak and write tentatively and make statements which give room for error, rather than stating opinions and facts in a way, which give no space for denial or clarifications later on, in case of there being any fallacies in the prior stated words.

It is better to use an impersonal passive sort of approach in communication as it highlights the object of the message, yet does not draw as much attention to the correspondent. It is better to use vague writing in touchy situations where there is a blurred line between actualities and claims.

Such form of communication softens the tone of the language and makes it more persuasive. The addressee is more likely to show consent to the contention if the communicator is subtle and less insistent in delivering his ideas.Writing or speech lacking in tentativeness can be harsh and result in avoidance of the actual purpose of business communication, which is the smooth and persuasive conveyance of information.

Tentative language can be acquired by use of limiting words, modal verbs and hedging. Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs which indicate the mood or tone of the sentence, and provide room foruncertainty. They should be used carefully when dealing with official communications.Limiting words indicate the likelihood of something happening. They show the possibility of something happening, but do not confirm to it with entire certainty.

The purpose of all of which is to cushion the impact of the words which you are trying to convey giving, more room later on for denial or modifications. This use of tentative terms is suitable in making assertions that show as much evidence of accuracy as present in reality, and to avoid making assertions which may necessarily not be entirely true. This also helps in avoiding any form of opposition which may arise in case of a false claim, by the receiver picking on the initialcertainty in regards to the authenticity of the words.

Barack Obama, president of the United States, running one of the greatest nations of the world, a businessman of his own sorts on a late night TV show compared his poor bowling abilities to the Special Olympics(Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online: Amy Newman, Scot Ober). What we see here is an example of lack of tentative language. The president first off could have drawn a better analogy, and if this was the most accurate comparison he could find, he could have stated it in a more subtle sort of way, covering the stringency of the meaning by using vague and tentative terms, not claiming to have the conclusive word on the topic, nor making any staunch and definite comparisons.

The result of the President’s verbal faux pas it seems to be, was that he had to call the chair of the board of the Special Olympics and apologize for his seemingly insensitive words. All of this due to lack of proper cushioning and adequate discretion on part of the President in delivering his notion. Thus extra care must be taken when referring to or dealing with handicapped. In the world of business where competitors and the press are waiting like scavengers to pick on your words it is best to use as much cushioning as possible in saying your piece.

Effective Business Communication
Effective Business Communication

Head of HR Management in Yahoo sent a memo to all employees in the not so distant past telling them that commuting or working from home would soon no longer be an option from them, and those who continue to wish to work  this way would have to quit or clearly risk being fired. The harsh terminology used in this inefficiently conducted memo is evidence of why it resulted in a fervently adverse reaction on parts of the employees. First of the memo failed to give any staunch motives for this abrupt new policy. Furthermore, the lack of attempts, at dampening the impact of the new program, and trying to cushion the outcomes of what may happen if employees failed to meet with the new regime, make it blatant that the proposal would backfire on the company, which it did.

Thus we can see what happens when there is an absence of tentative language in communication within businesses. The employees were rightfully upset and there was a lot of bad water, all of this owing to the communication fallacy of just one manager. Had he used a better and more cautious approach in delivering the news, the employees would have accepted the new policy with open arms.

Tentative language gives room for opinions and change. It provides the addressee with an opportunity to add to what is being said. It makes the communicator appear more cautious and open for improvement. The recipient seems to have some room to add to the initial argument if the speaker or writer uses tentative language. This improves the exchange of ideas and removes any barriers which may exist between the two parties allowing an effortless exchange of thoughts and objectives.


Thus we can see the importance of effectual communication. Those people who cannot communicate effectively will find it difficult to beemployed, to function well and earn promotions in their jobs. If they don’t employ essential communication techniques, and continue making blunders which are bound to arise from lack of important practices such as that of using tentativeness. We can see now that caution in writing and employing the use of vague statements which give room for alteration are necessary and lead to better transfer of thoughts.


Judd, A., McElroy, J. and Baker, P. (2014). BC teachers’ strike: Tentative deal reached between BCTF and government. Global News

Enterprises, L. (2014). Metro, drivers and mechanics reach tentative deal on contract : News

The Globe and Mail, (2014). B.C.’s teachers are the losers in tentative deal

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Steve Jones

My name is Steve Jones and I’m the creator and administrator of the dissertation topics blog. I’m a senior writer at study-aids.co.uk and hold a BA (hons) Business degree and MBA, I live in Birmingham (just moved here from London), I’m a keen writer, always glued to a book and have an interest in economics theory.

2 thoughts on “Effective Business Communication”

  1. Outstanding post but I was wondering if you could write a little more on this subject, or upload a complete business communications dissertation? I’d be very grateful if you could. Thanks…

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