Branding Dissertation Burberry

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Brand Identity and its Impact on Consumer Loyalty – A Study of Burberry

Branding Dissertation

Title: Branding Dissertation Burberry – Corporations spend a great deal of resources emblazoning their image – using every conceivable space and all available communication media in effort to secure a position in the minds of fickle consumers. It is deemed by organizations to be a good use of time and money to create and maintain an awareness of their brand as set apart from the competition. Regardless of the sophistication or the scope, brands are a standard means of identification and differentiation within any proprietary framework. With increasing emphasis on brand, branding and logos in order to establish identity among the consumers and buyers, it has become imperative to understand how brand identity influence purchase behaviour and the loyalty of customers. Many researchers have explored the phenomenon of brand identity and presented the belief that people connect to brands for the same reasons they join cults. Through brands such as Apple and Harley Davidson, people find meaning and experience community. In his research he uncovered profound, almost cult-like loyalties to brands, among everyday types of people. He states that the brands themselves are the new religion. This cult-like brand loyalty necessarily attract a great attention to explore and examine how and why people become loyal to a certain brand and how brand identity can play a vital role in retaining them a loyal customer over a long time. Brand Identity can be described as a promise. It is given to a customer to expect some things may it be product quality, service or price. It varies from brand to brand.

Branding Dissertation Burberry
Branding Dissertation Burberry

The focus of this study is to examine the relationship between brand identity and consumers loyalty towards particular brands. The researcher is especially interested in exploring the brand identity in fashion industry. The researcher will thus attempt to examine how famous brands have attracted the attention of consumers, whether the brand image can make consumers loyal to the products associated with it and how consumers perceive the important of a good brand for their purchase intention. The fashion world is currently exploding with brands that have leaped from the back racks into store window displays. But none has resurfaced as boldly as Burberry. Distributed through Burberry stores as well as specialty retailers, Burberry is an international luxury brand with a distinctly British origin and sensibility.

Dissertation Objectives

  • To define brand identity after the review the current and classical literature in the context of consumers purchase intention and loyalty for the brand.
  • To investigate the relationship between brand identity and successful marketing strategies
  • To examine the importance of brand identity from consumers perspective

View This Branding Dissertation Here

Published by

Steve Jones

My name is Steve Jones and I’m the creator and administrator of the dissertation topics blog. I’m a senior writer at and hold a BA (hons) Business degree and MBA, I live in Birmingham (just moved here from London), I’m a keen writer, always glued to a book and have an interest in economics theory.

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