How Does The Country of Origin of a Product or Service Influence Consumer Buying Behaviour? A Study of British Airways? (2013)

Origin of a Product and Consumer Buying Dissertation – Consumer behaviour is a subject that has been studied over the years with an objective of developing a better and profounder understanding of how consumers behave given different circumstances. Generally, studies that have been conducted to explore consumer behaviour have established that consumer behaviour and impacted by a number of factors within the customer-business relationship and some of which go beyond this relationship.

While there are many factors that consumer behaviour responds to including branding, positioning, customer care among other aspects, placed of origin has recently come to be one of the factors that research studies are turning to in the bid to bring out an even deeper understanding of the consumer behaviour subject. For instance a recent study by Shirin (2011), observed that Country of origin of a product or a company is important in the decision making of consumers. In fact, it is not uncommon to see that products from different countries in most cases have labels showing the countries where they are manufactured.

The main objective of the dissertation is to explore the influence of country of origin on the consumer behaviour and focus on British Airways in China as the focus case for the study. The following are the aims and objectives of the research study;

  • To explore and examine consumer behaviour of British Airways customers with respect to its country of origin effect
  • To examine the perception and attitudes of consumers in China towards the United Kingdom where British Airways originates
  • Identify how consumer’s perception and attitudes of the United Kingdom are related to their behaviour towards British Airlines in China
  • Identify the impact of the country of origin of British Airways to its growth in China
  • 13,000 words – 54 pages in length
  • Good use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for international marketing students

1 – Introduction
The problem statement
Significance of the Study
Aims and Objectives of the Study
Research Questions
Theoretical Framework

2 – Literature Review
Consumer Behaviour and the Buying Process
Country of origin effect
Regional in comparison to national labelling
Consumer behaviour toward imports
Impact of Marketing Mix on Consumer Decision Making
Pricing and Consumer Buying Behaviour
COO Effects on Promotion and Consumer Purchase Decisions
Effect of Branding on Consumer Purchase Decision
Culture Influence on Customer Behaviour

3 – Methodology
Research Strategy
Data Collection Methods
Research Procedure
Sample and Sampling Procedure
Data Analysis
Informed Consent and Privacy Measures
Chapter Summary

4 – Results and Analysis
Empirical Investigation: Results and Analysis
Restatement of Aims and Objectives of the Study
Descriptive Statistics
General Response Rate
Demographic Profile and Attributes of the Sample
Knowledge about the Country
Inferential Statistics

5 – Conclusion and Recommendations


Appendix Section

Origin of a Product and Consumer Buying Dissertation
Origin of a Product and Consumer Buying Dissertation

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