An Investigation into the Concept, Design, Development, Applications and Future of Cloud Based Manufacturing and Design (2015)

Cloud Based Manufacturing Dissertation – Manufacturing challenges today are certainly more complex than what they were in prior times. We find ourselves as cogs of a fast moving world, connected to each other. Additionally, a booming and constantly moving global economy, drastic growth in consumer-driven technology, and constantly changing and somewhat unpredictable purchasing behaviors of consumers, jointly present their opportunity and risk.

Therefore, in light of the reasons presented, the need for manufacturers to invest in next-gen industrial automation solutions is now, more than ever before, and the time is right to embrace the cloud. In the introductory section of the dissertation, a brief background of the topic is given, to highlight some elements of the topic. Furthermore, the aims and objectives are mentioned, which have assisted in guiding the entire research project, from start till finish. Also, problem statement as well as the significance/scope of the research is mentioned, illustrating the significance of cloud manufacturing in today’s global economy.

Finally, a brief overview of the report is listed, to provide a breakdown of the chapters. The evolution of manufacturing engineering systems has taken place with the aim of meeting various objectives. These range from cost reduction, the need for reducing lead times, seamlessly integrating new processes, sub-systems, technology and / or upgrades; interoperability; reducing waste due to production activities, instantaneous reconfiguration capabilities and the ability to promptly adapt to events of an expected and unexpected nature.

Some of the most problematic areas of familiarizing with the concept and working of cloud manufacturing involve developing application level technologies that meet all the user requirements, and are adaptable with the existed distributed network for manufacturing. Another key challenge faced by organizations is the access to such machinery and equipment that allows them to utilize the unique system of manufacturing.

Dissertation Aims and Objectives

  • To develop a holistic framework and appreciate the concept of cloud manufacturing by examination of all the relevant data, to structure a comprehensive understanding on the research topic.
  • To analyze the transformation of cloud computing to cloud based manufacturing and design, and its integration with the global manufacturing networks.
  • To investigate the concept of cloud manufacturing, and relate with the different stages of development, design procedures, deployment models, manufacturing paradigms and maintenance.
  • To assess and illustrate the numerous applications of cloud manufacturing, and the scope and global impact of on-demand-supply of data and services through the cloud network.
  • Finally, to demonstrate how future products, services and organizations will be influenced by cloud manufacturing, and to delve deeper in to the ongoing research that will shape the future of cloud based manufacturing.
  • 15,000 words – 50 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for computing and network students

1 – Introduction
Problem Statement
Aims and Objectives
Background of Research Topic
Significance of Research

2 – Literature Review
Aims and Objectives
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Paradigm
Cloud Computing Hierarchy
Advantages of Cloud Computing
Trade capital expense for variable expense
Benefit from massive economies of scale
Stop guessing capacity
Increase speed and agility
Stop spending money on running and maintaining data centers
Go global in minutes
Product Lifecycle Management
Paradigms of Manufacturing Systems
Central production planning / manufacturing systems
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) / Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM)
Cloud-Based Design and Manufacture (CBDM)
Characterization of CBDM
Strategic Division
Application providers
Physical resource providers (PRPs)
Deployment Models
Infrastructure as a Service
Platform as a Service
Software as a Service
Benefits of Cloud Manufacturing
For the Economy
For the Supply-Chain
For Security
For the Workforce
For Big Data
For Innovation
For Agility
Applications of CM
Data Transformation
Remote Collaboration
Cyber Security

3 – Research Methodology
Aims and Objectives
Research Philosophy
Justification for Selection of Interpretive Philosophy
Research Approach
Justification of selection of Inductive
Research Design
Justification for Selection of Exploratory
Research Methodology
Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research
Justification for Selection of Qualitative Analysis
Data Collection Methods
Primary Methods of Data Collection
Secondary Methods of Data Collection
Research Ethics

4 – Findings and Analysis
Aims and Objectives
Rationale for Manufacturing Solutions
Challenges and Trends
Big Data Management
Cloud Agile Manufacturing – Concept
Cloud Agile Manufacturing – Pros and Cons
Industrial Automation
Integrate the cloud
Manufacturing Execution Systems of Cloud Connect
Current Progress in CM

5 – Conclusion

6 – Future Work
Cloud-Based Manufacturing
Cloud-Based Design
Information, Communication and Cyber Security

Cloud Based Manufacturing Dissertation
Cloud Based Dissertation

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