Modular Construction Dissertation

The Benefits and Uptake of UK Modular Construction

The objective of this dissertation is to examine the size and dynamics of the UK modular industry now whilst exploring the government legislation and policies impacting its growth and uptake. A review on how the industry is set to evolve and grow in future is undertaken by study of present literature and qualitative interview analysis. The dissertation goes on to examine the benefits that will occur in the future as a result of this growth, both to the industry as a whole and at a more detailed level the modular construction industry.

The UK construction industry has continued to grow year on year since 2012 with an increased activity in commercial building, the housing market and civil engineering infrastructure. With this steady growth construction firms have been more willing to invest and expand to meet demand as government incentives such as the ‘help to buy’ scheme has made the housing market especially buoyant, helping to boost the whole industry but especially the modular construction sector.

The construction market is forecasted to slow in growth throughout 2018 however the construction industry will still receive the most investment of any major industry due to the rise in demand for office blocks, infrastructure and housing. With this steady growth it is to be expected that modular construction within the industry will also increase in correlation with this. The benefits of modular construction have been well documented. Its use throughout the history of the UK construction industry started with the introduction of prefabricated sections which were fast to install and avoided longer assembly times on site. The ability for offsite fabrication to reduce construction time has been seen as a benefit since the skill shortages and large scale need for fast construction that was created after the end of World War II. However, at this time the technology was not in place to provide this combination of high quality building and faster programme and so it fell out of favour with contractors and clients alike who were not willing to compromise quality with speed.

This bad image through the ages has left a stigma on pre-fabrication in the construction industry which developers are trying to shift in order to access the rewards offered by it. More recently however technological advances have now improved to accommodate a combination of quality and speed however uptake is still not as high as one might expect for such a seemingly revolutionary technology.

Dissertation Objectives

  • Investigate the government policies that promotes the use of modular construction in the UK industry
  • Research what benefits modular construction can provide to the current housing shortage faced by the UK
  • Investigate the economic benefits that a more active modular construction industry would bring
  • Investigate areas of future expansion for modular construction, exploring less conventional methods of application
Modular Construction Dissertation
Modular Construction Dissertation

Dissertation Contents

1: Introduction
Research background
Research Gap
Research Objectives
Dissertation Structure

2: Literature Review
An overview of modular construction
What is modular construction?
Benefits of modular construction
How large is the modular construction industry
Government legislation affecting the modular construction industry
Government strategy pushing modular construction
Modular building framework
Modular construction to help with skill shortage
To what extent can modular construction alleviate the UK housing shortage?
Previous impact of modular construction on the housing sector
Benefits that modern modular construction can bring to the UK housing shortage
What areas of future expansion are there for modular?
Hybrid modular systems
Removing limitations of delivering modules to site
Modular construction in civil engineering
What benefits will a more active modular construction industry bring
Research questions

3: Research Methodology
Research Approach
Data Collection
Primary Data
Secondary Data
Selection of Data Collection Method
Interview Design
Interviewee Sampling
Ethical Considerations

4: Analysis and Results
Thematic analysis
Interview Structure
Interviewee profiles
Analysis and results
The importance of modular construction
How important government policy is on construction trends
Experience of working with modular construction
Making modular a more attractive alternative in the industry
The future of modular construction

5: Discussion
Discussion of objectives
Discussion of research questions

6: Conclusion and Recommendations
Conclusion on the Results
Limitation of the Research
Further Research Recommendation

Interview Questions

View This Dissertation Here: Quantity Surveying Dissertation UK Modular Construction

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Construction Management Dissertation Topics

For more tips on how to write your own construction management dissertation check out the Construction Management Dissertation Collection today. It contains many dissertation topics and dissertation titles. I would very grateful if you can share this post on Twitter or Facebook. Thank you.

Construction Management Dissertation Topics

Construction Management Dissertation Topics and Building Studies Dissertations

Construction Management Dissertation Topics – At we have many questions fielded to us relating to building studies dissertation topics. This takes into quantity surveying and built environment students, we like to think that we can take a student from the stage of choosing a topic to writing a well-structured dissertation themselves. We feel that our dissertation collection contain the best case practice illustrated with numerous examples, case studies and references, all of which are a great source of inspiration.

Our collection of construction management dissertation topics cover key aspects such as research planning, data collection and methodology, as well as structuring and writing the dissertation, in fact, everything needed for a successful write-up. We urge you to take some time out and read through the vast construction dissertation titles we have to offer.

Our construction dissertations provide guidance on research formulation, methodologies, and methods specifically for construction students, the research we offer extends to cover many areas of concern in quantitative and qualitative research, including research ethics.

The dissertations we hold discuss the methods adopted for scientific and engineering research, model building and simulations, as well as methods employed for research into management, social and economic issues relating to the construction environment. We examine the requirements for data and analysis, including the important statistical factors and an array of qualitative techniques that enable construction students to appreciate what needs to be evaluated in devising how a dissertation should be structured. These factors should not be overlooked.

Construction Management Dissertation Topics
Construction Management Dissertation Topics

The construction dissertations we offer will help you in the problem solving stage, the dissertations will be of value to construction, quantity surveying, architecture and civil engineering students undertaking research, whether for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. As previously mentioned the dissertation collection covers many areas of concern in quantitative and qualitative research, including research ethics at all levels of study.

Below is a list of construction and building studies dissertations which reflects the key areas of academic interest and expertise found among construction students. You may already have a clear idea about what you want to research, but in order to help you through this process of topic selection, we have developed the list below;

Construction Dissertation – Difficulties in Implementing Lean Construction in The UK

Construction Dissertation – Implementation and Adoption of Photovoltaics (PV) in the UK

Construction Dissertation – Uutilization of Solar Thermal Energy in the UK

Construction Dissertation – Labour Shortages In The UK Construction Industry And Its Implications

Construction Dissertation – Timber Frame Housing, A Time Effective Solution

Choosing a Sample Dissertation

Choosing to assess our dissertations will provide practical guidance and will help to steer you into a position where you can develop a good dissertation by integrating your practical skills with academic theoretical tools delivered at your university.

We always start by discussing the dissertation structure, it starts with material that should be in the introduction and finishes with material that should be in the conclusion. The dissertation projects provide commentary on the kind of information that you should put in each chapter of your dissertation, supported by a variety of examples using a range of methodological designs.

Our dissertations focus on data collection, data analysis, reliability and validity, these are areas you need to pay close attention to. The qualitative and quantitative analysis contained within our dissertations will show you how to carry out a meticulous analysis while avoiding some of the complexity in statistical work, this is something that should not be afraid of.

You will see at first hand that our construction dissertations will help you to write a more innovative and thorough dissertation. For your own benefit you are strongly advised to choose from this list, but if you wish to research a different field, approach the member of staff you think most appropriate for your needs and discuss it.

About Our Construction Management Dissertation Topics

Our collection of Construction Management Dissertation Topics are ideal resources for students involved in research in building and quantity surveying and construction management. It is vitally important to remember that the content and presentation of your dissertation should be in accordance with your university guidelines. Feel free to add your additional comments to this post.

While the most common topics can vary depending on the current trends and issues in the industry, here are some of the most common construction management research topics:

  • Cost estimation and cost control in construction projects
  • Sustainable construction and green building practices
  • Building information modeling (BIM) and its impact on quantity surveying
  • Risk management and mitigation in construction projects
  • Procurement strategies and contract management
  • Value engineering and value management in construction projects
  • Project management and project delivery methods
  • Building maintenance and facility management
  • Construction management practices in developing countries
  • Quantity surveying and its role in public infrastructure projects
  • These topics cover a wide range of issues in the quantity surveying field and offer plenty of opportunities for original research and analysis

However, it’s important to conduct thorough research and choose a research topic that aligns with your interests, skills, and expertise.

Here are some advantages of conducting original research and writing a dissertation:

Developing critical thinking skills: Writing a dissertation requires a deep understanding of the research topic and the ability to critically analyze existing literature. This process helps to develop critical thinking skills that are valuable in many aspects of life.

Gaining expertise in a specific area: Conducting original research on a specific topic allows you to gain expertise in that area. This knowledge can be useful in future academic pursuits or in a professional career.

Contributing to the construction management field: By conducting original research, you have the opportunity to contribute new knowledge and insights to your field. This can help to advance the field and benefit society as a whole.

Demonstrating research skills: Writing a dissertation demonstrates your ability to plan and execute a research project, collect and analyze data, and communicate findings in a clear and concise manner. These skills are highly valued by employers and can be useful in many professional settings.

Enhancing construction career opportunities: A well-written dissertation can enhance your career opportunities by demonstrating your expertise and research skills to potential employers. It can also open doors to further academic pursuits, such as pursuing a degree or conducting further research.

In conclusion, conducting original research and writing a construction management dissertation has many advantages that cannot be obtained through buying pre-written dissertations. It allows you to develop critical thinking skills, gain expertise in a specific area, contribute to the field, demonstrate research skills, and enhance career opportunities.

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