HRM Employee Relations

Employee Relations

One of the most important factors in any workplace is the relationship between employees and employers. This relationship is sometimes termed as “Employee Relations”, referring to the relationship between employees and employers in an industrial setting. Employees have specified rights over their working conditions and over other matters regarding their pay, redundancy, overtime, promotion, and many other issues. These rights are specified by law and sometimes, also negotiated through trade unions or worker unions in order to influence the decision of employers.

Each country specifies the rights of its workforce differently and some countries give workers higher bounds of protection. In some countries, such as the United States and Great Britain, workers have fought for their own rights over different periods in history and have succeeded in gaining a considerable amount of influence. Great Britain has a minimum wage limit set for its workers and employers all over Great Britain are obligated to at least pay their workers this amount for work they have done. Other laws and statutes protect workers from being overworked, underpaid, or discriminated against for employment and promotional purposes. Laws also outline the type of working conditions and working environment that is essential for workers and the rules as to how/when and in which circumstances, workers can be laid off, fired, or made redundant (Rose, pg 94-111, 2004).

Other factors which also affect employee relations are factors such as pension plans, education plans, training, and disability and injury allowances. Hence, there are a number of factors that employers and employees must be conscious of in the setting of an employment contract (Lewis, pg 110, 2009). Moreover, with the growing influence of employees and with increasing bargaining power, employers must set strategies and approaches in order to effectively deal with the whims and concerns of their employees. No workplace can operate without the employees being properly motivated and satisfied with their work. Dissatisfied employees may mean large losses for the firm and in the case of Great Britain, some lawsuits as well (Rose, pg 98, 2004).

International and Regulatory System

The international system regarding employee welfare and employee relations lacks coercive power and is not able to effectively regulate the conditions offered to employees in various countries. International laws are difficult to implement as each country has their own policy and their own concerns regarding employee welfare. An example of an international law that is difficult to implement is the law against child labor, restricting the number of hours a child under a certain age can work. However, Third World countries are not able to implement this law effectively and child labor is heavily prevalent in such countries The United Kingdom has set a proper regulatory system for employer and employee relations and aims to ensure that both sides receive their fair share. It is alleged at times that employees receive a greater amount of leniency and have more say than the employer in the maintenance of this relationship. However, employees in the UK also have issues regarding the minimum wage, pension plans, and health benefits included in their pay (Lewis, pg. 114-184,2003).

Employee Relations
Employee Relations

Developed countries such as the UK, Australia, USA, and Canada have regulatory systems which aim to moderate the relationship between employees and employers (mature employee relations). Laws govern the contracts upheld by both parties and the clauses are testable by law. Hence, if one party fails to acknowledge or fulfill a clause mentioned in the contract, that party is liable to punishment by law. However, not all countries have a regulatory system. Most Third World Countries do not have a minimum wage nor an obligation to provide employees with any other benefits. Discrimination and unnecessary redundancy is strongly prevalent in such countries. No system exists to properly assist labor in standing up for their rights. Cheap labor is readily available in less developed countries and developed countries are often found exploiting this situation. Since their own countries have a strong system regulating employer and employee relationship, they avail cheaper labor without any hassles in less developed countries (Lewis, pg 189,2009).

However, the international system and regulatory power for employer and employee relations details issues such as age requirements for work, health benefit plans, job security,  minimum wage, and retirement plans. There are several agencies working to aim to secure such benefits for employees all over the world (Hollingshead, pg 24-32, 2010).

Trade unions and worker associations also do not have full acknowledgement and recognition under the laws of many countries. Hence, workers are unable to negotiate terms and conditions with their companies on a large scale or engage in “collective bargaining”. Mainly, in Third World countries it is the blue collared workers or labor class who lack education and awareness of their rights. These people also lack opportunities and hence are exploited by their employers by being offered low wages and practically no-benefits (Rose, pg 156-230, 2004) this will have an adverse effect on employee relations.

White collar workers or skilled labor is more informed regarding international law; hence usually such workers do engage in proper contracts and receive competitive salaries, according to their qualifications. They also receive benefits, health insurance, and retirement plans. Most Third World countries also implement international law upon their own government employees.

Government employees are given proper employee benefits and adequate pays with pay raises whenever adequate. They are treated according to international standards of employer and employee relations (Lewis, pg 89-105, 2003).

However, only one side of the story should not be accounted for as employees also have an obligation to fulfill their duties during the period of employment. International law states that employees may be fired if they fail to perform all their duties. Hence, it is mandatory for employees to also not over emphasize their power. There is also a maximum limit to the pay raises and extra benefits that employees can negotiate and any violent or defaming behavior can lead to arrest and conviction. Unnecessary union formations and illicit use of power is strongly condemned (Jenard & Judge, pg 161, 2005).

International regulations mainly aim to ensure that all employees are given fair opportunities and are not exploited. They aim to prevent discrimination on the basis of age, gender, ethnicity, and background. They also aim to ensure that all employers are protected against illicit employee action and employee strikes. However, all of these regulations are made by separate international organizations. It is difficult for these organizations to implement their policies in all countries or convince governments to adopt their policies. They must convince governments to sign deals and contracts for the adoption of these policies, yet this is a very difficult task. These organizations lack coercive power. They cannot force other countries to adopt these policies if they do not find them beneficial. The act against child labor was upheld by the UN, but lacks serious implementation (Hollingshead, pg 121, 2005).

These countries still have children working long laborious hours in dangerous situations and being paid very little for their efforts. Hence, international regulations have very little influence and power in the global world. They are mostly ineffective and of no practical use. However, they do raise awareness and raise a voice for some potential concerns regarding the work place.

Mostly, these international laws affect workplaces in Great Britain, USA, and other developed countries, where employees are educated and well-informed. Employees raise a voice in sequence with these laws themselves and demand to be given equal rights and opportunities as people in other developed countries receive. This can be exemplified in the new Pension increase movement in Great Britain (Coats, pg 1, 2010).

However, people in less developed countries seldom have many opportunities and are happy with what they receive as payment for their work. They cannot afford to demand more as they will be in danger of losing their job, instead of being given what they deserve. Employers in these countries also lack resources to be able to give their employees such extravagant benefits. International regulations can only help in raising awareness among the educated class and then enabling the workers to fight for their rights themselves. Moreover, despite such strong efforts, discrepancies prevail in countries like the UK and the USA, where opportunities for men and women are still not identical. Women do receive less pay in many professions such as doctors, lawyers, actresses, and many others. Biases do exist and there is still a prevalence of unjust behavior in these places as well, tending to make it even more difficult to uphold a system in countries which lack resources for implementation (Jenard & Judge, pg 113, 2005).

Employee Relations Approaches

There are two main approaches to employee relations, which include the individualistic approach and the collective approach. Employers choose their management style according to what they find most suitable and what is preferred.

The individualistic approach outlines the way employers prefer to keep separate management styles and negotiations open with individual employees and collective negotiating means dealing with the full work force at large (Blyton, pg 94-102, 2004).

Coordinating and managing employer and employee relationships become more difficult and complicated year by year. It is essential to manage the concerns of employees regarding issues such relocation of industry, harassment, redundancy, compensation, and violent behavior. Hence, it is important for each employee to have a progressive attitude towards the relationship between employee and employer. If this relationship becomes weak, the company suffers at large (Blyton, pg 230-234, 2004) this will hinder employee relations on a large scale.

As mentioned before, there are two ways of managing this relationship, which are a collective approach or an individual approach. The individual approach involves contact of an individual employee with the employer. The employer negotiates the terms and conditions of the contract with the individual employee, pertaining to that employee only (Lewis, pg 208-215,2003).

There are advantages with using the individualistic approach which include that there are only one person’s interests involved and hence, there is no conflict between parties. Sometimes, when the opinion of multiple employees is taken, various employees have differing views and differing interests. Hence, it is difficult to serve the interests of all employees and a trade-off must be made in order to serve the interests of the majority, which might leave some employees unhappy. An example to illustrate this is, one employee may feel that the wage rate is too low, while another may feel that more fringe benefits should be provided to employees. Another employee’s concern may be the health insurance plan and another employee may be worried about the new downsizing operation that the company has begun. It would be extremely difficult for the employer to serve all needs simultaneously; hence some employees will be left unattended in this regard. With individual bargaining, individual needs are catered to in the employment contract, hence there is no conflict.

I Love
I Love

Moreover, since the whims and needs of one person are included in individual bargaining, the employee relations does not have to compromise significantly as to the attendance of his/ her needs. The employee and employer can easily come upon a one-on-one settlement (.Edwards, pg 110, 2003) However, this approach also holds disadvantages which include that one person’s concerns may not be enough to restructure company policies or change procedures. One person may not have enough influence or coercive power to negotiate a great deal and hence the manager may not uphold the concerns of that individual employee. Hence, usually individual bargaining tends to have a much lesser impact upon company procedures and policies at large. There is a very low tendency of compliance by the employer hindering effective employee relations.

The second approach to employee relations is collective bargaining. This entails negotiating issues with representatives from trade unions and other employee representatives in order to solve the issues of employees collectively, on a large scale. This method aims to eliminate or reduce conflict as employees decide upon their demands on a collective scale and choose representatives to convey their demands to the employer. This enables all issues to be addressed quickly instead of individual employees coming to the employer with individual demands. Hence, it is a quicker and more effective process (Blyton, pg 12-36, 2004) and essential for good employee relations.

Through collective bargaining, the employees exert a lot of influence upon the employer and are able to get what they desire quickly and more effectively. As it is said that there is power in numbers, hence the more employees that are involved in the trade union, the better the result. The method of collective bargaining also has some down sides and some disadvantages. It causes the individual worker to be overshadowed by the interests of the whole group. An individual may have some private concerns which may not be the majority opinion. However, these concerns are not catered to when things are being dealt with on a collective scale. Hence, some employees may be left feeling deprived and unhappy (Edwards, pg 76-89, 2003) again, hindering effective employee relations.

There are other methods of employer and employee relations which depend upon the nature of work of the employee and whether the employee is a part-time or a full-time employee. Full time employees benefit the employer in many ways which include a sense of loyalty and belonging in the company which enables the employee to focus their best efforts upon the business. The employers also have a greater amount of control on the employee and his/her activities. The employer senses a feeling of security and trust which leaves him satisfied that there is other permanent staff available to assist him in hard times, this needs to be overcome in order to promote effective employee relations.

However, employers are also faced with a greater burden of full-time employees. They may be required to pay for vacations and must also pay payroll taxes. It is quite difficult to hire and maintain such a dedicated workforce, and employers will constantly need to provide benefits and other sources of motivation to their employees (Taylor, pg 245-246, 2008) this will promote healthy effective employee relations.

According to UK’s internal revenue code, part time employees are defined as those who work for a period less than 1,000 hours in a year. Part-time employees have some advantages for employers which include flexibility in working hours and a potentially economical option which is extremely viable for smaller and newly developed ventures. Moreover, part time employees can be availed when needed; hence full time costs can be saved to a large extent. Moreover, part time employees need not be given extra benefits such as paid vacations and health insurance. Just as full-time employees, part time employees also have their disadvantages. It is difficult to compete on the basis of loyalty and time with the other employers of part-time employees. When part time employees are offered other options and full time work, they may resign and this may result in a shortage in staff. These are the basic approaches that are used by employees and employers for employee relations. The approaches are used according to the suitability, custom, and preference of the employee and employer, this is essential to build good employee relations.

UK Employee Relations System

Although UK’s employment system is one the most highly protected and established system in the world, it is currently facing a lot of controversy and issues. Workers in the UK are most informed about their rights and have the highest amount of power now as opposed to the power they had in the post war period. However, they still find the system to be a complete turmoil. Employers are currently facing problems with high levels of employee regulations and low productivity and motivation in employees. The rate of motivation has decreased substantially over the years and even though 2005-2008 marked a period of Workers’ Rights Awareness and this rapidly increased the awareness workers have of their rights, workers were far less motivated than employers wanted. Workers tend to feel that there is an unlimited amount of unfairness in the system and it needs substantial improvement (Coats, pg 1, 2010)

The UK’s employment relation system is fairly simple and does not over emphasize certain issues. It gives employers fair liberty to hire and fire employees at their own will and it also prevents the formation of unions. Employees today find this quite unfair and are striving to find a collective voice and to be heard by the government and employers of the UK (Coats, pg 1, 2010).

Employees are not quite aware of the fact that unions are very much prevalent in the UK and they do have a right to a collective voice. However, that voice is subdued in the United Kingdom and employees are not made aware of the opportunities and rights that exist for them. Therefore, increasing employee relations is a must.

Union strikes and action is prohibited in the UK, which makes employees feel that they are at a loss for voicing their opinion. Miss Margaret Thatcher imposed this law upon the kingdom as a way to protect employers from unjust violence and threats from employees looking to impose unfair demands upon employers. However, this system has caused the employees to feel that they are at a loss and is causing more frequent and larger amounts of litigation made against employers. Hence, employee tribunals are active at full speed, dealing with a large number of lawsuits. It is found that employees who are not a part of a union tend to look towards employee tribunals for proper acknowledgement of their demands and to convey their whims, concerns, and other matters. This has currently put UK in an uproar and is affecting the economy at large (Coats, pg 1, 2010).

UK, in the post war period, was more or less the same as it is today. However, the predecessors of this government, in the post-war period understood that there was a need for a platform to voice the opinions of other parties and reasonably argue over alternatives. However, the current system of capitalism does not seem to be working well for the UK presently. This may call for a new system or model of capitalism to be designed and implemented (Rose, pg 220, 2004).

The government may be looking for full dialogue on the issue of improving the employee relations system and must make several reforms to the current prevailing system. These reforms may consist of adequate arrangements to deal with employee concerns on a collective scale and find alternate methods to dispute resolution. Implementation and more focused awareness of employee rights would be an advancing step, especially in areas where employees are least informed and most exploited. Companies who are listed on the Stock Exchange should be asked to also publish information regarding their personnel relations policies and other matters such as accident occurrence, labor turnover, and other human resource related issues.

Hence, opposed to the post war period, some regulations were imposed upon UK”s employee relations system which included the setting of anti-union laws. Some allowances were also made such as extra rights for working parents, minimum wage, and other worker friendly policies. However, these movements were disregarded as in the postwar period, little regulation controlled employee relations. It was left up to the employee and employer and the State only controlled major and serious issues regarding safety and other important concerns. Collective bargaining was majorly encouraged and trade unions were recognized as a means of reducing conflict (Coats, pg 1, 2010). Workers today feel deprived of the rights of collective bargaining and the post-war period system began crumbling with the on set on Miss Thatcher’s governance. The system is currently a wreck and needs new reforms or a new model to follow. It is alleged that other developed countries have developed and implemented their employee relations systems better than the UK and workers in the UK claim that the quality of jobs in the UK is below satisfactory and needs major improvement.


Blyton,P. & Turnbull,P.2004.The Dynamics of Employee Relations. Basingstoke,Palgrave

Coats, David. 2010. Time for a Re-think: A New Employment Relations System for the UK.

Cook, M. 2009. Personnel Selection. Chichester Wiley

Edwards, P. 2003. Industrial Relations and Employee Relations; Theory and Practice in Britain.Oxford Blackwell

Jenard, J. & Judge, G.2005.Employee Relations. London CIPD

Hollingshead, G.2010. International and Comparative Human Resource Management Employee Relations. London; McGraw Hill Higher Education.

Lewis,D. & Sergeant, M.2009. Essentials of Employment Law – Employee Relations. London, CIPD

Lewis,P et al. 2003.Employee Relations: Understanding the Employee Relationship. Prentice Hall

Rose,E. 2004. Employment Relations. Pearson Education

Taylor,S.2008. People Resourcing and Employee Relations. CIPD

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Cyber-Terrorism Cyber-War

Should Government Monitor Network Usage to Support National Defense?

Advancing technology has posed great difficulties in assessing threats to national security. The most serious acts of violence via the internet are cyber-war and cyber-terrorism, which have raised concern with security agencies in the governments of most countries. This essay will focus on the essence of the governments to monitor network usage in order to reduce civil crime and acts of terrorism via the internet in support of national defense. In addition, the essay will discuss the actions that national security agencies have taken in their efforts to curb the threats, as well as which specific networks they monitor.

In today’s modern society, internet networks are becoming an important way for both individuals and businesses to enhance communication. The productivity and social interaction of our society depend a great deal on this tool to foster relations and national development. However, as internet usage is rapidly growing, it is becoming more and more difficult to evaluate its effects. This poses a danger to both individual privacy and to national security.

Surveillance programs such as the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) have become important strategies to combat and prevent criminal activity through computer-based networks. With the rapid change and revolutions of technology, governments are finding it very easy to put any personal information of the public under close watch with programs such as CBS (computers and biometric software) and Total Information Awareness Programs (TIAP). Even as the government is struggling to put safeguards in place, the American and most other world governments are still at risk from possible threats imposed by computer networks, and most Americans are losing their privacy due to the government’s efforts to minimize these threats (Stanley and Steinhardt, 2003).

The efforts of the government to control threats to national security through the use of surveillance still receive much criticism from individual citizens. Individuals see these efforts as an invasion of their privacy and into the privacy of companies. Although the government has the ability to monitor the usage of networks in an attempt to reduce risks before a security breach occurs, efforts to achieve this goal may still be fruitless (Whitehead, 2009). Nevertheless, major steps are being taken by the government’s intelligence agency to monitor networks in the interest of the public. These efforts are intended to prevent hacking and subsequent leaks of sensitive data in order to protect the privacy of individuals. This effort to increase safety and at the same time protect individual privacy is a necessary step towards achieving the government’s goal to support national defense.

Vulnerability to threats such as cyber-terrorism and cyber war pose a great danger to national security

While such cyber attacks are increasing, the government is making many efforts to monitor systems in the interest of national defense. Statistics reveal that by March 2013 over 38.8% of the world’s population will access the internet with over 65% online in developed countries (IWS, 2013). This diversity of networks has posed many problems that are made worse by weak government policies. Because of this, there is a need for the government to come up with strong policies to aid in keeping national defense intact.

One form of cyber attacks that has threatened American society and its companies is cyber-terrorism. Cyber-terrorism has multiple definitions. The most narrow definitions describes it as the intentional use of computers and computer networks that causes damage to people, information, property, or even an intimidation by another government with an attempt to cause destruction or economic loss (Matusitz,2005). Cyber-terrorism has the potential to damage industrial leaders who wish to protect their products. This is why most government and security agencies are motivated to combat the problems through the monitoring of all public networks.

As opposed to cyber-terrorism, cyber-warfare is more political in nature and involves a specific threat aimed at attacking a financial institution or company, leading to financial loss. Some of the latest reported victims of this type of cyber-attack were The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, and these types of threats are extending into the roots of the U.S. government. These two prominent U.S publications received a major loss due to a compromise by a Chinese news syndicate hacking their operations (Szakmary, 2013). The kind of systems that control computer networks is becoming a major platform for cyber-terrorism, and indeed pose a threat to national security. Consequently, the threat is increasing and leading to political instability, economic loss and even loss of life. Because of this, the government has put policies in place in an that allow it to monitor public networks in order to reveal the nature and source of similar attacks in support of national defense.

The stuxnet worm is an example of cyber-terrorism on computer systems and the networking on which many organizations rely. This is a major culprit in Estonia and in Saudi Arabia affecting the infrastructure of the oil industry and was created by the U.S and Israel governments with the aim of applying it in uranium enrichment facilities. This is one of the dangerous malware created by the U.S government, and there are speculations that the government was targeting the power structure of Iran.


This worm attacked the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems that control industrial communications, including power plants and gas pipelines (Zetter, 2011). This planned attack caused 100,000 computers to be attacked by malware, posing dangers to the industrial infrastructure of Iran. Many believe that it was the intention of the U.S government to destroy the industrial control systems of Iran. If the right monitoring techniques had been employed, such a spread of malware could have detected at early stage and controlled. This shows how the monitoring of networks is essential to detect the source of such threats and to avoid similar attacks in order to protect the interests of the nation.

Another possible threat to the government is the high degree of dependence on social networks. This includes Facebook, twitter, and blackberry. Social networks have been blamed for major riots that have occurred in major cities in the U.K. and have been particularly widespread in London (Potgieter, 2011). Freedom of expression and the rights of the media contribute to the increase in these threats. The efforts of the authorities to monitor the networks could reduce the violence and threats posed by social networking services.

Tracing crimes via the social networking media is also another challenge in implementing effective monitoring systems to prevent possible threats. If the government were to put monitoring systems in place, this would help detect criminal activity and reveal the location of planned attacks as well as assisting with the prosecution of the criminals in the judicial systems. This would help to reduce both cyber-terrorism and cyber-war. This demonstrates how the government’s role in monitoring computer networks would be effective in supporting national defense and the public interest of a nation.

Government authorities have put several security agencies in charge of monitoring networks to reduce possible threats. In order to prevent the use of captured data for unintended purpose, harsh regulations and laws publicized by these security agencies would restrict personal use of such information by employees and journalists. This demonstrates that governments understand how important it is to put such policies in place in order to monitor networks and support national defense.

In the United States, the National Security Agency (NSA) is the largest security agency that does mass surveillance. Current sources reveal that NSA secret programs survey millions of data from American’s and foreign national’s phone calls and internet communications (Greenwald, 2013). After 9/11, The Patriot Act was implemented, which mandated the NSA to spy on individuals without first obtaining a search warrant from the court. Although they are intruding in the private life of individuals, safety is paramount in the interest of the nation as a whole.

Another security agency that involves partnership between different states is UKUSA. Member states involved are the U.S, New Zealand, Canada and Australia (Schimid, 2001). ECHELON is a security intelligence collection and analysis network that UKUSA member states partner with in their operations. The system is able to identify communications between criminals and terrorists.

The security agency in charge of monitoring computer networks in the U.K is the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). The operations of this agency are not limited to snooping of data (Leppard, 2008). GCHQ is the first line defense in the national security of Britain, as well as the top-most eavesdropping agency that monitors private communications through direct taps into fiber optic cables. Current developments show how the NSA and GCHQ are working together to perform mass surveillance. The case of Edward Snowden, a former U.S. security intelligence contractor, revealed that there is possibility of the government interfering with people’s private lives.

U.K. programs that were recently mandated allowing security authorities to track emails and website visits and to record communications in order to combat terrorism have remained a question of debate. Such plans are underway, although people still argue about how invasive it is to people’s privacy. The government has since put in place measures necessary to protect the public. Those who log visit certain web pages have to do so with an internet protocol (IP) addressees so that the government only records the activity on suspected pages.

Even though the debates about personal privacy are becoming intense, the agencies mentioned have seen the need to monitor various broad computer-based networks to counter terrorism in support of national defense.

The common and largest networks under surveillance by security agencies are Local Area Networks (LAN) and Wide Area Networks (WAN). These are large collections of internet networks, which have different purposes depending on the topology and user needs. The usage of the internet is high, and broad in terms of information which is why the government concentrates so much on monitoring the internet in order to support national defense.

Other areas of internet networks to which the government is extending its monitoring programs are electronic mail, the World Wide Web (WWW) and social networks. Social networks such as twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook are linked with increasing crimes in both the U.K. and the U.S. It is very difficult for users of such networks to detect possible threats. Thus, the government sees it as necessary to monitor communications data with the fast- changing technology. According to Booth (April, 2012), 95% of serious organized crimes are detected by government counter-terrorism programs with the contribution of communication data.

This demonstrates how monitoring communication data, which includes the numbers dialed for a phone call, time, and email addresses, is compatible with the government’s goal of storing civil information and restricting the liberties of individuals in the interest of national defense.

Governments are also putting more effort into monitoring telecommunication networks, which involves mobile and landline phones. According to the Guardian newspaper, the government of the U.K. introduced a new law in 2012 mandating security services and allowing the police to put telecommunication networks under surveillance (Booth, 1 April 2012). The Strategic Defense and Security review of 2010 supported this law through the government’s program to allow security intelligence and law enforcement agencies to obtain communication data from phones and to terminate suspicious communications. This is an indication of the government’s commitment to counter-terrorism through monitoring all forms of communications media in order to support national defense.

Various technologies are used to monitor networks depending on the type of communications done

The government monitors network usage is by asking the communication providers for usage information. Since internet networks have a client-server model, the servers of Internet Service Providers process all requests from its multiple clients. Nevertheless, sometimes ISPs are reluctant to reveal such information, as they believe it is not their job to regulate the internet (Clayton, 2005). The best example of this is the technology used by Chinese Golden Shield, known as the Chinese Shield Firewall. The government designed it to hide information aimed at destroying the Chinese government from the Chinese public. The system only allows traffic to pass through several routers at the ISP level before being blocked. At present, Skype conversations provide evidence in support of this organization.

Individual companies also assist in the monitoring of employees and pass any suspicious information to the government. This is helpful in supporting national defense in the event that employees are planning any malicious or terrorist acts. Technical staff can also assist in viewing employees’ laptops and in case of any suspicious information they can pass it on to the management and thereafter to the police, who will pass it to the relevant national defense agencies.

In reported news in Toronto, seventeen people suspected of acts of terrorism were arrested following these kinds of monitoring exercises (Geist, 2006). The number of people under surveillance has increased, indicating that the systems governments use to monitor networks and support the government in national defense are productive.

It is better for government monitoring networks to be well informed by joint intelligence committees from U.K. and in the U.S. the senate select committee. They should be responsible for ensuring that the monitored information is handled correctly and securely, and the handling of such information procured from relevant bodies.

In conclusion, cyber-warfare and cyber-terrorism are becoming a major threat to national security. This is due to the increasing usage of the internet, therefore creating a stage for such acts executed as threats to state-run security. Cyber-based threats require no weapons, personnel or any form of explosives, but rather consist of unauthorized intrusion and an overload of worms and viruses to computer based networks systems through methods too difficult for governments and individual state members to comprehend today (Gable, 43).

The structural challenge for many governments is to come up with systems of security that fit the fast growing technology of the 21st century. Efforts to institute proper educative cyber norms and produce specialized managers have lagged behind due to improper planning and allocation of resources. In addition, with the fast technological developments, governments end up lagging behind the rapid changes in technology. As this trend continues, governments on the other side are increasing their efforts to combat the problem in support of national defense.

If terrorists are using the internet for their acts of violence and posing dangers to a nation, the government should invest more resources and invest in security technology systems for curbing terrorism. To achieve this, they will need sound educational institutions to produce specialized and skilled managers to counteract the acts of cyber attacks among the public. This will mean mobilizing IT expertise in the country and training them on how to prepare for the possibility of cyber attacks in the interest of national defense.

It should also be the responsibility of the law-abiding citizen to ensure that any information seen on the internet that is suspected to be related to a terror campaign attack be reported to the relevant authorities. This will ensure that the government gets enough information to fully combat the situation. It is a good idea for citizens to be comfortable enough for the government’s effort to protect the nation than to worry so much about his/her personal privacy. Attempts by the government to monitor networks and support national defense will only be fruitful if individuals of the state abide by and cooperate with the government’s policies.

In summary, for the public to agree that the government should monitor networks in the support of national defense is of prime importance. Knowing about and detecting threats from the internet is difficult, And it is only through the investment of vast technology relevant to the situation that we can foster the development communication that will help to curb threats to national security. Thus, irrespective of any concerns about the invasion of privacy, government monitoring of networks in the support of national defense should not be postponed.


Bonaventure O. (October 30, 2011), Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols and Practice

Booth Robert (2012), “Government plans increased email and social network surveillance”: Proposal echoes Labour scheme that was scrapped in 2009 over concerns it would breach civil liberties”. The Guardian, Sunday.

Clayton, R. (2005). Anonymity and traceability in cyberspace.

David Icke (2013) GCHQ and European spy agencies worked together on mass surveillance; David Icke books ltd. USA.

Geist, M. (2006). Internet Monitoring Leads to Terror Arrests

Greenwald, Glenn (2013). “NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon customers daily”. The Guardian. Retrieved 16 August 2013.

Gable, Kelly A. “Cyber-Apocalypse Now: Securing the Internet against Cyber-Terrorism and Using Universal Jurisdiction as a Deterrent” Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 43, No. 1.

Halliday, J. (2011). London riots: how BlackBerry Messenger played a key role.

IWS. (2011). World Internet Users and Population Stats.

Jamison, Jane. Israel, U.S. Behind Stuxnet Computer Virus Attack on Iran/Will Reactor “Melt-Down?” Right Wing News.

Leppard, D. (2008). Government will spy on every call and e-mail. The Sunday Times 5 October 2008.

Matusitz, Jonathan (2005). “Cyber-terrorism:”. American Foreign Policy Interests 2: 137–147.

Potgieter .A.(2011).Social Media and the 2011 London Riots.

Szakmary Chase (2011) Cyber-Terrorism Will Be the Greatest National Security Threat in the 21st Century Chase Szakmary.

Schmid, Gerhard (11 July 2001). “On the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system), (2001/2098(INI))” (pdf – 194 pages). European Parliament: Temporary Committee on the ECHELON Interception System.

Stanley J. and Steinhardt B. (2003) Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains: The Growth of an American Surveillance Society”. American Civil Liberties Union.

Whitehead, T. (2009). Every phone call, email, or website visit ‘to be monitored’.

Zetter, K. (2010). Blockbuster Worm Aimed for Infrastructure, But No Proof Iran Nukes Were Target.

Zetter, Kim. (July 11, 2011). How Digital Detectives Deciphered Stuxnet, the Most Menacing Malware in History. Wired.

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Virtual Reality Tourism

Augmented and Virtual Reality in Tourism Industry

Introduction to Virtual Reality

Virtual reality was first known as the artificial or near reality, is a term used to describe the technology of making the fantasy, artificial, imaginary or fictitious world into reality. While the Augmented Reality is a term use to relate the combination of virtual reality and real world. However, the virtual is a near to reality and reality is what we experienced in our life. We also can say everything is possible in virtual reality.

Nowadays, when every single aspect of technology has been tremendous using in every walk of life, there the demand and application of virtual reality is widely adopted as trend and almost in all fields of life either personal or professional we are directly or indirectly using the virtual or augmented reality technology. In tourism, the augmented and virtual reality are playing an effective and efficient role in providing the benefits for both the tourism industries as well as to the tourists. It is a profitable technology used for the marketing and entertainment purposes in the tourism industry ( QR Code Press 2012 ).

Application Of Technology In Tourism Industry

Since last two decades the internet has been vitally used in the tourism industry for hospitality and marketing purposes. As widely the hotel’s network will be as much clientele it will gain by using internet technologies (Hymas, 2012).

Due to the increasingly growing internet technology the facilities, marketing, services and accessibility for customers and hotel businesses is becoming more convenient. Due to this efficient internet technological platform, the consumers can easily shop whatever they want to, can reserve rooms or family table & halls, and events in any hotel they like to while the business men and owners of hotels and other tourist destinations can easily provide the shopping, reservation and booking facilities for the customers not locally but also at international level (Ahuja, Raman and Gupta 2003).

Application Of augmented and Virtual Reality In Tourism Industry

According to Whyte (2002), the augmented and virtual reality application in the tourism industry has a wide background. However, it was not as much in trend before a decade, as it is getting popular now days. “The implementation of virtual reality” (p. 443) technology broadens the concept of convenience, accessibility, marketing, entertainment, user friendly development and communication.

Buhalis (2000b) stated that the virtual reality combination with the real world is not less than an excited experience the tourists can get to entertain and facilitate themselves. They can choose and select the possibilities what they have to see or experience in fact and all this can be done only through a “single click of mouse” (p. 240) or a key on your cell.

Virtual Reality Tourism
Virtual Reality Tourism

We must say that augmented and virtual reality technology actually allow the businessmen of the tourism industry to add the recorded and animated images, videos, and other multimedia resources in order to blend and make able to view the artificial facts or reality in the real world. The virtual reality applications therefore has been adopted to provide the travelers with useful information and facts about their possible queries and anticipations about touring in their potential destinations.

Furthermore, we can say that touring enterprises can convey their services and can attract and invite the tourists from all across the world by using the virtual reality through their websites or other accessible resources. While the travelers can avail the pre information, accessibility and decision making for all they want to get while planning their tour, such as the destinations, location tracking for hotels, markets, hospitals, gyms, clubs, cafes or anywhere they want to go, can suppose shopping goods and services and even can do this by selecting, purchasing and paying online, and can assume their presence at the destination they want to be while sitting in their homes and offices. All this is possible only because of virtual reality technology application in the tourism industry.

According to my research on virtual reality application, the augmented and virtual reality is widely engaged in creating the imagery videos, perfect 3D representations and pictures by using computer generated graphics to make the touring experience more effective and entertaining for the travelers by offering them sightseeing services. Nowadays, the sightseeing services for android and Smartphones is also accessible for travelers to walk, shop, hang on, and see the facts and figures presented as an overlay on their live screen while they are sitting at their home or offices.

How Can augmented and virtual Reality Help The Tourism Industry?

According to Dellaert (1999), the virtual reality helps the travelers in decision making processes and preferences before even buying the items or being in the place they are planning or willing to go in reality. It enhances the customers’ reliability towards their destinations. The potential guests can create their own tailor made package for their convenience and facility through “usage of the world wide web” (pp. 325).

Although, the internet is not only the source of providing the facility, services and access to the tourist, but it is more than necessary to implement the CRSs computerized reservation systems and GDSs global distribution channels in the tourism industry to bring the tourism industry towards the platform of automation and IT. The virtual reality and multimedia application in websites of tourism industries makes it more technologically developed and progressed for both the customers and business enterprises.

The possibilities of providing the information, distribution and transaction facilities for potential tourists is only possible through applying the virtual reality technology in the tourism industry (O’Brien, 1999 ).


After concluding, we can say that the augmented and virtual reality basically enhances the opportunities to put an end to unfamiliarities and impossibilities in the tourism industry. Due to rapidly growing application of augmented and virtual reality in the tourism industry, now nothing is impossible to know, see or even get a travel experience without going the places where you want to go. It helps travelers to get a real experience or travelling the foreign countries by getting information about their surroundings before moving towards their destinations.


Buhalis. (2000b), Dellaert. (1999), O’Brien. (1999) Tourism Distribution Channels Practices, Issues and Transformations.

Ahuja, Raman and Gupta. (2003), Hymas. (2001), Whyte. (2002) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010, 02.

View Tourism Dissertation Topics Here

Nursing Dissertation Topics

Outstanding Nursing Dissertation Topics

I have been asked to assist a handful of students regarding nursing dissertation topics. As mentioned in other posts, our website will not write a nursing dissertation for you but we will point you in the direction of existing research. Firstly, your nursing dissertation is an extensive research project on a related topic of your choice relevant to your studies. Ordinarily, your nursing dissertation will contain precise knowledge in that specific area of research. For instance, you will emphasize clear objectives of the research that you are doing and keep the research on-topic. Be mindful that you need to engage your research and your knowledge with the reader. An integral part of your research is to choose an appropriate nursing dissertation topic. It is the first step toward starting your nursing dissertation and you should not deviate away from your chosen topic. A recommended method of finding a suitable nursing dissertation topic is to examine your existing knowledge in a particular field.

If you have knowledge in patient care it may be worthwhile developing a nursing dissertation topic in this field of study. You will be familiar with key research, prominent authors and you will be comfortable in using existing literature and research in this field. You may find that you will lift a lot of pressure if you are comfortable writing about a particular field of nursing that is familiar. You will need to expand on your existing knowledge and turn this into an impactful nursing dissertation topic.

There is no doubt that your nursing dissertation topic will fall into a specific area of nursing. As a nursing student, or practitioner what is important to you in the health and nursing environment? Maybe there is something that you see in patients that you think is worth exploring in greater depth? There are many areas of nursing for you to explore, these areas may include: child care, mental health, pediatric nursing, clinical management, midwifery or future nursing trends in a particular region. The brainstorming process will help you to write a creative and attractive piece of research.

Nursing Dissertation Topics
Nursing Dissertation Topics

I had a conversation with a nursing student who currently works within the NHS in the United Kingdom and she recommends formulating a nursing dissertation topic on practices, procedures or interventions that are of a particular interest in the field of nursing. She went on further to say that researching something that you do not have a connection with can be daunting, you must have a connection with the research you are undertaking. The nursing dissertation topic must be of interest to you and engage the reader. I must add that the nursing student in question completed a BA (Hons) Nursing Studies degree with first first-class honors.

Possible Nursing Dissertation Topics

Below is a list of nursing dissertation topics that may prove useful to you. I do hope you take inspiration from these dissertation topics in an attempt to stimulate your writing process from the outset. Please be mindful that the below nursing dissertation topics have been submitted to universities and are offered as a guide for reference purposes.

Nursing Dissertation – Levels of Stress among Experienced Nurses

Nursing Dissertation – Prevalence of Schizophrenia in Urban Regions

Nursing Dissertation – The Expanding Role of Mental Health Nurse Prescribing

Nursing Dissertation – Predisposing Risk Factors of Breast Cancer

Nursing Dissertation – Nursing Shortages and Counter Solutions

Nursing Dissertation – Analysis into the Place of Ethnic Minorities in Nursing and Midwifery NHS Workforce

Whether you choose to write your nursing dissertation on the topics above or if you have come up with your own nursing dissertation topic, you need to ensure that you write your research on something you are interested in and knowledgeable on. As previously mentioned you can alleviate a lot of pressure when writing research on a field of nursing you are familiar with. It is worthwhile noting that writing a nursing dissertation topic is similar to writing a dissertation in another discipline as it has the same form of structure and layout. There will be an introduction, literature review, hypothesis, methodology, data analysis, results and findings and bibliography sections. However, the initial step is to select a suitable nursing dissertation topic from the outset, you will subsequently develop a research proposal on what you have established as your nursing dissertation topic.

Nursing Dissertation Help

Always keep close to your designated dissertation supervisor. You never know when you need their advice and guidance – this support is priceless. A dissertation supervisor can always put you back on track especially if you deviate away from your chosen nursing dissertation topic. Also, you will get help on your nursing dissertation structure. This is essential as you do not want to write a nursing dissertation using a bespoke structure, this will ultimately lower your overall grade.

You need to dedicate time to your nursing dissertation proposal. You will find that your dissertation proposal is a key milestone in your research project. It should be succinct and will describe the statement of intent for your nursing dissertation. Your supervisor will have a clear understanding to what you are researching and what the dissertation aims and objectives are. A synopsis of the hypotheses should be included in the dissertation proposal.

Fully utilize readily available information. You will find that you will have a plethora of nursing related research at your disposal, utilizing this research will be a key component of the literature review contained within your nursing dissertation. You need to ensure you do not plagiarize any material and reference all material in accordance with your university’s guidelines. I suggest using online libraries for current research such as Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), EBSCO and JSTOR. It is safe to say that your university will access to these resources and it will benefit your nursing dissertation topic as you will be referencing credible material.

I hope you enjoy reading this post and that you have added confidence in wiring your own nursing dissertation topic. I would be grateful if you could leave a comment below.

Advertising Dissertations

Advertising Dissertations

I have been asked by marketing students who have purchased Advertising Dissertations from our website to write a blog post relating to advertising within the marketing arena. With this in mind, I have taken a couple of hours to construct this post on advertising.

Definitions of Advertising

Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are intended to inform or influence people who receive them. Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or service. Advertising is bringing a product (or service) to the attention of potential and current customers. It is focused on one particular product or service. Thus, an advertising plan for one product might be very different than that for another product. Advertising is typically done with signs, brochures, commercials, direct mailings or e-mail messages, personal contact, etc. These are benefits fields of marketing for students writing advertising dissertations.

Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some action upon products, ideals, or services. It includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer, to persuade a target market to purchase or to consume that particular brand. These brands are usually paid for or identified through sponsors and viewed via various media, This is a particular interest field of marketing for students writing advertising dissertations.

Importance of Advertising Dissertations

Advertising can also serve to communicate an idea to a mass amount of people in an attempt to convince them to take a certain action, such as encouraging ‘environmentally friendly’ behaviors, and even unhealthy behaviors through food consumption, video game and television viewing promotion, and a “lazy man” routine through a loss of exercise.

Modern advertising developed with the rise of mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Mass media can be defined as any media meant to reach a mass amount of people. This topics are essential for These are benefits fields of marketing for students writing marketing and advertising dissertations. Several types of mass media are television, internet, radio, news programs, and published pictures and articles.

Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their products or services through branding, which involves the repetition of an image or product name in an effort to associate related qualities with the brand in the minds of consumers. Different types of media can be used to deliver these messages, including traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, outdoor or direct mail; or new media such as websites and text messages. Non-commercial advertisers that spend money to advertise items other than a consumer product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations and governmental agencies. Nonprofit organizations may rely on free modes of persuasion, such as a public service announcement.

Advertising serves three main purposes:

  1. To get or win new customers.
  2. To increase use of products or services among existing customers.
  3. To help potential customers make a choice among competing brands.

Advertising is the best way to communicate to the customers. Advertising helps informs the customers about the brands available in the market and the variety of products useful to them. Advertising is for everybody including kids, young and old. It is done using various media types, with different techniques and methods most suited. For every organization and every product or service, advertising tends to fulfill a specific goal or objective. Nevertheless on the general front, advertising is a mechanism that fulfills all, some or one of the three major functions:

Firstly advertising has an informing nature – about organizations, about products and services, about the environment, the society, the trends in society and many more aspects of life. This deals with the cognitive context of the target audience in which they grasp the information and channelize it according to their own comprehension and predilection.

Secondly advertising provides the incentives to viewers for them to engage in action. This deals with the emotional dimension of the target audience, which concentrates on touching and persuading the consumers rather than informing and apprising them.

The third function of advertising is to provide constant reminders and reinforcements to generate the desired behavior the advertiser wants from them. This is a particularly effective function in the long run as reminders and reinforcements register in the consumers’ minds, becoming the base on which they shape their future decisions. There are many existing marketing dissertation based in these areas.

There are a few reasons for advertising some of which are like this:

  • Increasing the sales of the product / service
  • Creating and maintaining a brand identity or brand image
  • Communicating a change in the current product
  • Introduction of a new service
  • Increasing the buzz-value of the brand or the company

You can base your advertising dissertation on the above topics.

Types of Advertising

There are types of advertising objectives which are:

  • Informative advertising where the objective is to build primary demand in the introduction or pioneering stage of a product
  • Persuasive advertising where the objective is to build selective or comparative demand in the competitive or growth stage of a product.
  • Reminder advertising with mature products and reinforcement advertising which seeks to assure current purchasers that they have made the right choice.

And there are the following major advertising media types:

  • Print advertising – newspapers, magazines, brochures, fliers, yellow pages, newsletters etc.
  • Outdoor advertising – billboards, kiosks, trade-shows, events etc.
  • Broadcast advertising – TV, Radio, mobile (back-lit) vans or autos etc.
  • Online advertising – Telephone, SMS/MMS, emails, pop ups, banner ads, video ads etc.

Objectives of Advertising

Four main Objectives of advertising are:

  1. Trial
  2. Continuity
  3. Brand switch
  4. Switching back

Let’s take a look on these various types of objectives.

Trial: the companies which are in their introduction stage generally work for this objective. The trial objective is the one which involves convincing the customers to buy the new product introduced in the market. Here, the advertisers use flashy and attractive ads to make customers take a look on the products and purchase for trials.

Continuity: this objective is concerned about keeping the existing customers to stick on to the product. The advertisers here generally keep on bringing something new in the product and the advertisement so that the existing customers keep buying their products.

Brand switch: this objective is basically for those companies who want to attract the customers of the competitors. Here, the advertisers try to convince the customers to switch from the existing brand they are using to their product.

Switching back: this objective is for the companies who want their previous customers back, who have switched to their competitors. The advertisers use different ways to attract the customers back like discount sale, new advertise, some reworking done on packaging, etc.

Advertising Dissertations
Advertising Dissertations

Advertising Management

Advertising simply put is telling and selling the product. Advertising Management though is a complex process of employing various media to sell a product or service. This process begins quite early from the marketing research and encompasses the media campaigns that help sell the product.

Without an effective advertising management process in place, the media campaigns are not that fruitful and the whole marketing process goes for a toss. Hence, companies that believe in an effective advertising management process are always a step ahead in terms of selling their goods and services.

As mentioned above, advertising management begins from the market research phase. At this point, the data produced by marketing research is used to identify what types of advertising would be adequate for the specific product.

Gone are the days when there was only print and television advertising was available to the manufacturers. These days apart from print and television, radio, mobile, and Internet are also available as advertising media. Advertising management process in fact helps in defining the outline of the media campaign and in deciding which type of advertising would be used before the launch of the product.

The Strengths of Advertising as a Marketing Technique?

Advertising, being an utterly vital segment of the promotional dimension of marketing, has its share of strengths in its role as a marketing technique. There are other elements in the promotional mix as well such as sales promotion, publicity and direct marketing, nevertheless advertising has an exclusive strength to reach a mass audience.

The reach factor is very important that accentuates the significance of advertising in the process of marketing as well as branding. Furthermore advertising is an essential tool to introduce products for the first time in the market. Not only that but it also illustrates any modifications and alterations in the product or service that it is advertising. Moreover it proves to be a very effective source of reminding and reinforcing the impact of its communication of the product, not letting the consumers forget about it. Last but not the least it persuades the target audience and shapes their buying decisions.

Advertising gives companies and businesses the opportunity to build up a brand and an identity. The distinct adverts in both TV and print form are instantly recognizable as the company’s own and give it an identity as a clean, modern and reputable brand. Advertisements need to relate to current trends and sell both a product individually as well as the company as a whole. If an advertisement succeeds at both it can help draw an audience to the product or service and build a relationship between the consumer and company. Establishing this connection should lead to a boost in sales for the business. Many advertising dissertations we have in our collection encompass marketing techniques.

AIDA Model: Measurement of Effectiveness of Advertisement

This theory is based on the premise that during a sales presentation, the prospect consciously goes through four different stages: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. The components of this theory believe that the salesperson should design his presentation in such a manner which takes care of all these stages of the process of selling. The details of these components are as follows:

A: Attention

The salesperson should attract the prospect to his presentation before he actually goes into the details of the same. This is to ensure that the prospect becomes receptive to the presentation.
Here the need for securing attention is must. It’s a fact that usually the prospect may be busy in his routine jobs or daily assignments. Thus, before meeting the salesperson, the prospect’s mind may be engaged in something other than the concerned product, about which the salesperson in going to talk.
Unless the salesperson involves the prospect’s mind in the presentation, his total effort may go unnoticed or unregistered. Drawing the prospect’s attention, therefore, is as good as to detach him from other assignments and involving him in the presentation, both physically and mentally, so as to gain maximum from the sales meeting.

I: Interest

Once the salesperson has successfully gained the prospect’s attention, he should maintain the interest of the prospect throughout the presentation. In other words, the salesperson should ensure that the prospect remains glued to his presentation throughout its length and that he does not wander away from the same. The salesperson should be aware of the interest, likes, dislikes, attitude and motivation of the prospect and should proceed with the presentation, keeping in view all the factors.

D: Desire

To create a strong desire in the prospect’s mind to purchase his product is the next important step. The salesperson should consciously try to bring the prospect into this stage of readiness on the point of buying his product. He should concentrate on projecting the benefits of his product to the prospect. He should go even to the extent of presenting benefits according to the motivation of the prospect.

The salesperson should also be prepared to anticipate the resistance to his sales presentation in terms of objections or questions from the prospect. Not only that, he should be prepared with several answers and explanations to the anticipated objections.

A: Action

Once the salesperson has been successful in taking his prospect through the three stages, he should induce them into actually buying the product. Sometimes even after going through the three stages of Attention, Interest and Desire; the prospect may still have some doubt or some disinterest which will stop him from taking the final decision of actually buying the product. Hence, it becomes an important task for the salesperson to help his prospect in taking the final decision. At this stage; the salesperson tries to push the prospect into a situation to take a decision; and the deal is closed skillfully and successfully. This is what is expected of a salesperson in this stage – this is ideal research for advertising dissertations.

Importance of Advertising

Advertising plays a very important role in today’s age of competition. Advertising is one thing which has become a necessity for everybody in today’s day to day life, be it the producer, the traders, or the customer. Many companies rely on advertising these days to boost sales of their products or services, to build a connection with their audience and to create competition with their rival firms.

Advertising is important for the customers

Advertising plays a very important role in customers’ life. Customers are the people who buy the product only after they are made aware of the products available in the market. If the product is not advertised, no customer will come to know what products are available and will not buy the product even if the product was for their benefit.

One more thing is that advertising helps people find the best products for themselves, their kids, and their family. When they come to know about the range of products, they are able to compare the products and buy so that they get what they desire after spending their valuable money. Thus, advertising is important for the customers. Current consumers can also be kept up to date with the latest products and services available to them.

Advertising is important for the seller and companies producing the products

Advertising plays very important role for the producers and the sellers of the products, because:

  • Advertising helps increasing sales
  • Advertising helps producers or the companies to know their competitors and plan accordingly to meet up the level of competition.
  • If any company wants to introduce or launch a new product in the market, advertising will make a ground for the product. Advertising helps making people aware of the new product so that the consumers come and try the product.
  • Advertising helps creating goodwill for the company and gains customer loyalty after reaching a mature age.
  • The demand for the product keeps on coming with the help of advertising and demand and supply become a never ending process.

The above components of advertising can be found in many of the advertising dissertations we have on offer.

Advertising is important for the society

Advertising helps educating people. There are some social issues also which advertising deals with like immoral labor, liquor consumption, smoking, family planning education, etc. thus, advertising plays a very important role in society. You will find many dissertations relating to advertising in the marketing dissertation section of the website. Below is a list of some advertising dissertations we have available:

Advertising Dissertation – The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Behaviour

Advertising Dissertation – Advertising and Semiotics as Meaningful Signs

Advertising Dissertation – Effects of Advertising and Its Impact on the Consumption of Alcohol by Young People

Advertising Dissertation – Creative Advertising versus Direct Marketing

Why bother writing an Advertising Dissertation?

There is no doubt that advertising is critical in any business. It is, however, a misunderstood element of business success. A lot of people in the business world think that advertising is all about brand names, logos and signs while others think it is only a synonym for marketing. However, that is not the case. What you need to understand about brand strategy is the fact that you, as a business, will need to base your brand strategy on a unique and authentic idea that will connect with your customers and potential and help create a positive emotional bond.  In other words, an excellent brand strategy should set apart your business or products and services from the competition.

A well-crafted brand strategy will provide a foundation for businesses to create their own niche and consistent demand in the market. When a clear brand strategy is implemented in a business, it will, beyond any reasonable doubt, help create a group of loyal customers who will always want to buy your products or services regardless of how the economy is doing or the trends in the markets.

Collection of Advertising Dissertations

Brand strategy is, therefore, essential to any business irrespective of its size, since it is a tool to convey the right message of your products and services, and your business at large, to your potential customers. On the other hand, an effective sales strategy will certainly have an impact on the cost of your product, for instance, it’s packaging, advertising strategies, marketing and distribution channels to mention but a few. That is one of the many reasons why sales strategy must be handled with the magnitude it deserves if you really are determined to grow your business to greater heights. It is safe to say many advertising dissertations have been written on this subject.

Another area that businesses should focus on is developing revenue driven strategy in order to boost not only their sales but profits as well. That is something which any business, especially the small and medium sized businesses, cannot afford to forgo. Create one for your business and you will live to love the outcome. No doubt you can incorporate this into your advertising dissertation and read up on the advertising dissertations we have on offer.

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