Global Development China Dissertations

Global Development in China

According to Yang (2016), global development is a wider concept concerned with the level of development of a state weighed on an international scale. Reflecting on global development with China as our case study, we would consider the position in which China’s development can be placed on an international scale. On the other hand, social capital reflects on the relations which can guarantee a nation some competitive advantage over the other nations. Effectively employed social capital creates a good environment in which a nation can thrive (Fine, 2010). This essay focuses on the relationship between the communism and religion and how minorities are treated in China.

In the bid to increase the rate of development within a nation, the aspect of social capital cannot be overlooked. Besides being a core factor to establishing togetherness, social capital ensures all the components of an economy are made available. For example, in the case of China, religion offered many confrontations to the communist which makes it difficult for the leaders to rule with no ideological sanction. With social capital, the fundamental cultural will be incorporated in a nations’ development agenda that guarantee goodwill and commitment from the stakeholders (Fine, 2010).

With no doubt, democracy is the sole factor which contributes significantly to instilling cooperative civil societies and functional social capital. According to Fine (2010), democracy as the rule of the people by the people ensuring all the agenda of the community is presented for consideration during decision-making. Apparently, development is a very sensitive agenda that calls for participation of all the society members; with which a ruling government has high control over what a nation can achieve. Hence democracy comes in to harmonize and present the demands of people creating an effective civil society.

Lack of social capital offers a huge bearing on the ability of a state to develop. This aspect can be justified when a society is not oriented for the same purpose; some of the political leaders, in this case, are more self-centered other than providing the service they were destined by the citizens. Usage of patronage highly denotes that a society tends to put into power those that provide them with incentives. On the other hand, corruption kills efforts as most of the capacity to develop a nation ends up in the hands of a few individuals (Lovell, 2005).

Chinese Global Development

A state which has high development capacity is at a higher chance of establishing and maintaining better social capital. With the virtual of having a promising development direction, a nation will attract more social capital from neighboring nations which constitute significantly to the sustainable future development. Whenever a state capacity is directed towards achieving the development agenda, a greater pool of social capital will be influenced (Lovell, 2005).

In terms of global development, China is the largest united multi-national state which has about 56 different ethnic groups. Among them, 91.59% are the Han Chinese while the other remaining 55 ethnic groups comprise about 8.41% (Fifth National Population Census of 2000). 8.41% presents the minorities who live in China. With a population of about 1159.4 million, the largest ethnic group, Han Chinese is found in most of the parts of China. Nevertheless, they are mainly found in the lower and middle reaches of Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Songliao Plains (Fifth National Population Census of 2000).

In the world, generally, no single nation which can boast of establishing a very good record in relation to the issue of treating minority groups. China is not exceptional. The treatment of minority is not fairly evaluated on the basis of sociological and political standards. However, there exist policies that protect the minority from further exploitation. The minorities in China are protected under the regional autonomy to settle in multiple regions. Such regions include; Ningxia, Tibet, Xinjiang, Guangxi, and Mongolia (Guo, 2008).

According to China’s State Council, China has maintained ancient forms of religion, such as Taoism and Buddhism. However, with increasing radicalization, the country’s belief system is taking a new edge and becoming increasingly diverse. About 61% of the Chinese population comprises the people who are strict followers of Atheism, 26% are followers of Confucian Philosophies, 6% adheres to Buddhist, 2% adheres to Christianity, and about 2% follow Islamic belief. These religions, however, raised many traction with communistic policies as every branch hold a diverse view on work, religion, and political leadership.

In conclusion, global development, social capital and civil societies are a perfect combination that a nation can use to make leverage of development capacity. With an efficient social capital, a nation is at an upper hand to attain its development agenda compared to another that has no goodwill with its social capital. In regard to China, the existence of many ethnic groups has ensured a huge pool of social capital which can be attributed to its massive growth and development. Corruption and patronage can be blamed for dragging a country’s development agenda backward. Whenever political regime is not oriented towards delivering the demands of the citizens, ethnicity will be bound to occur since there is no uniting factor to bring the people together for a common goal and increase Global Development ambitions.


Fifth National Population Census (2000) China’s Population Demography and Ethnic Groups.

Fine, B. (2010). Global Development China, Social Capital versus Social History. In Theories of Social Capital: Researchers Behaving Badly (pp. 90-109) Pluto Books.

Guo, X. (2008) State and Ethnicity in China’s Southwest and Global Development in China. Leiden: Brill.

Lovell, D. (2005) Corruption as a Transitional Phenomenon: Understanding Endemic Corruption in the Post-Communist States. In Haller D. & Shore C. (Eds.), Corruption: Anthropological Perspectives (pp. 65-82) Pluto Books.

Yang, F. (2016) “From Made in China to Create in China”: Nation Branding and the Global-National Imaginary. In Faked in China: Nation Branding, Counterfeit Culture, and Globalization (pp. 31-63) Indiana University Press.

Global Development in China
Global Development in China

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Chinese Business Dissertations – Click To View

MBA Dissertation – Chinese Business Culture – This dissertation aspires to contribute to an understanding of the nature and pace of change in China’s business culture and the implications of such change for the country’s business environment and global development. China’s emergence as a nascent economic superpower is the subject of increasing attention and focus among contemporary observers of international business and international relations.

The effects of China’s transition from communism to capitalism have become increasingly pervasive and far-reaching. China’s transformation has, however, been accompanied by an underlying tension between on the one hand the need to embrace foreign concepts and practices in the interest of economic development and on the other a wariness of the outside world, which is attributable to a distinctive cultural heritage and a legacy of foreign exploitation and subsequent isolationism in China’s modern history. This dialectic of modernity and tradition raises interesting questions about China from a business culture perspective. The search for an optimal balance between continuity and change is an ongoing challenge, which every society faces.

Dissertation Comparative Analysis Into India and China as I.T. Outsourcing Destinations – Globalization of economies over the past decade has given rise to intense global competition and has compelled business managers to improve their quality and to reduce the cycle time in introducing new products and services. Improvement in the field of telecommunication and data transmission has fostered the growth of the phenomenon of Outsourcing in which corporations are seen to outsource their non core processes to low wage economies like India and China.

This is done on a very large scale by global corporations, not only to take advantage of the labor arbitrage but also to enable them to concentrate on their core processes, thereby resulting in reduced lead-time in the introduction of new products. The main research problem is to compare the two countries with an aim to finding out which of these economies is better poised to seize an increasing share in the global IT-ITES operations while taking global development into account.

Investigation into the Real Estate Industry in China – Real Estate Industry (REI) is pivotal to China’s economic development which relates to people benefit, entrepreneur development and country safe. REI relates with many industries and develops into one of major industry. Development of China REI on the one hand lacks of funds and exists on the need for foreign capital; on the other hand, the existence of international hot money ensures adequate space for foreign capital to stay into. With China’s accession to WTO, it gradually increases the degree of opening up in REI, its opportunities and challenges both exist.

REI is considered as China’s last violent industry in many institutions’ and individuals’ eyes. Therefore, foreign investors have accelerated efforts to develop China REI. However, the inflow of foreign capital is a double-edged sword and has both positive and negative effects existing. To REI, many research in foreign investment has been done, the research of foreign investment in Real Estate has been rarely done. REI has become more and more important in China, so it is necessary to make a research on this subject.

International Business Entry Mode in China – Today economic globalization is far more intensive, rapid and to develop the domestic economy through utilization of foreign capital flow is becoming a country’s common objective. Foreign investment becomes an essential part for the healthy growth of the host country’s economy, but the attitudes and the policies taken by the host countries especially the developing countries are varying. Therefore it is important to learn and know the attitudes and policies of the host countries for foreign firms before making investment. In addition, the country’s culture and market environment greatly affect different types of entry modes.

This dissertation explored the characters of different types of entry modes and seeking through various aspects that affect the decision making on choosing the right form of entry mode in China. Now China becomes the largest country in attracting foreign capitals among developing countries. A comprehensive examination and adjustment of China’s strategies in utilization of foreign capitals has been an important topic that cannot be ignored.

External Finance and Firm Performance : Evidence From China – The important role that financial institutions play in promoting firm growth and firm performance has been demonstrated by substantial empirical research based on both cross-country and within-country studies. However, firms have achieved considerable success in many developing economies where the financial sector is far from established. The experience of China’s economic development seems to present a counter-example to the literature on financial institutions and development.

Despite inadequacies in the country’s formal financial institutions such as banks and stock markets, China has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world. This appears to suggest that alternative channels of finance have been a substitute for formal financial systems and supported the rapid development of China’s firms. One widely suggested mechanism in the literature is that firms in developing economies such as China rely to a large degree on alternative external financing, such as trade credit and foreign capital.

What challenges Textile structure of Shandong Province Face in the Developmental process of Industries? A Study of Textile Industries in Shandong Province China? – In the modern era of global development, China’s influence in the world economy was minimal until the late 1980s. At that time, economic reforms begun after 1978 began to generate significant and steady growth in investment, consumption and standards of living. China now participates extensively in the world market and private sector companies play a major role in the economy. Since 1978, hundreds of millions have been lifted out of poverty, according to China’s official statistics; the poverty rate fell from 53% in 1985 to 2.5% in 2010.

However, 10.8% of people still live on less than $1 a day (PPP-adjusted).The infant mortality rate fell 39.5% between 1995 and 2010, and maternal mortality by 41.1%.Access to telephones during the period rose more than 94-fold, to 57.1%. China has generally implemented reforms in a gradualist fashion. As its role in world has steadily grown, its importance to the international has also increased apace. China’s foreign trade has grown faster than its GDP for the past 25 years. China’s growth come both on huge state investment in infrastructure and heavy industry and from private sector expansion in light industry instead of just exports, whose role in the economy appears to have been significantly overestimated.

In 2008 thousands of private companies closed down and the government announced plans to expand the public sector to take up the slack caused by the global in the capitalist world. Shandong Province as an important component of China’s textile industry, global development, its development process and challenges has the value of research and study.

Analysis into the Consumer Behaviour Characteristics of the Chinese Automobile Industry – China is the biggest consumer and producer of automobiles in the world today. In spite of this, there has not been enough research performed in the field of Chinese consumer behaviour within automobiles industry in China. This particular study investigates the significance of country image and country of origin in Chinese consumer purchase intentions and evaluations of automobiles.

The respondents were located in different cities of China who were surveyed. Conjoint analysis had been used for deriving the significance of country of origin compared to other attributes in making preference judgments whereas multiple regressions were used for deriving the significance of country image in the purchase intentions. It was seen that country of origin is as significant as brand name and more significant than safety, reliability and price in making product evaluations. It was also seen that workmanship, reliability and superior prestige were the most significant reasons for the purchase preferences of the Chinese respondents for the foreign automobiles compared to the Chinese brands.

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Modular Construction Dissertation

The Benefits and Uptake of UK Modular Construction

The objective of this dissertation is to examine the size and dynamics of the UK modular industry now whilst exploring the government legislation and policies impacting its growth and uptake. A review on how the industry is set to evolve and grow in future is undertaken by study of present literature and qualitative interview analysis. The dissertation goes on to examine the benefits that will occur in the future as a result of this growth, both to the industry as a whole and at a more detailed level the modular construction industry.

The UK construction industry has continued to grow year on year since 2012 with an increased activity in commercial building, the housing market and civil engineering infrastructure. With this steady growth construction firms have been more willing to invest and expand to meet demand as government incentives such as the ‘help to buy’ scheme has made the housing market especially buoyant, helping to boost the whole industry but especially the modular construction sector.

The construction market is forecasted to slow in growth throughout 2018 however the construction industry will still receive the most investment of any major industry due to the rise in demand for office blocks, infrastructure and housing. With this steady growth it is to be expected that modular construction within the industry will also increase in correlation with this. The benefits of modular construction have been well documented. Its use throughout the history of the UK construction industry started with the introduction of prefabricated sections which were fast to install and avoided longer assembly times on site. The ability for offsite fabrication to reduce construction time has been seen as a benefit since the skill shortages and large scale need for fast construction that was created after the end of World War II. However, at this time the technology was not in place to provide this combination of high quality building and faster programme and so it fell out of favour with contractors and clients alike who were not willing to compromise quality with speed.

This bad image through the ages has left a stigma on pre-fabrication in the construction industry which developers are trying to shift in order to access the rewards offered by it. More recently however technological advances have now improved to accommodate a combination of quality and speed however uptake is still not as high as one might expect for such a seemingly revolutionary technology.

Dissertation Objectives

  • Investigate the government policies that promotes the use of modular construction in the UK industry
  • Research what benefits modular construction can provide to the current housing shortage faced by the UK
  • Investigate the economic benefits that a more active modular construction industry would bring
  • Investigate areas of future expansion for modular construction, exploring less conventional methods of application
Modular Construction Dissertation
Modular Construction Dissertation

Dissertation Contents

1: Introduction
Research background
Research Gap
Research Objectives
Dissertation Structure

2: Literature Review
An overview of modular construction
What is modular construction?
Benefits of modular construction
How large is the modular construction industry
Government legislation affecting the modular construction industry
Government strategy pushing modular construction
Modular building framework
Modular construction to help with skill shortage
To what extent can modular construction alleviate the UK housing shortage?
Previous impact of modular construction on the housing sector
Benefits that modern modular construction can bring to the UK housing shortage
What areas of future expansion are there for modular?
Hybrid modular systems
Removing limitations of delivering modules to site
Modular construction in civil engineering
What benefits will a more active modular construction industry bring
Research questions

3: Research Methodology
Research Approach
Data Collection
Primary Data
Secondary Data
Selection of Data Collection Method
Interview Design
Interviewee Sampling
Ethical Considerations

4: Analysis and Results
Thematic analysis
Interview Structure
Interviewee profiles
Analysis and results
The importance of modular construction
How important government policy is on construction trends
Experience of working with modular construction
Making modular a more attractive alternative in the industry
The future of modular construction

5: Discussion
Discussion of objectives
Discussion of research questions

6: Conclusion and Recommendations
Conclusion on the Results
Limitation of the Research
Further Research Recommendation

Interview Questions

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Intellectual Property Business Environment

Intellectual Property

The existing competitive business environment requires the entrepreneurs to identify unique problem-solving strategies to make them overcome competition. Hence, it is vital for them to protect their exclusive creation from other parties who can benefit from the knowledge. Plainly, intellectual property is a new invention that results from the creativity of an individual who has full entitlement to it. Such ideas need protection to deter other parties from using them in making a profit without the consent of the owner. Particularly, the possessors need a statutory protection of their products by registering them to ensure that they can legally claim the ownership of the invention. Different intellectual properties provide complete cover to various kinds of new ideas. Considerably, Sam had an intellectual property right over the list he created despite committing a tort by shoving Natalie.

Specifically, there are four broad categories of intellectual property which include copyright, patent, trademark, and trade secret (Posner, 2005, p. 66). Markedly, copyright deals with the original works of authors, film producers, or programmers. Thus, they include books, movies, computer programs, and articles among others. Ideally, a patent is an invention of an object that improves its performance. On the other hand, trademark involves symbols, words, or a phrase that uniquely identifies a person or a company. Finally, trade secrets are secret formula or information possessed by an individual to gives him or her competitive advantage over others. Sadly, the information that falls under this category are not original enough to merit the protection of copyright, neither are they novel to sufficiently guarantee a patent protection. Nevertheless, the endorsement of the federal law limits the theft of trade secrets (Kinsella, 2001, p. 5). Agreeably, Sam’s client list falls into this category since it gave him an advantage over other employees and he needed to keep it private, justifying his actions by copying the files without the knowledge of the authority.

Essentially, the law provides for the best plans to incorporate in safeguarding the fresh ideas that other people may steal. As in the case with Sam, he had his client list that he did not want any other party to access. Since he did not want to follow the lengthy procedure that the law requires in registering newfound knowledge, he decided to keep the data without the assistance of the authority. Unfortunately, his choice proved costly because he stored the data in the workstation of ABC Paper Corp. Interestingly, keeping the data in the computers of the company gave the firm a right to the information therein (Posner, 2005, p. 68). Therefore, leaving his client list in that location granted the company all the rights over the details in his file. Consequently, Sam was to communicate with the relevant authorities regarding the information stored on their computers rather than sneaking into the room of equipment and plugging in his drive. Thus, the first unethical act committed by Sam was accessing the room and the computers without authorization.

Moreover, plugging a drive into the computer of the firm was unethical. Most enterprises forbid employees from plugging in external drives into the company’s computer system since such actions lead to loss of valuable information, access to private data, the spread of malicious software, or spying the network. Given that Sam was committing a prohibited activity, Natalie had to act. Since he suspected that he had committed an offense, he resolved to run away instead of explaining his actions to Natalie. As a result, Sam’s behavior confirmed to the boss that he had been compromising the security of the company. Unfortunately, he shoved Natalie aside in her attempt to prevent him from escaping. Undoubtedly, all the negligent acts of Sam were unethical. Henceforth, although he sought after his client list, the procedures he used convicted him for criminal activities.

Intellectual Property Business Environment
Intellectual Property Business Environment

In essence, the government has established laws to protect the public from undue injuries. Accordingly, tort laws safeguard and handle the treatment of the injured individuals due to the recklessness of another party. A tort occurs when a person inflicts an injury on another person and the latter sues for the damages caused (“Babcock Law Firm,” 2017). Usually, an injury case can result in different categorizations that require the law to have defined procedures for handling each occurrence. As a result, tort lawsuits are the largest group of civil litigation (“Babcock Law Firm,” 2017). However, there is three generalization of the types of injuries handled by the law namely negligence, intentional torts, and strict liability.

Accordingly, intentional torts result from the purposeful engagement in an activity that can cause damage to another person. For instance, initiating a fight against another person exposes the offender to an intentional tort. On the other hand, negligence tort illustrates the every citizen has the moral code of conduct that one should follow. Failure to adhere to such rules poses a risk to other individuals and can lead to injuries or damages. The occurrence of these injuries does not rely on the planned activities of the offender but the carelessness of the party and failure to grant the obligation owed to another. Agreeably, this is the most common type of tort (“Babcock Law Firm,” 2017). Undoubtedly, Sam committed negligence tort when he shoved Natalie aside while escaping interrogation. He did not intend to injure her, but the push caused the concussion. In truth, Sam failed to follow the procedures of safeguarding his data and acquiring the same. Therefore, he resolved to other activities that threatened another party, Natalie. Truly, he was the only offender who committed a tort.

Most of Sam’s actions subjected him to criminal liability. Specifically, he plugged in his external drive to the computer without the authorization of the firm. After that, he decided to run away when the boss arrived to investigate the matter. He was supposed to explain the issue to Natalie instead of fleeing. Escaping made him guilty of committing an unknown offense. During his escape he shoved Natalie aside, committing the negligence tort. Hence, due to the illegal entry into the company’s workstation, copying the data, and causing injury to Natalie, Sam was criminally liable for his acts.

All in all, intellectual property ensures that the new works of people are safe from access by other individuals. Accordingly, Sam’s client list merited trade secret protection since it gave him a competitive advantage over others. Throughout his dealings, Sam faced criminal liabilities which include a negligence tort when he caused injury to Natalie. Therefore, his poor plans in protecting his intellectual property put him at risk of prosecution.


Kinsella, N. S. (2001). Against intellectual property. Journal of Libertarian Studies, 15(2), 1-53.

Posner, R. A. (2005). Intellectually property: The law and economics approach. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19(2), 57-73.

The 3 different types of tort law. (2017). The Babcock Law Firm LLC.

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Financial Ratios Financing Constraints

Impact of Financial Ratios and Financing Constraints on Firms

Importance of financial ratios and financing constraints on modern business. The target audiences of this paper are investors looking for financial investment options and small business firms seeking growth.  Therefore, the article and information might be contained in a financial magazine such as wall street journal. The goal of this paper is to inform audiences on the important financial ratios, and how they are important in determining whether a company is worth investing in or not. Any business owner will want to find out the performance of his or her company in order to make informed management decisions.

In addition, an investor will want to have accurate financial position of any business firm for investment decision processes. In this regard, business organizations and financial analysts use a variety of analytical tools that are aimed at comparing the existing relative strengths and weaknesses of their businesses. These basic tools and techniques have enabled the investors as well as the analysts to develop fundamental analysis systems (Butzen & Fuss, 2003). Therefore, ratio analysis was developed as a tool that established the functions of quantitative analysis in the financial statement numbers. These ratios link the financial statements and determine figures that are comparable between sectors, companies, and across industries. Therefore, financial ratios have a significant financial analysis technique that is used for comparative analysis.

Financial Ratios and Business Growth

Small and growing business firms use financial ratios to determine how their businesses perform.  A significant financial ratio is the activity ration that is used in measuring how companies are efficient in utilizing their assets (World Bank, 2005). Therefore a negative ratio will force a company or an organization to either increase or decrease their assets or liabilities. These ratios are widely used by investors who can easily check out the overall operation of a prospective company for investment decisions (Harrison et al, 2002). If the overall performance of a company is determined to be poor, a company may lose investor confidence and as a result, lose business.

In addition, activity ratios are deemed to be turnover ratios that are associated with a balance sheet line item and an income statement line item. Generally, income statements are used for measuring the performance of any company, but for a specified period of time. However, the balance sheet provides data for a specific point in time. The advantage of using activity ratios is that they are able to give an average figure between the two financial statements. This means that companies or organizations are able to determine the rate of turning over their liabilities or assets. This helps the companies to control their receivables or inventories per year (Harrison et al, 2002).

Moreover, there are inventory turnovers that are used in the management effectiveness of any business organization (Butzen & Fuss, 2003). This ratio is determined when the cost of goods sold is divided by the average inventory. In this regard, a company is able to know whether its inventory is sold at a higher rate, when the turnover is recorded to be high.

Financial Ratios Essays
Financial Ratios Essays

This ratio is then significant in giving companies signals for inventory management effectiveness. In addition, this kind of inventory ratio communicates that there are less resources which are tied up in the company’s inventory (Butzen & Fuss, 2003). However, it is also important to understand that an unusually high turnover means that the company’s inventories are too lean. Consequently, the management discovers that the company may be ineffective in keeping up with the demand that is increasing (Harrison et al, 2003). Therefore the management is forced to act swiftly in adjusting the company’s operations to fit a favorable inventory ratio. Investors are keen in checking out companies with high inventory turnovers since it means that that specific industry gets stale quickly, thus an attractive investment option.

Another significant financial ratio is the receivables turnover ratio, that enables a business organization determines how fast it collects the bills that are outstanding (Harrison et al, 2002). This specific ratio determines the effectiveness of any company credit policy towards its customers. In this regard, negative receivables will force a company to have stringent credit policies that are aimed at ensuring that bills are collected as easily and fast as possible (Butzen & Fuss, 2003). This particular ratio is achieved by dividing the all the net revenues with the average receivables. In this case a company is able to know how many times per financial period, it is able to collect all its outstanding bills and have the cash used in the operations of the business.

However, it is important for a prospective investor to understand that a high turnover does not only indicate that the company is operating in the best interests of its customers. A high turn over may also indicate that the business company policies are too stringent and thus the company is missing out on sales opportunities to its competitors (Harrison, et al, 2002). Alternatively, a low turnover or which is seen declining means that the company’s customers are struggling with the credit policy that is set out by the company and thus are having trouble paying their bills. In this regard, this turnover ratio is very significant when any company is developing its credit policy.

Creditors are able to measure how effective companies are in paying off their financial obligations, when determining whether to extend their credit facilities to them. The financial ratio that is used in this case is the liquidity ratio, that helps establish any company’s ability in meeting its financial obligations usually short term financial obligations (Harrison et al, 2003). However, it is important to understand that the level of liquidity is not standard and thus varies from different existing industries. One example is a business that runs a grocery store; this business entity, usually demands cash on a regular basis in order to run its business operations. In contrast, a technological run store will need less operational cash in the daily running business operations. In addition, every business has its own unique trend over the liquidity ratio that is recorded over a financial period.

When a company wants to expand its business operations, it is the ideal option of seeking long term financial services. In this regard, a company is able to measure or determine its payback ability by calculating its solvency ratio. This is an important financial ratio that either allows a company to get long-term financing or to stay steer on it. This ratio is able to do this because it provides an insight to the capital structure of any company as well as its existing financial leverage that is being used by a firm (Butzen & Fuss, 2002). In the recent years, investors use the insolvency ratio in determining whether firms have adequate cash flows that are important in paying fixed charges or even the interest payment. Therefore, a company that presents low cash flows is deemed to be overburdened with its debts. In this scenario, investors may opt out and the company’s bondholders are likely to push the company into default.

Ratios are an important tool of making profitable financial decisions from any angle, whether as an investor or as a business firm. All these financial ratios have their own distinct impact of firms and business organizations. They present financial constraints that may hinder firms from accessing venture capital or financial aid from companies. In addition, other constraints may include rising interest rates as well as inflation (World Bank, 2005). Therefore, it is very stringent for companies strive in building contingencies in their cash flow budgets that are important in dealing with such adverse changes that may occur in the financial environment. In addition, it will be a bad idea for any start up firm to rely fully on loans from financial institutions such as banks or funding from venture capitals for their business plans (World Bank, 2005). This is because there could be a rise of financial constraints that would be unfavorable for the company. A financial constraint such as inflation could mean that raw materials or labor costs may consequently increase to higher levels causing such start ups to close business.


Butzen P., Fuss, C. (2003) Firm’s Investment and Finance Decisions: Financial Ratios Theory and Practice. New York: Routledge

Harrison, A., McMillan M., & Love, I. (2002). Global Capital Flows and Financing Constraints. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

World Bank. (2005). Financial Ratios in the Finance Sector: A Handbook. New York: International Monetary Fund.

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Gender Differences Social Media Dissertation

Cultural and Gender Differences in Information Sharing through Social Media

Dissertation Topic: Cultural and Gender Differences in Information Sharing through Social Media. The overall aim of the project is to take a closer look into the social media networking site Facebook and conduct my own research into how people generally use Facebook, the impact and implications Facebook has on a user, the thoughts on privacy with regards to Facebook and to see if a participants ethnic background has an effect on the way they use the site. I will also be analyzing both male and female participants to see if there are any significant differences with regards to their Facebook activity, what they post and what personal information they choose to share. During this study I will look closely into the attitudes of users when posting content, their own censorship and consideration for others when posting content of themselves and others.

At the end of this marketing dissertation I aim to have a clearer insight and a greater understanding into a users cultural or ethnic background and if this has any effect on the way that they use or see Facebook and if there are any outstanding correlations between variables also to see if there are any significant differences between male and female participants and how they use Facebook. Since the advancement of the Internet, Social Media has become a huge part to play in everyday life. Communication and Information sharing through different types of Social Media platforms is at its highest and more and more people are choosing to use these methods.

Cultural Gender Differences Information Sharing Social Media

This marketing dissertation aims to use a method that will help draw out concise results on how different cultures portray themselves through Social Media. This dissertation will consist of taking a close look as to how Social Media is used by individuals and the Social Media platform that has been chosen is Facebook. The dissertation will involve a number of phases; designing the specific method to collect the data required, carrying out the method, extracting the results collected from the method, finishing off with analysis and conclusiveness of the results. The outcome of this project is to be able to clearly differentiate between cultural groups and the way information is shared through Facebook.

Dissertation Aims

  • Gain an understanding between the use of Facebook among participants
  • Focus on ethnic background with regards to Facebook and the differences
  • Focus on the gender differences when using Facebook
  • Analyse and draw up valid conclusions based on Gender, Age, and Degree type and Personal preference i.e. Privacy on Facebook

Dissertation Contents

1 – Introduction
Overall aim of the project
Problem being addressed by the project
Motivations and usefulness of the project
Aims of the project

2 – Literature Review
Privacy on Facebook
Posting content to Facebook
Facebook Activity
Gender differences on Facebook
Cultures and Facebook

3 – Methodology
Research Methods
Individual Interviews
Focus Groups
Methodology Choice
Construction of questionnaire
Data capture plan
Time length
Potential Challenges

4 – Methodology Analysis
Overview of data collection
Questionnaire Responses
Data capture

5 – Facebook Results Analysis
Gender and Privacy
Levels of concern with privacy on Facebook
Concerns of posting content on Facebook
Self-Censoring on Facebook
Posting personal information to Facebook
Sharing personal preferences on Facebook
The type of information publicised on Facebook
Facebook Friends
Ethnic Groups
Purpose for using Facebook and account creation on Facebook
The laws and restrictions on Facebook in China
Publicising information to Facebook based on ethnic background
Privacy concerns based on ethnic background
How participants portray themselves on Facebook
Degree Scheme
Consideration of others
Untagging a photo on Facebook
Gender and Ethnic Background
Sharing phone numbers and email addresses on Facebook
What participants Facebook Friends can see
Selecting the audience on your Facebook account

6 – Conclusion
Highlights of the project
Data Analysis
Background research
Data collection
Lessons learned
Original Objectives
Final statement



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